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Free-for-all War!!
Link | by on 2007-09-19 16:40:18 (edited 2007-09-19 22:28:58)
okay!! so... if there was really a free-for all fight including...

Edward Elric
Uzumaki Naruto
Hyuuga Natsume
Uchiha Sasuke
Ichinomiya Kantaro
Echizen Ryoma(hes gonna die)
Kurosaki Ichigo
Hitsugaya Toushiro
Ash and his pikachu

who do you think will die first? and who do you think will last the longest?? XD

im pretty sure Ryomas gonna die, but Keroro will die first XD
and whos gonna win...? hmm i say Athrun with his gundam XD

Re: Free-for-all War!!
Link | by on 2007-09-19 17:53:29 (edited 2007-09-19 17:54:15)
Well....Your right about the ryoma thing
It's like. what's he gonna do?? Whack someone with his racket???

Ash and Pikachu i think would be next

Since i don't like naruto i'd rather kill him myself

I don't know about Kantaro

Athrun walked away

Temari blew them all and walked away to shikamaru, and then the crew came back and continue to fight

Zola i'm not to sure about

The rest of them died and the last standing were:

and Edward

In the end it was a tie,then ichigo went home while toshiro and edward
went home and discussed how to get taller

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Re: Free-for-all War!!
Link | by on 2007-09-20 20:05:47
im pretty sure ed and hitsugaya will come up w/ something XD

Re: Free-for-all War!!
Link | by on 2007-09-27 19:29:22

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