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Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by xxmarilynxx on 2005-04-28 17:19:44
learn japanese and chinese at the same time, while still trying to master my native languages (vietnamese and english)?

im a good language learner but i dont know if i can try japanese and chinese, does anyone have any suggestions to what i should do? are the languages any similiar?

Mitsuki: Eichi-Kun, because of you, I lived 'til this day. Because of you, I followed my dreams. Now that you're gone, I have no desire to live anymore. Wherever you are...please...take me with you...

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by GaiJin on 2005-04-28 20:27:53
since you are young I know you can.

but perhaps one language at a time. Japanese isn't as hard as one would think. Also is you ever get the shot to do study abroad that will speed up the process aswell.

I say go for it, you don't lose anything in the process.

but PERHAPS one at a time, do ask more people and find out whats the best way.

If you are japanese you must speak to me for I am always trying to learn new things!

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by Sei on 2005-04-28 21:31:49
Japanese and Chinese?? Chinese alone is hard to study already IMO.

But yeah, like what GaiJin said, it's better to learn one at a time. Japanese and Chinese are somewhat similar in terms of writing characters (since kanji are chinese characters after all... but they differ in pronunciation), but different in sentence construction and the like.

"This world must be right... and if it is, I am a bad little sheep who cannot conform to it."
- Sei Satou | Rosa Gigantea

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by Jun-san on 2005-04-29 05:59:53
heck when I was 13, I was learning Chinese letter (kanji), english, and korean. I am assure you, that you can do this! Ganbate xxmarilynxx chan

I love anime. I live anime. Do you anime?

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by Yami on 2005-04-29 10:22:07
Has anyone ever told you "you can do anything you set your mind to"
I haven't been told that either but it is good motivation.
Try and see what happens. Just know that it is not going to happen over night
Eventually you'll see results! Guaranteed

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by unknown-man on 2005-04-29 12:20:57
I think you should learn Japanese 1st because it's easier than Chinese.
Since you're 13 you'll learn Jap in a couple of years(or less)
I mean you will be able to talk like a normal person.
I think: to balance the both languages, start learning Chinese after a year(or when you can speak jap a little)

You're lucky to have the chance to learn many languages
Good Luck(more)

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by xxmarilynxx on 2005-04-29 18:57:08
ok thanx guys ^_^ you's are so nice :)

ntw jun-san, did you succeed in learning those languages? are you fluent?

just one thing im worried about: ill have an accent in english, im already beginning to develop one. i even say my sentences backwards sometimes, lol.

Mitsuki: Eichi-Kun, because of you, I lived 'til this day. Because of you, I followed my dreams. Now that you're gone, I have no desire to live anymore. Wherever you are...please...take me with you...

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by ParaParaJMo on 2005-04-29 22:16:20
I've been taking Japanese for six years and I did Chinese last summer. I tended to pick up a lot of bad habits from Japanese like using the [Subject-Object-Verb] structure into Chinese. But learning characters will defenitley be a big advantage.

If Guns Kill People Then Pencils Mispell Words

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by xxmarilynxx on 2005-05-01 09:53:12
so how's chinese for you? is it any harder? because ive tried to learn chinese, but the tones are very hard to remember.

btw, i love your signature thingy. i get, it's the people behind the guns right? not the gun itself? did you make that up?

Mitsuki: Eichi-Kun, because of you, I lived 'til this day. Because of you, I followed my dreams. Now that you're gone, I have no desire to live anymore. Wherever you are...please...take me with you...

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by Jun-san on 2005-05-01 10:12:29 (edited 2005-05-01 10:13:44)
you know xxmarilynxx -chan I can assure you that I succeeded with my English skill and Korean skill. Chinese, even though I had many honors and certificates for highest score on chinese writing competition, I am not really awsome with Chinese. I stopped studying Chinese when I came to America. My friend tells me that I speak fluent English so I guess I am fluent with english. For age of 18, I don't have accent when I speak english so... I also took Spanish till level 3. If you really want to learn Japanese, man it would be like a snap! I absorbed language like sponge. Ahh... 13... that was when i really really smart. Well good luck xxmarilynxx-chan. I assure you if you go to Japanese, the language will come to you naturally.

p.s. Master English first. Japanese people will respect you. I kinda know this cuz I was respected when i went back to Korea, after learning English.

I love anime. I live anime. Do you anime?

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by xochi on 2005-05-01 12:41:36
wow, between Japanese and Chinese, I choose Chinese, probably because i did better when i took chinese two years before i took integrated courses in Japanese.

when i took japanese, we did a lot of memorizing about hiraganas and katakanas and kanji form of writing. it was difficult since we have to master that in four months and then memorize a lot of characters, vocabularies and a lot of grammar rules in speaking japanese. what made it more difficult was aside from being aware of the order of the language's parts of speech, you have to be aware of the conjugations or how the words are formed on certain situations. i remember an adjective having a past tense of its own.

now in Chinese, i had fun studying Chinese. i wasn't able to master the entire thing but i was able to grasp some meanings and memorize a number of vocabulary which would be able to help me when it comes to ordinary conversations in Chinese. i like it better because you won't need to do any conjugations of any sort and you only need to memorize the vocabularies and how the parts of speech are arranged in a sentence. aside from that, we studied and learned that even though a sentence is correct in it's grammar and how the words are put together, the correct word usage in a situation is very important to avoid sounding discourteous. Learning the characters is the most challenging part. in my case, i was able to grasp the grammar part and the vocabulary my weakest was in the characters, i can recognize some but i can't seem to write a particular character without copying it. i still have to study on that.

a tip though, you may want to listen to japanese or Chinese channel so that you would be familiar with the speed and the pronunciation even if you can't catch any familiar words as you listen. the important part is to listen carefully and train your ear to get used to hearing the language. i remember even though we didn't know any chinese then our professor talked in chinese the first day we met. she only talked in english when we really can't grasp what she was saying. harhar...

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by xxmarilynxx on 2005-05-01 15:26:27
nah but how do you remember the chinese tones?? thsoe are so hard to remember! like, if you make one little mistake, you can end up saying "thanks for the funeral" instead of "thanks for the meal"

now the characters are very easy for me. i personally think chinese characters are a lot easier than japanese, they only have like one meaning each i think, while japanese can have up to ten defferent meanings -_-;;

yeah im very fluent at english, considering i grew up in america, lol. you'll know when you're fluent because it usually shows when you're able to understand without having to translate it in your head. jun-san, what's your nationality?

Mitsuki: Eichi-Kun, because of you, I lived 'til this day. Because of you, I followed my dreams. Now that you're gone, I have no desire to live anymore. Wherever you are...please...take me with you...

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by Jun-san on 2005-05-01 18:24:54
My nationality is Korean... I have to translate english into korean first then i kinda understand what I am trying to say... Actually sometimes, its disadvantage for me to do that cuz korean grammar stucture is backward from English. Well I thought xxmarilynxx-chan, you were saying that you had accent when you speak english, so I thought you didn't grow up in America.

I love anime. I live anime. Do you anime?

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by firemiste on 2005-05-02 18:12:02 (edited 2005-05-02 18:14:25)
I used to study in Taiwan and I know Chinese. I'm trying to learn Japanese now. It isn't as hard as Chinese...which is annoying but really useful.It's a beautiful lingo-once you learn it, that is. It shouldn't be too hard, taking both languages that you want to learn at the same time. I did, when I was in Taiwan. My Chinese was shaky at the time, as I had spent all my previous life in the States-but I also took a bit of Japanese, too. Not to mention I had to keep up with my english studies at the same time. And now, I'm learning Spanish. In my opinion, the more languages you know, the better. Hey...more people to talk to, anyway! Don't worry, u can do it! ^_^ Vietnamese, Japanese, English, Chinese-as long as you're willing to work hard, you can learn anything. You're thirteen, you have your entire life ahead of you, so there's plenty of time for learning!

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by Jun-san on 2005-05-02 19:47:20
Here's one thing though, it is hard to learn new language as soon as you turn 16... lol I know... I had so much hard time learning spanish...

I love anime. I live anime. Do you anime?

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by infinita on 2005-05-02 22:27:44 (edited 2005-05-02 22:29:52)
well i'd also say go for japanese first, i've alreaddy picked up a lot of japanese from just watching fansubs. Now i actually dont need the subs anymore. The only thing i'm still struggling with is kanji, hiragana and katakana. I love the japanese language, its a verry beautiful language. Age doesn't matter either. I've just turned 18 and i'm finally starting to understand more languages.
At the moment i'm fluent in English, French, Dutch, and Japanese as long as it stays to romanji/spoken.

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by GaiJin on 2005-05-03 20:57:48
wait you learned japanese JUST from subs??

or did you study vocab and such?

If you are japanese you must speak to me for I am always trying to learn new things!

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
That would be hard for 4 at once!! がんばってくださいね xxmarilynxx!!

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by xxmarilynxx on 2005-05-05 13:55:36
lol i know, but i already speak vietnamese and english so i wont even bother with that...

Mitsuki: Eichi-Kun, because of you, I lived 'til this day. Because of you, I followed my dreams. Now that you're gone, I have no desire to live anymore. Wherever you are...please...take me with you...

Re: Hey can a 13 year old girl like me...
Link | by Aura on 2005-05-06 19:02:08
hehe. If I were you I'd want to know both too. But take the others advice, one thing at a time, right? And don't forget, you still have your whole life ahead of you to learn new things. If you keep your mind soft with learning more languages, it'll stay flexible when your older. ^_^

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