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Need help figuring out a couple shows
Link | by on 2007-08-18 23:57:14
Hi I'm trying to figure out the names to a couple shows I remember watching sometime back, way back. The first one I believed came on around 9pm after Buffy on the WB. All I can remember about the show was it had to do with a boy who's father an alien and mother was human. The boys father left to fight in a battle while the boy was raised by his mother and father's bestfriend/bodyguard. The boy's alien side of him were known to have bright blue eyes that were used in a special way of greeting each other. Evenually the boy finds out about what he is when some enemy aliens come to kill him one day and ended up kidnapping his mother. With help from his dad's bodyguard the boy heads out to find both his parents and stop the war. Obviously not positive that's why I'm asking you guys but I think the show might have been called Deep space blue or something like it.

As for the second one I want to say it was called red planet but could never find any info that matched up. This other show had to do with a brother and sister. After just moving to their new home the kids family was attacked, the two kids excape. Spending most of their time hiding from their enemy and lost in the desert, the brother actually befriends a creature of the planet, making it his pet. Without knowing the boys new pet was a younger version of the creatures that were considered a great threat to the people of the planet. I saw this movie or show when I was way young and as I got old the show reminded me of the movie Dune but in anime. Well if anyone has any clue to what these shows are I'd appreciate the help.

Thanks for you tme,

I'm a spiritual being having a human experience. I believe that the secret of my redemption lies in remembrance; that seeking to forget will only make my exile all the longer and if I make a beast of myself I'll get rid of the pain of being a human. Leave now before I shed my human form and kill you!

Re: Need help figuring out a couple shows
Link | by CaptainJoystick on 2007-08-19 16:47:41
For some reason, both of the shows you describe remind me of this one animated series I saw on the Space Network a long time ago.

From what I understand it involved an alien invasion, a half-blooded protagonist, an alien-dog pet thing that actualy looked rather scary, and lots and lots of wasteland in the background. The only thing I realy, realy remember about it was there was a scene in which the main character infiltrated the very humanoid aliens' base, and wound up being flirted to by one of them. At the time I noticed the alien language incorperated a lot of familiar Japanese words such as 'yes' ect, but I wasn't as good with the language then as I am now, so I'm not sure if it actualy WAS japanese...

Anyway, does any of that sound familiar? Either way, BUMP!

Re: Need help figuring out a couple shows
Link | by urishima on 2007-08-19 17:14:44
Hey, I wanna use that thread too. pretty please?

Ok the Anime I'm searchin for is a Sci Fi Anime where mankind fought against a Race of sharplike aliens in space. those alienst had a head like a shark and a long tail. they traveled through space without ships in swarms and attacked in swarms.
Humans use human shaped machines/robots to fight them in space and the pilot moved them inside his 'bubble' by making the movements and the machine mimiced them.
The main character seemed to be recruits. Some of them were male and pilots, the female ones seemed to be the oporators or mechanics for these machines (only wathced half an episode so I'm not sure). One of the female characters used to wear kitty ears all the time and she had pink hair. Her friend was shy and wore glasses.

Oh and I'm quite certain that it's not Gundam or Vandread ;)

Re: Need help figuring out a couple shows
Link | by CaptainJoystick on 2007-08-19 17:34:01
Again, parts of the description seem familiar while others are completely alien to me...

I want to say... Gunbuster, or Diebuster?

Again, a couple of things, such as the cat ears, don't add up. But none the less, I think it's important to remind people to see both of these anyway.

Re: Need help figuring out a couple shows
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2007-08-20 04:16:11
@DA: The anime you describe is very similar to "Candidate of Godness" You can check out this anime Anime News Network - Goddness Of Candidate

@Abomination: Sorry can't provide you anything ~_~

mi-chan yori


Re: Need help figuring out a couple shows
Link | by on 2007-08-20 05:35:48
To CaptainJoystick: Thanks for the reply but the show you discribe seems like it might be something else not sure. I don't recall a dog but I do remember at one point the boy does make it to the enemy base where he saw his parents for a split second but that could have just been a trick on the enemies part. When I watched the show it was in english, I don't even think the aliens spoke in a different language.


I'm a spiritual being having a human experience. I believe that the secret of my redemption lies in remembrance; that seeking to forget will only make my exile all the longer and if I make a beast of myself I'll get rid of the pain of being a human. Leave now before I shed my human form and kill you!

Re: Need help figuring out a couple shows
Link | by urishima on 2007-08-20 06:46:33
I dunno. Gunbuster doesn't seem to be it, since I'm quite certain about those kitty ears. Furthermore, the drawing style of gunbuster doesn't fit, it's too old.
And I think it's not Diebuster either.

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