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Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-09 03:30:30 (edited 2007-10-21 10:31:46)
I remember months ago I had surreal, chilling nightmares while I was sleeping. And those nightmares are always very Silent-Hill-like, from corridorways to bloody unknown trenches. I was so mystified and feared over these odd nightmares.
I do remember this one, my worst nightmare--- and please do keep this stuff only in! XD
I was in a room, where the lighting was bluish wintry grey, although dark. What's in front of me suddenly was Claudia Wolf (from SH3). She was so furious over my presence and she had the ability to chop me to pieces telekinetically. I was screaming, I could feel the sharp, painful damage, although my body was completely severed. 0_0 I could see Claudia all raged up, smiling (I think), then suddenly my severed body got violently plunged by a furious force, I heard a loud roar of a beast on the way down. I felt my body was truly weak, the dyingness in me, gosh, it was so real! Once got plunged into darkness, I woke up in horror in the middle of the night, unable to fall asleep, crying with fear.

How about yours? Dare to tell? I don't expect you guys to be theoretical over your nightmares (where you are trying to explain what the nightmares supposed to mean) but you are welcome to do so!

ALSO, Your worst nightmare does not have to be horrifying, it can be embarrassing, downright weird abstract, anything! As long as you think it's your worst. ***Updated: You are allowed to tell more than one dream/nightmare--- if you want to---, as long they are your worst you've ever had***

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-09 04:32:50
yay nytmares? Vie never had one before but i wuld like to experience this xD
just pray before you sleep to avoid this ^.^

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-09 04:37:57 (edited 2007-10-09 04:40:43)
I can't depend much on praying though. I have to use my brainpower a lot more to find out what the hell those nightmares I was having about!!! Praying does calm my mind... but it won't help so often. Wow, you never had nightmares in your sleep??? 0_0 If you really want a nightmare, have a piece of cheese before you go to sleep (ain't kidding, cheese does have something that can bring weird, surreal dreams).

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-09 04:58:47
w00t0s? yay is that true?? before sleeping i always take snacks like cheese curls and other cheese flavored junk foods but i still dont hev nytmares!

there's no pillow so soft as a clean conscience :p jk jk

anyways do u hev them often?

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-09 12:15:45
Certain cheeses can give people weird surreal dreams--- sometimes cheddar cheese and cheesecakes can bring that effect--- but maybe some strong, foreign cheese like brie...

I used to have those dreadful nightmares (with or without eating cheese) months ago. Now they just stopped. I am sure the clue may be I've gone through a lot of changes, so those nightmares hardly occur in my sleep nowadays.

Are you sure you never had your worst nightmare in your sleep? Come on, tell it here! XD *passes a plate of cheese* lol

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by Draconics on 2007-10-09 16:32:37
Hmmmm, worst dream . . . I've had my share of weird ones but the worst? Probably one I had where I was in a green room with no ceiling and a stormy red sky. I had a knife and through two doors came streams of undead and I had two fight for my life. As each one hit the floor though I noticed it had the face of someone I knew.

*shrugs* It's not really the scariest or anything but it's the worst I've had.

The next witty thing I think of and remember will likely end up here.

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by drakmin on 2007-10-10 02:58:38
Not exactly a nightmare, but still a dream.

So: I had this dream that I woke up. Then I was ill, still in a dream. So I thought "great I don't have to go to school because im sick!"

After this dream I woke up really, and didn't get to school. I realized too late that it was only a dream to be sick and I missed my schoolday totally:DDD

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-10 03:19:07
w00t0s yay gomen ... maybe i just forgot about it xD but i'll tell u the details wen i'll hev one xD im glad ur nightmares stopped but dont wory they'll be back again xD hahahaha


Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-10 03:21:38
To have nightmares that are the same for three consecutive days... about a vampire trying to bite meh dad..
and i slapped it
(but i slapped my dad for that in real life :D) Really scary, i can still remember the faces :D

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-10 05:48:05
Draconics, that's one scary description of your nightmare. I can imagine it in my head--- the red stormy sky is the most strong part to me. Whoa, if it's a dream/nightmare that involves somebody you know, way damn scarier. Streams of undead? Like zombies? Zombies are usually one of the common elements in nightmares. I don't know exactly what it means, although the dream index did not explain it psychologically logical. XD

lol mm789, slapping a vampire? XD Cool. Maybe you have this feeling that you care about your dad. So a vampire might be a... woman he likes. I don't know, don't take my opinion seriously! XD But to have this dream for 3 straight days?? Yep, I'll say it's scary.

drakmin, I think you got a lucid dream. Where you can feel you are ill and you were awake, although dreaming. Then once you woke up, you fell ill. Lucid dreams are very cool cuz sometimes you can control what you are doing in your dreams (not sure if nightmares allow you to control). Then it comes true in real life.

vie, you should try that! Just for curiosity... I can't wait to hear from you! And yes, those past nightmares of mine may come back... these days I can't remember fully of my recent dreams. So no worries.

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by drakmin on 2007-10-10 05:51:29
w00t0s, yeah it's possible. I've read a lot bout lucid dreams. I can't control nightmares or ordinary dreams either. But dreams are pretty interesting in general, if you just happen to remember your dreams. Most people say 'I never see dreams' but truth is, they just don't know how to remember their dreams after they woke up...

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-10 06:02:21 (edited 2007-10-10 06:03:27)
Oh yes, I agree 100% on 'I never see dreams' part. Some may not even bother to remember what they dreamt. But they are so important cuz dreams (even nightmares) can be predictions for today, which is uber scary (happens often). These days, I can't remember what I dreamt but I was so fussed up about it... and I don't like writing what I dreamt into a dream journal. I do draw strong dreams (and nightmares) into my sketchbook. I got lucid dreams sometimes~ but be careful though-- when it looks like a lucid dream, it can be a out-of-body experience kind of dream o_0 You got that before? I hate that--- I thought I was going to die. (Especially in the mornings. Why??? o_0)

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by hime197 on 2007-10-10 11:24:25 (edited 2007-10-10 11:25:05)
My most vivid nightmare up to date is the "Horror Monster". It's about me getting hunted down by a mob of famous horror movie characters. Chuckie, Freddy Cougar, and Jason are some that I remember. At the end of the dream, the monsters catch up with me and tear me to pieces. (>_<) ick..

I try to remember my dreams (even my most horrid nightmares); they make good material for my stories. Stuff from my subconcious is much more original than what I come up with in my concious imagination. My dreams are usually outlandish things, like turning into a tree, so I don't worry about them being ominous premonitions. (^_^)

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by Sprity on 2007-10-10 17:34:31
I would have nightmeres alot but they never really scared me much. I remember one time my ear was shot off in the dream and I woke up with it having a warm burning sensation but I never felt fear o_O

The only dream I can recall that scared me was a few month back... It was halloween or the night before and for some reason my horse and another horse I was taking care of at the time were in makeshift stalls on the lawn infront of my house (although it look absoluely nothing like my house or neighborhood). I was over near a srub for some reason when some teens walked by and flicked a match at the horses. The stalls went up in flames and the horses. It was awful. At that point if upset me enough to wake me but not fully. I ended up going into a state of sleep paralsis. I was awake but I could open my eyes I couldn't move my body and I had the images of the dream still in my head. In my head I kept saying "wake up wake up wake up" I did finally but when I did I sucked in alot of air like I had been holding my breath and my heart was pounding. I'm not sure which upset me more, that or the dream. I have never experianced something that terrible before nor since

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-11 00:48:37
Whoa, a mob of horror movie characters! 0_0 Gory. You got torn into pieces too! Yeah, you are right, dreams and nightmares are one of the best inspirations for any stories whatsoever, due to their surreal, unnaturality nature. I used my nightmares and other weird dreams to make my short, speechless manga last summer. You know, just as a art curiosity, or just in finding out about myself. Heck, I don't know, it's just these things are very strong in my head.

I remember there was God-like voice so close to my ears while I was sleeping. It was so clear, so angry... I sort of felt fear and curious. Then suddenly my ears aching cuz I don't know, sounds like God was listening to U2 songs on His iPod. (sorry if I digressed)
Were you crying while you saw the stalls and the horses burnt? Cuz crying also can tell some horrible things within the nightmare. *throws water to horses* Them poor handsome horses... T_T That's how I felt too after I woke up from my worst nightmare--- paralysed, feared, crying and unsettled. But in your case, you can control your nightmare somehow--- you said 'wake up' many times and you did wake up!

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-11 02:41:40
woah!! nytmares can sure be scary!! ^.^

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-11 11:30:54
Well, depends on how scary a nightmare is. How's the experiment going?

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by Sprity on 2007-10-11 15:23:01
I don't really remember if I was crying. This was awhile ago...I'd have to find where I wrote the dream down. I rarly if ever write dreams down but this really shook me up.

As far as comanding myself to wake up, I'm alittle strange in that way. At least I don't know of anyone else that does what I do. I have a few states of sleeping. One where it's deep and I remember no dreams, two I have dreams that play out like a movie, and three I have interactive dreams. The interactive ones I'm fully concious in but I'm still asleep o_O I make my own choices in the dream and direct where it goes. I swear it's the weirdest thing XD That nightmere I had was like the movie version then it ended. Then it turned into a weird version of the interactive. I could see the light from my window under my closed eyes and I knew I was tensing my body but I didn't really feel it. SLeep paralsis. I was concious just couldn't MOVE, literally.

God listening to U2 songs o_O? That's interesting o_o

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-10-11 18:46:20
hmmm once, when i was litlle i used to dream that had snakes in my roon >.<
it was horrible... i would always wake up beliving that had snakes in my bed DDDDX

the secoond... i think i had a high fever and had alucinations... anyway
i dreamed that i would fall and waked falling DD:
horrible horrible sensation DD:

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Worst nightmare you had in your sleep...
Link | by on 2007-10-12 01:28:26

Ah! Now I get what you mean by sleep paralysis! I got that often--- where my eyes are open and I can see my room, but my voice somehow only can be heard in my mind. Body's all numb X_X That... I think, is where you woke up a bit quick while your brain is still sleeping--- so it takes a few seconds to switch on the nerves to regulate the body. XD I hate that one. Scares me a lot, I thought I was having out-of-experience dreams X_X Or even at the point of death. Grr.
Those three states of dream you mentioned are common, and by the term 'interactive dream', you mean lucid dream (where you can control yourself in a dream)? I love lucid dreams. I usually got that while I was dreaming I was in danger. Well, I don't expect you to remember whether you cried or not in your worst nightmare... it's just, to me, crying does define some meaning very strongly. XD Yep, God was listening to U2 songs in his iPod and it was damn loud, it nearly damaged my ears!!! -__x God, why U2??? XDDD


Ooo... snakes. Heh, that reminds me of Metallica's Enter Sandman vid! (oh, sorry *smacks self*) But anyway, hmmm, this dream does tell something... snakes in your room... hmm. Sometimes I like to have snake dreams, though they are dangerous... one of my dreams, I got full control of one snake. It's real weird, and I won't tell--- cuz that dream sounds personal to me XDDD Dreams of falling--- scary. The feeling of falling is always real. Horrible sensation... yeah, I suppose. Last time, I dreamt I fell off the building but I landed on a very soft road, which bounced me back with no damage. You got that one? I find that real bizarre o_0

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