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Name pronunciation help!
Link | by dai-chan on 2007-08-22 10:12:14
Hello everyone, i just have a qick question..

藤澤恵麻 <-- Fujisawa Ema, how is "Ema" pronounced?

Eema....or Emma?

Re: Name pronunciation help!
Link | by gendou on 2007-08-22 10:30:22 (edited 2007-08-22 10:31:12)
Names in Japanese are sometimes confusing because there are different ways to pronounce the Kanji.
There is, of course, only one correct way to read a given name, which will hopefully sound "correct", where other pronunciations will sound "wrong".

藤 = ふじ = fuji
澤 = さわ = sawa
恵 = エ = e
麻 = マ = ma

So, I would guess: ふ・じ・さ・わ エ・マ = Fujisawa Ema

EDIT: her official website is, which supports my choice as being likely correct.

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