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I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-12-14 13:11:43 (edited 2007-12-14 16:51:43)
What do you guys think about Will Smith's new movie release, "I am Legend?"
From the trailer I saw on TV, it could be one of his best hits ever.
The stuff I read seem highly notable and say that he's excellent in the movie.


Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by on 2007-12-14 14:50:45
Yea that's true but I'm planning on seeing that tomorrow but chances are it might
take a while for me to get the tickets @.@ i just hope it won't be crowded as much
it would be ._. ...

Tales of FC

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by on 2007-12-14 15:16:07
It sort of follows the lines of Resident Evil or any of those zombie movies like Day of the Dead etc....meaning that the majority of mankind has been wiped out cause of a man-made virus. Instead of zombies the people are mutated creatures.

I read a little about it on wiki...based on a book by Richard's the 4th adaptation...the last one being 'I am Omega' staring Mark Drasacos which funny was released last November. Funny cause that didn't recieve the amount of publicity as this film probably cause of the star power of Wil Smith.

It looks pretty intense of the sole survivor would somebody react if he/she was the last person alive....creepy stuff. I'll probably see it tommorrow after work...we'll see...

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-12-14 15:17:51
Ugh, my friend is not even picking up his phone, so I'ma just beat him up next Monday. >XD
Anyways, do you know how his dog survives, too? It's one man, and one dog that's left on earth... or New York?


Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by on 2007-12-14 16:26:48
They did not get the idea from another horror movie.
It is based on a book with the same name published
in 1954. DA said it was based on another movie, so
I thought I'd clear that up.

I read the book a while ago, and I'm going to see the
movie mostly to see how different it is. In the book
the lead character is a white man with blond hair,
so it's already different just with the actor.
And in the book, the scene shown in the preview with
Robert and the dog in the bathtub never happens.
So it should be interesting.

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-12-14 16:36:55 (edited 2007-12-14 16:44:00)
[edit] Wait, I think I was thinking about "I am Omega."
I just read that's based on the same novel of sorts as well. Yup, it might've been that; my mistake...


Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-12-14 19:22:45
i heard this is one good movie...

*adds it to the "to watch list"*

and its another survival movie...hope it delivers the same psychological aspects like "28 days later"

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by on 2007-12-14 23:10:34
I've watched the trailer..It's darn good to watch for my opinion.

Its about some sort of virus that wipe all the peopels of Ny city. cool.

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by on 2007-12-15 07:13:38
I read some reviews & they say the first hour or so is REALLY good...that Will Smith gives a very excellent performance as the last man on earth (or at least NYC). Also the dog Sam may be the best non-human character since the volleyball in Cast Away...don't ask's what i read.

However...also the reviews say that the last half-hour ruins the film...that it deviates away from the book. It is this that prevents the film from actually being truly great is what reviewer said. So this worries me abit.

These are the words of reviewers so you can take it to heart or not...i'm still going to see it after work today.

***side note***
Also i've learned that the new Batman trailer will be shown. I saw it at Youtube which is where i learned it will be shown...& if you've seen it as know how awesome it is. For those who have not...go to Youtube to see it before it gets removed. The one i saw was a cellphone video so the quality was bad...but still it rocked!

Heath Ledger as the Joker...just his performance in the trailer makes me want to see this so bad!!! Trust me he's THAT good!!!!

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2007-12-15 12:15:23
I saw I Am Legend just yesterday, and I really liked it. Frankly, Will Smith just acted beautifully, very few actors could express so much with so few words. There are some really crushing moments in the film, and every encounter with the mutated people is tense and terrifying, especially the very first.

The ending was bit weak (the epilogue, I mean), I thought, but after the ride that preceeded it, it's not that big a deal.

But...quite frankly, the film was completely ecclipsed by the trailer for The Dark Knight.

Heath Ledger is AMAZING. Every line he delivers is eerie and creepy; it makes Jack Nicholson's Joker look completely sane. He's quite impressive, and I recommend everyone check out the trailer at some point.

"Come on! Let's put a smile on that face! [maniacal laugh]"

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2007-12-15 18:14:33
I heard I am Legend is a remake of 'Last Man on Earth'. buut since it's from a novel at the first place, i didnt know much truth behind it anyway.

T_T i wanna see the movie.... and of course, the book have to be better. Just the the action scene in the movie looked interesting >:3

T_T the doggie didnt die...

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by on 2007-12-16 07:04:41
Saw it last night....well i have to agree with the critics on this one. First things first even though it was about a 2 hr movie for me it didn't feel like it. The pacing of the film was pretty good.

Will Smith is at his usual best...his portrayal of the 'last man on earth' was top Roq-san said he delivered even when he wasn't saying much. His emotions (especially after a specific event...people who saw it know what i mean) really shown through.

I for one didn't really like how they did the mutant humans....every single one of them looked fake....they all looked like the CG they used in I-Robot. If they used actual people to portray them then the menacing factor would be amped up. The tension however when they are near can cut through anything....especially the first encounter.

The first hour & a half was brilliantly done...the cinemetography of a desolate NYC felt real....the feeling of alone & emptiness was sometimes overwhelming. I can't say that for the last half hour basically ends with your typical action sequence & predictable outcome...again i agree the after the brilliance of the first half the 2nd was a letdown.

The dog 'Sam' sometimes stole the spotlight on brief occasions....again probably the best non-human character since Wilson from Cast Away. The interactions between Sam & Will Smith were at times very touching.

Overall i really enjoyed it....if you don't mind the letdown the first half was worth the price of admission.

*side note*
I believe Heath Ledger's Joker may garner him oscar far from what i've seen his version is closer to the comics. Meaning the Joker is much more menacing & insane. He delivers his line with so much charisma.. My fave part in the trailer is near the end when he says to Batman "C'mon HIT ME!!!"...i felt it was an homage to the first film where Jack Nicholson is waiting for the Batwing before shooting it down with the insanely large gun out of his pants. My most anticipated movie!!!! Going to be so F-ing good!!!!

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by on 2007-12-16 22:16:44
i've seen the movie & i'd have to agree that it was 2-hours, it actually didn't feel like 2-hours but it felt like it was long, plus the movie would've been much better if there was a bad ending than a good & the good ending was not great at all.

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by sai on 2007-12-21 05:40:39
Just watched it without any planning beforehand (i got dragged by my friends O.o), and i'm glad i did.
Everyone complains about the ending? I personally liked it :)
Had it been a bad ending then all his hard work for 3 years would be useless...

Well, maybe it's because i'm comparing it with 30 days of night's ending, which i just watched recently as well. And frankly, the ending totally sucked compared to i am legend.

Will Smith's acting is awesome indeed, no arguing that. I like the way he spent his life alone for 3 years. The way he talked to mannequins in order to stay sane in the middle of loneliness... I found it very interesting. And of course, the setting is awesome. To create an image of a deserted NYC like that... Brilliantly done.

Then, i always liked the encounters with the mutants. The thrill is always there! And, since i got the front seat while watching it... The loud voice always got me started XD

I have just a few things to ask about this movie. How come the water and electricity run without management for 3 years? Then, in 3 years, wouldn't all the food supply be expired already? He's got one hell of a stomach there XD

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by bkno9 on 2007-12-21 13:58:58 (edited 2007-12-21 14:23:40)
I just caught this movie earlier tonight.. one of the best this year~! Will Smith is turning into an awesome actor.. Sam is pretty good for a four-legged co-star XD

I agree with some of the comments that the epiloque ending was so-so, seeing how the rest of the movie was pretty excellent, but compared to Resident Evil Extinction this ending was much better. And unexpected XD

I dunno if I would've survived alone in NYC like that, even with Sam along. The Cast Away situation was bad enough, but in that there was always a chance to see civilization again. That's some determination there.. once I stayed all alone in a rented apartment for a week in some place where I didn't know anybody and couldn't speak the language properly.. and with no internet connection.. it's not an experience I'd gladly repeat @_@

Well, like Will, the Tv always helps.. just turned it on all the time even though I wasn't watching it.

EDIT: I forgot to say this.. Bob Marley was, and will always be.. a visionary and a great man.

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by Username on 2007-12-21 23:40:52
im dissapointed on how it ended.

and why did they let the sam die? dogs dont die in movies!

i wish to bleed for you

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by Chingy on 2007-12-25 16:28:16
I'm planning to watch it sometime this week, hope it would all turn out good.

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by imppy on 2007-12-25 19:52:34
ah yes~ apocalyptic movies >:3 gotta luv them.

*accidentally reads Rey's post*

ah~! spoiler~! my eyes!
nah it's not that crucial...but, well, some dogs die on movies.
e.g. Snakes on a Plane :D it ate the chihuahua whole lol

Unfortunately I haven't got the chance to watch it ;_; I'll just rent a dvd or something...
Will Smith's BEL-AIIIIR

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by on 2007-12-28 05:47:14
I'd gotta say that the movie is real suspens. The CGI of NY is superb!

And Will Smith is at his best at acting..

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: I am Legend, starring Will Smith.
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2007-12-28 11:11:06
the movie got me. i was jumping all the time in my seat...

.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

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