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What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by on 2007-08-21 13:06:25
What is your favorite final fantasy moment
I was overhearing a bunch of peeps
saying that final fantasy 12 had the best moments
pff.......shows how much they know.
Lets proove them wrong!!!!!

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by on 2007-08-21 17:47:18
There's a lot, and none of the best moments I've seen are in the new games (The new FF's suck.).

Final Fantasy VII-

Aerith's Death: I loved this the moment because I hated Aerith and was so glad to see her finished off.

Firing of Sister Ray: Such as sweet mega cannon and cool firing sequence.

Sapphire Weapon's Death: Where it takes a direct hit from the Junon Harbor Cannon and gets it's head blown off.

Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus-

The WRO Assault on Deepground: Cid's speech rocked and the crazy sir boarding was nice.

Chaos vs. Omega: The time spent flying through Omega and firing the black and white beams from the Death Penalty was great, and the Gackt song that was playing during that time gave it a good feel.

Final Fantasy VI-

The Final Battle with Kefka: His god form was a blast to fight, and his big evil guy speech was actually a pleasure to listen to.

There are many more, but none of them are from any game after VIII.


Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-08-21 18:21:59
ff moments well each game had its own charms

lets see:

ff4: cecil becoming a paladin! 1st time ive seen a class change in an rpg where you stick to the class of your character...the dark knight reborn into the holy paladin! though the dark knight was stronger and had a cooler sprite ^^

palom and porom's sacrifice: man i thought i can save these two..WHY!WHY!WHY!

ff5: getting the mime job! talk about copy cats!the mime rocks in this game if you know hoe to use em

death of galuf: death of a great warrior and was replaced by a the fighting sequence got me laughing *METEO!*

ff6: kefka's laugh: not even sephiroth can match the sinister laugh of kefka hahaha

the opera scene: i was like WTF! im singing opera!hahahaha

ff7: the famous death scene: what made me teary eyed back then made me burst into laughter when i see this scene now...ahahahaha

summoning knights of the round: man that was cool

the scene where cloud became crazy: i admit it i was fooled i thought if they killed the heroine guess they can kill the hero too...good thing tifa was there to save the day

hearing one winged angel: priceless

ff8: squall rinoa dance: man that made me love rinoa even more...ogling time! (a little more and i swear i could see "something" hehehe)

the ragnarok scene: not really that note worthy since its too cliche'd but hearing eyes on me was nice

summoning eden, bahamut and doom train: i was like in awe when i saw the ff8 summons but then got annoyed at how long each summon was taking apprently the more powerful the longer the animation

ff9: seeing that summon (i forgot who i think it was atomos) destroy the city: awesome animation!

another FMV of summons: the FMV of this game rocks!

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by on 2007-08-21 19:20:36

Seiing Tifa preform a complete limit break combo

First time I saw omnislash at work

AMV of emerald weapons head blown off


AMV where quistis unleashes a whole lot of bullets at the xatmo92 via gattling gun

First time I saw Lionheart at work

First time I defeated Omega weapon

Concert on Fishersman Horizon

Doomtrains summon animation


Zidane and blank do a play with swords

part where beatrix and steiner team up (love the loss of me bgm there)

Beating ozma (that bastards a pain in the butt)

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by on 2007-08-21 21:57:54
I'd have to say that the three biggest sense in FF that actually made me mad was.....

1. Was the Aerith death. Didn't see it coming at all the first time. I was literally shocked and mad.

2. The sence in FF IX when the thrid black mage destroyed all the clones on that ship and vivi got pissed off. I again was sadend and angery.

3. When Alexander got destryoed in FF IX. I was like, "F*&K I wanted to use that you basterd!!!

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by Funky Sister on 2007-08-24 15:40:51
X-2: ...meh. Transforming was cool.

X: Auron bringing Tidus to Spira; crazy stuff!
I also like watching the Blitz ball field emerge, it's just so cool!

IX: Bahamut flying towards the Iifa tree! Bea-u-ti-ful!

VIII: I loved Squall's limits! Insane!

VII: Maybe because it's memorable, Sephiroth killing Aeris. I was mad... >_< Sephiroth needs discipline.

Poemy's on the move!

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by on 2007-08-24 16:11:47
FF 4 - Most of what Z-san said.
- Cecil becoming a palladin
- Palom & Porom's sacrifice
- Lunar Whale resurfaces!
- Rydia saving your ass from Golbez
- Golbez is your brother...WHAT?!
- The battle with the 4 that music
- final battle with Zeromus...Said it once i say it again...BEST FINAL BOSS MUSIC IN RPGs EVER!!!!

FF 5 - Again i agree with Z-san
- fighting Gilgamesh...over & over & that guy doesn't quit!

FF 6 - Agree with Jon & Z-san on this one
- OPERA house!!!!
- Street Fighter FF style!!! Saban!
- Terra's transformation!
- many many more

FF7 - Agree with some of Jon & Z-san
- I liked Knights but BAHAMUT ZERO is my fave!!!!!
- seeing Rufus just stand there while Diamond fires its volleys towards him
- The bike mini game
- Aerith's death...i liked her.
- The DATE...hint:gold saucer
- Weapons revived!
- Seph walking through the fire
- seeing Big Bang for the first time
- Red XIII finding the truth about his Dad.....T_T
- many many more

- Concert scene
- intro with "Liberi Fatali"
- the almost 12 minute long ending...Laguna & Raine scene T_T
- Figting Edea....i like the battle theme...
- Squall & Rinoa dance

- Bahumut vs. Alexander
- Odin destroys villige
- Vivi gets angry!
- Assault on the Illfa tree...the dragons vs. the Airships

- Auron appears
- intro with "Otherworld"
- Tidus tries to hug Yuna

Not counting FF11 or FF12....cause they suck!

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by on 2007-08-28 17:21:03
My favorite scenes are mostly in FFXII, but most FF scenes are awesome~.

FFIII~ The beginning~ X3 And the parts after killing bosses.

FFVII~ There is only one scene in this that will forever
live in my memories as something i wish i could burn. X3
-Cloud dressed up as a girl

FFVIII~ i actually haven't played this as yet, but i love Squall's graduation dance scene.

-The scene with seymour's aeon, Anima. Freakin' amazing~
-Second introduction scene of Auron~

-Fran and balthier rescue vaan~ +w+ Fran's so cool.
-The opening movie for the game introducing the storyline/characters that the game is based around.
-Introduction of Balthier's airship~ The Strahl is amazing~

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by taichokerorogunso on 2007-08-29 21:14:15 (edited 2007-08-29 21:15:56)
-4 its when Cecil turns into the paladin.
-6 its when terra dies and it creates a sad mood.
-7 when cloud tries to remember the nibelheim incident and relives the whole even up to the part when sephiroth burns the village down.
-8 its on the spaceship when Rinoa is flying into space and Squall goes to retrieve her.
-9 when Kuja finally goes into trance mode and does a whole super saiyan 2 kinda thing and destroys the whole planet.
-10 its when Tidus finally figures out that yuna has to sacrifice herself and then walks slo mo down the stairs in HOME and the song comes out.
-10-2 its when yuna finds the orb that lets them see into shuyin's past of how he tries to activate vegnagun and gets stopped by lenne and they both hug and get shot to death. so sad..
-12 The part where Vayne and the occurian guy fuses together to become a machine boss guy. and of course i beat his metal round buttocks..
-Dirge of Cerberus the part where Vincent transform into chaos and goes inside the giant weapon to destroy it.

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by hikaristar8 on 2007-08-30 04:27:04
ff8: the rinoa and squall dance scene (so kawaii XDXD and squall can't dance lol XD)

and the scene where squall rescues rinoa (yea im a ff8 freak XDXD)

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-08-30 04:32:58
@key i agree cloud the cross dresser hahaha and he can even get chosen to "spend the night" with corneo hahahaha

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by Farenheit on 2007-08-30 04:38:03
My favourite in

FF8 - when the GF ( guardian force ) 1st appeared in the summoning

FF 7 The Dirge of cerberus - the ending

FF12 - when Van and his companions enter defeats the guardian in the tomb n get the rock... then the touchin moments

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by on 2007-08-30 05:37:27
FF 10 -i love the intro where tidus is introduced as a bliztball player
the blitzball game looks cool and this is the moment where sin comes
to zanarkand

-the scene at macalania woods where tidus comforts yuna

FF 10-2 -the concert scenes are my favourite,
the song 1000 words (1000 no kotoba) is my fav scene
this is also the part where shuyin and lenne's past are shown
(it's so touching~~ )

FF 12 - the scene where war erupts and in midst of the war, vaan stole a
stone from the palace. fran, balthier and vaan escapes the
palace as vaan falling, balthier and fran rescued him (that
part is so one of my fav)

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by on 2007-09-01 23:53:24
FF VII: squals dance scene with rinoa.

FF X: first scene of blitzball in zanarkand.
: the part where the party slides on the ropes to stop the wedding between yuna and seymour.
: the hugging scene in the lake

FF XII: any scene with balthier's airship

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by HK on 2007-09-06 04:46:50

erk... haha

*Aerith's death... (but if you have done "something" about it... she ish still there but ish being known as dead...haha...healing people ish her "purpose", being dead? I dunno...)

*Blitzball events!!!... (me hopes that game to be someday be a sport here...)
*flying with teh airship... mwahahaha...

erk... but most of all... (in general FF games)

*TEH CHOCOBOS!!! (and somehow... teh MOOGLES...)

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by on 2007-09-10 23:04:21

7-Sephiroth Stabbing Aerith...Oh yeah...

8-Bahamuts Cut scene
-Lion Heart Cutscene
-After I defeated Omega Weapon...Oh yeah..I cant forget that moment

9-Bahamut fighting Alexandria
-Odin Destroyed the city with the spear

10-Anime Cutscene!
-Yojimbo Overdrive
-Bahamut Overdrive

12-When the Airships Explode!HELL YEAH!

13-When the guy walks out of the building and the soldiers fire at him while his 13 swords block all the bullets[HOLY SHIT MOMENT for me...]
-Coming Soon to theaters Near you...hahaha

Advent Children-Every Minute of it.

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by on 2007-09-11 02:34:05
Any limit break and summoning of weapons or creatures.. cool graphics ^^

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by on 2007-09-11 23:00:52
ff7: -when you get the bahamut zero summon, the bahamuts are roaring, cool
-when using bahamut zero, Knights of the round and when odin uses steel bladed sword
-when cid highwind become the leader of the group
-when cid highwind rides chocobo in chocobo race
ff8: seifer slashes odin to small pieces
ff9: odin destroyed the city with gunge lance

in the name of truth and honor, i shall have my vengeance upon you

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by Avatar_J on 2007-09-14 18:00:50
X-When Tidus and Yuna kiss in the water.

[(/\ /\)] [(||Avatar_J||)] [(\/ \/)]

Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy moment.
Link | by Kiyi on 2007-09-18 09:52:49
X - The whole Otherworld opening sequence.
X-2 - The sphere in which Auron says "only a jackass can change the world"
XII - The scene when Balthier and Fran rescue Vaan

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