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Can you answer this??? ^^
Link | by kwehfish on 2007-09-29 02:44:32
A physic teacher told his students "If you have studied your lessons...prove to me that this chair doesn't exist!"

*I know the answer ok!"

Re: Can you answer this??? ^^
Link | by kudoushinichi on 2007-09-29 06:50:42
Haha. I would answer 'What chair?' to the teacher by impulse.

And I think that Gendou's definitely going to delete this one...

Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu!

Re: Can you answer this??? ^^
Link | by on 2007-09-29 07:55:04
Just smash the chair and then ask, "What chair are you talking about???"

Whenever physics questions get to hard, it's always good to take the shortcuts :p

Re: Can you answer this??? ^^
Link | by on 2007-09-29 08:05:02
just detached every part of the chair...then said to your teacher 'there's chair before, but its not now' :P

Re: Can you answer this??? ^^
Link | by gendou on 2007-09-29 09:35:41 (edited 2007-09-29 09:38:47)
It is not obvious to us what your teacher means.
This seems like related to some in-class discussion that we were obviously not a part of.

There are, however, philosophical arguments that deal with the nature of reality.
That's a bunch of hog-wash and a waste of time, if you ask me.

I fear your teacher might be trying to bait you into a description of mater as being mostly empty space, with a tiny nucleus in the center, and vague cloud of electrons orbiting somewhere in the microscopic distance. This, of course, does not refute the existence of the chair, but does lead to a model of it as mostly empty space, despite its appearance, which can be curious to young students.

Maybe he just wants to hear you try to imply the scientific method in an impossible task: proving that which is untrue; that the chair is not there. It seems like an interesting way to test student's abilities to be crafty, and may be more for fun than anything else.

EDIT: fuck me, a quick google search reveals that "what chair?" is the classical answer. so, once again, i have over-analized things. i take pride in this.

Re: Can you answer this??? ^^
Link | by on 2007-09-29 17:20:45
>.>; uh oh Gendou. Tsk Tsk Tsk lol

Re: Can you answer this??? ^^
Link | by kudoushinichi on 2007-09-29 20:04:54
Haha... I wrote my I answer before I Googled. And I was pleasntly surprised that my answer was correct. But I found the answer in a philosophy-related page... not a Physics page.

Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu!

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