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Negima fans!! Kyoto arc is coming!!
Link | by Azusa on 2005-05-12 08:42:56
You've heard it!! The Kyoto Arc will be on the Negima! Anime!! Yay!! can't wait!! the Monkey-neesan chigusa and the wolfboy kouta!! yeah!!

Re: Negima fans!! Kyoto arc is coming!!
Link | by Evii on 2005-05-12 16:33:45
Kyoto Arc.....? ^-^0

I found a webbie where you can download volume 6 to 8 of Negima XD

Re: Negima fans!! Kyoto arc is coming!!
Link | by Azusa on 2005-05-13 08:49:57
Um.... what I mean is in the EP 20 of MSN, the Kyoto Arc will start.... ^^ isn't it exciting?

Re: Negima fans!! Kyoto arc is coming!!
Link | by Chung-kun on 2005-05-13 08:58:48
whats the kyoto arc?
i got no idea of whats kyoto arc
gimme a lil description but dont ruin the stroyline
i seen up to 17

Re: Negima fans!! Kyoto arc is coming!!
Link | by Azusa on 2005-05-13 09:13:56
have you read the manga ? if you do you'll know it... ^^ it's chapter 38 in the manga

Re: Negima fans!! Kyoto arc is coming!!
Link | by Chung-kun on 2005-05-13 14:49:13
i havent read the manga.....
plus it ruins the storyline if ur watching the anime in my opinion

Re: Negima fans!! Kyoto arc is coming!!
Link | by riezawa on 2005-05-21 08:02:09
Kyoto Arc! Banzai!!! lol

It's the other way round for me, watching anime 1st ruins the manga experience.

Let's dance!





Shameless plug alert

Re: Negima fans!! Kyoto arc is coming!!
Link | by Stricken on 2005-05-26 01:13:43
Personally, what I want to see the most from the Kyotot Arc is "Game night at the Inn.." See the latest volume if any of you don't understand, but I'm sure you all do, right? :D

Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-Chan = funniest anime theme song ever!

Re: Negima fans!! Kyoto arc is coming!!
Link | by Azusa on 2005-05-28 05:26:06
"Game night at the Inn"... could that be by any chance... "The Love Love Kiss Game with Negi-Sensei" ? I thinks it's around chapter 35 in the manga... te-heh...

Re: Negima fans!! Kyoto arc is coming!!
Link | by on 2005-11-05 20:10:22
I huhuhuhu I love Negima!
oh and does any one knows how many Vol. are they?

Re: Negima fans!! Kyoto arc is coming!!
Link | by magi_sensei on 2007-03-05 12:45:04
well theyve just finished publishing volume 13 or 15 i cant remember and theres still more to come and woooooo kyoto arc!!!!!!

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