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what song is on your cell?
Link | by Zutto on 2007-09-12 20:04:39
What anime ringtone do you have on your cell? I have 1st Opening of Death Note.

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-09-12 20:06:17
I just use the vibrate setting. I'm not a big fan of using ring tones.


Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-09-13 04:58:24
In my cell? I have 26 songs.. not ring tones.. here..

1. A Song of Storm and Fire
2. Akatsuki no Kuruma
3. Anata ga Ita Mori
4. Anna ni Issho Datta no ni
5. Believe
6. Blaze
7. Chain
8. Falco
9. Fields of Hope
10. Find the Way
11. Hikari
12. Honoo no Tobira
13. Ignited
14. Invoke
15. Kimi wa Boku Niteiru
16. Loop
17. Meteor
18. Mizu no Akashi
19. Raison d'etre
20. Ready,Steady,Go!
21. Reason
22. Riraito
23. Shinkai no Kodoku
24. UNDO
25. Vestige
26. Yume no Tsubasa (Duet Ver.)

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-09-13 05:26:34
Vie has Beautiful Girls (Reply), Aozora no Namida and Loop in her cp!!

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by koyatogashi on 2007-09-13 06:03:14
Meteor by TM revolution.

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-09-13 06:34:18
No regret by Koda Kumi

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-09-13 06:47:48
I don't use ringtones... I tend to set my cell phone in the vibrating setting as well... ^__^

@Karas: woah, that's a long list, cool!

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by Kasla on 2007-09-13 14:05:43
Either L's Theme or the title music for SuperMario Kart Double Dash x3

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-09-22 19:57:18

..are ringtones. xD

Whats up people - Death note. (Starts on the BAAAHHHHHHHH part. xD)
Disabled Complexes - Dir En Grey (Stars on the Maaaaaaaad-SHRRAAAAAAA part)
Ugly - Dir En Grey (starts on the DIEEEEEE part)
Filth In the Beauty - Gazette (starts on the part when they start to headbang in the PV xD)
People Error - Gazette
Daremo Inai Ie - Mucc
Tank! - The seatbelts
Roppongi Jazzy Kisa - Merry
Rave Circus - Mucc
Velvet - Alice nine (starts on the acoustic part)
Jelly fish - Alice nine
Link - L'Arc~en~Ciel
Stay Away - L'Arc~en~Ciel
Utagoe - Mucc
Escape - the brilliant Green
Rainy days never stays - the brilliant green
the lucky star - the brilliant green
Just forget - FORCE OF NATURE
Tsurugi no mai - FORCE OF NATURE
San Francisco - Midicronica
Bouzenjishitsu - Mucc
Horizont - Mucc
Lady Brown - Nujabes
Latitude Remix - Nujabes
Reflection Eternal - Nujabes
Aruarian Dance - Nujabes
Mystline - Nujabes
Sweet world - Omega men
hate red, dip it. - Plastic Tree
Melissa - Pr0nic vandelism. (Porno Grafitti)
D-technolife - UVERworld
Boku shimobe- ViDoll
Bluescat - Merry
muriarizumu - Aural Vampire
Angeldust - D'espairsRay
Zaza furi, zaza nari. - Plastic Tree

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by Terror on 2007-09-22 20:13:09
If I had a way to get them on my cell phone, I would.

One I'd really like to have is the opening part of Thank You from Bleach.

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-09-23 10:57:34
ROFL Furuchii! Ohmehgawsh!! Who needs that many ringtones? xDD

My cell isn't set up yet, but I'ma get some MTH, MUCC, Myv, and whatever else I can think of. >>:3

Mom won't appreciate that very much, but whatever xD

One I would really love to have is Rave Circus by MUCC. That would be sooo prime +o+
Either that or Louisiana Bob by Maximum the Hormone. I'd like to hear that as a ringtone. =00

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-09-27 17:39:08
Inspector Gadget theme song.

Go Go Gadget phone FTW!


Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-09-27 17:53:01 (edited 2007-09-27 17:53:20)
Lazy Summer Days I made a ringtone version of it. (it's a techno music from newgrounds)
And then Fun Fun Fun Dayo from Lucky Star.

Mahou Battle from AMG/OMG I turn that into a ringtone too

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-09-29 20:20:07
I don't have an anime ringtone... but I do have the Hare Hare Yukai dance recorded on there in frightfully bad quality. ^_^
My ringtone is The Knights of the Round Table from Monty Python's Holy Grail... xD

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by ~'*ShinJinrui*'~ on 2007-09-29 21:10:32
by orange range :D
the uberrest song everz

"To bring you back into this world
I’d break every rule
Machines try to take me to hell I don’t really care
I do it for love"
dolly - HYDE
<--- [ Naruto: Shippuden | NecroCircus ] --->

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-10-01 07:18:22
I only use a 128mb memory card for my cellphone... since i have lots of anime songs in my ipod, i didn't upgrade my phone's memory

I only have:
A little pain [nana]
boys and girls [katei kyoushi hitman reborn]
beautiful alone [weiss kreuz]
brand new reason [innocent venus]
chain [air gear]
cyclone [romeo x juliet]
drawing days [katei kyoushi hitman reborn]
echo again [katei kyoushi hitman reborn]
exdream [X TV]
falco [law of ueki]
fugainaiya [honey and clover]
hajimari no hi [dnangel]
hanafubuki [tokyo majin gakuen kenpucho tou]
hikari no resenritsu [rozen maiden]
kiss [lovely complex]
last kiss [gantz]
mosaic kakera [code geass]
one night star [katei kyoushi hitman reborn]
pride of tomorrow [d.gray-man]
puzzle [NHK ni youkoso]
snow kiss[d.gray-man]
split [honey and clover]
tori no shi [air TV]
wish [nana]

the remaining memory are reserved for pictures XD

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by satuross, proud user on 2007-10-23 23:47:13
does the fanfare of final fantasy (when you win a battle) counts?


Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-10-24 03:16:54
My ringtone at the moment is Asterisk (TV Size) from Bleach!!! X3

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-10-24 03:38:46
I only use two ring tones~

+Lost Woods (Zelda)
+Hikari (Kingdom Hearts)

Yeahh, that's it X3

Re: what song is on your cell?
Link | by on 2007-11-25 22:25:17
i have lots of sons but currently using kinjirarete asobi by ali project

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