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Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by Jio Freed on 2007-11-02 15:56:17
title says it. I'm asking. What are/is your favorite "supers" Like limit breaks.

Mine are:
Cloud's Omnislash V5(FF7:AC)
Squall's Renzokuken

Re: Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-11-04 21:07:58

Re: Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by karuzo on 2007-11-04 21:10:58
7 knights.... i liked that hehehe



Re: Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by on 2007-11-06 10:00:49 (edited 2007-11-06 10:01:18)
If we aren't limited to video games. I'd have to say my favorite finishing move is...........GIGA..........DRILL.............BREAKER!!!!!!!(from Gurren Lagann.)

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-11-06 17:11:32
nibelung valesti


Re: Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by lethalmansly on 2008-03-15 17:25:54
Darkness Shoryu-Reppa

I am Reaper. Fear me. But I still need you to be my Friend ok?

Re: Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by on 2008-03-16 05:32:55
Iori Yagami's Maiden Masher~! bWAHAHAHHAAAA~!

Re: Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by ~eL~ on 2008-03-16 06:16:44
Vulcan Blaze, by Adell from Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories


Re: Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by on 2008-04-21 00:50:55
SRW Alpha 3: Dairaioh's
* Rising Meteor Inferno & Jinrai

Eureka Seven: Terminus R505 Kai (909 & Nirvash):
* Cut Back Drop Turn

Follow the road you believe in -->

Re: Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by Renma on 2008-04-21 17:20:32
There are a Lot actually XDD

From Melty Blood:

- Kyokushi Nanaya (Extreme Death Nanaya) -Nanaya Shiki-
- Jyunana Bunkatsu (17 Dissection) -Tohno Shiki
- Black Barrel Replica Obelisk -Sion Eltnam-
- Kaidasanjin Kohaku Shikkyaku (Kohaku's Miskick that Cracks open Diffusing Ligaments) -Kohaku <3-
- Battou Ougi: Gashou Houkiboshi (Ougi, Mystert of New Year's Asteroid) LOL XDD My Fave Ougi technique So far <3 -Kohaku <3-
- Summon Kinoko Nasu XDD -Neko Arc-
- Ero Dream -Kuroi Len-

From FSN:
- Unlimited Blade Work -Archer
- Avalon -Saber-

From Xenogears:
- Dear Friend (Billy)
- Kishin (Xenogear)
- Festive Wind (Citan)
- Dark Beast (Emeralda)

Re: Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-04-21 21:07:39
unlimited blade works! yeah! that one rocks!

final justice!

maximum spider!

gamma crush!

proton cannon!

Re: Your fave Finishing moves, supers, etc.
Link | by Jio Freed on 2008-05-21 23:58:25
"N-cha cannon"(Arale, Dr. Slump)

"Ultra electro magnetic top" (Voltes 5)

"Voltes Bazooka" (Duh.)

"One Thousand Years of Death/Pain" (Kakashi, Naruto)

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