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Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by rob on 2008-02-06 19:54:43 (edited 2008-02-25 21:10:11)
Let's see here. Well, I just got back into RPGs after I stopped when I played SO3 which made me lose faith in all RPGs. 3 years later present day I'm back in it. I picked up quite a few of them in the last week but just wondering where I stand with those hardcore RPG fans. Anyways

Lunar: Silver Star Stories
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
Wild Arms
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
Ar Tonelico
Dark Cloud 2
Persona 3
Jade Cocoon
Valkyrie Profile 2
Dragon Quest VIII
Radiata Stories
Phantom Brave
Xenosaga I
Xenosaga II
Growlanser Generation
Growlander Heritage of War
Dark Cloud 2
Kingdoms Hearts 2
Odin Sphere
Atelier Iris 1
Atelier Iris 2
Tales of Legendia

I had stuff like Grandia and Wild Arms 2 and Breat of Fire 3 and 4 and a bunch more. Ugh, why did I have to sell them back in the days.

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by on 2008-02-15 08:30:42
Well I do have a huge CD colection.... here goes nothing....

Breath of fire 3-4
Digimon World 1-3
Final fantasy 5-12(x-2 included)
Final fantasy tactics
Saiyuki: jurney west
Front mission 3-4
Dark cloud 1-2
Kingdom hearts 1-2
Xenosaga 1-2
valkyie Profile 1-2
Vagrant story
Disega: hour of darkness
Wild arms 1-5
Rahpsody: a musical adventure
Persona 1-3
Zone of the enders: 2nd runner
.hack 1-4
.hack//G.U 1-2

well alot goes more in there but... most of them are busted now.... overused them to the point where no data can be read....

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by TenSpot on 2008-02-15 10:13:47
Lets see how many I can remember...

Final Fantasy I-X (excluding III on the DS)
Dragon Quest VIII
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
La Pucell Tactics
Valkerie Profile 2: Silmeria
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Dark Cloud
Radiata Stories
Xenosaga Episode I
Threads of Fate
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
Legend of Dragoon

Thats all I can think of at the time... but I know I'm probably missing some

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by on 2008-02-15 18:26:49
let's see if i can still remember...

Suikoden I-V
Wild Arms
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
Radiata Stories
Final Fantasy IV-VIII
Final Fantasy X-XII
Xenosaga episode I-III
Breath of Fire 3
Tales of Eternia
Tales of Phantasia
Tales of Lagendia
Tales of The Abyss
Digimon World 1-3
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
Kingdom Hearts 1-2
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
.//hack part 1-4
.//hack G.U. vol. 1-3
Growlanser Heritage of War
Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia
Wild Arms Alter Code: F
Wild Arms 4 & 5
Rouge Galaxy
Atelier Iris 1-3
Star Ocean: Till The End of Time
Digimon World Data Squad
Phantasy Star Universe
Megaman X: Command Mission
Shining Force EXA
Dual Hearts
Shining Force Neo
Shining Tears
Inuyasha: The Secret of The Cursed Mask
Thousand Arms
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenyaku Romantan: Juuyuushi Inbou Hen

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by on 2008-02-15 20:43:34
hmm my collection would be some old school rpg's, so...

Super mario RPG: legend of the seven stars
Final Fantasy I-XII
Disgaea: hour of darkness
Disgaea 2: cursed memories
Disgaea: afternoon of darkness (PSP)
Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the sacred tome
Shadow Hearts
Phantom Brave
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Dragon Quest VII & VIII
Radiata stories
Star ocean: the second story
Tales of Destiny
Tales of symphonia
Tales of the abyss
Tales of phantasia
Tales of Destiny II(PSP)
Tales of Rebirth (PSP)
Star Ocean: Till the end of time
Gurumin the monstrous adventures (PSP)
Valkyrie profileLenneth
Valkyrie profile 2: silmeria
Wild Arms 1-3
Jeanne D'Arc
Final Fantasy Tactics: war of the lions
Pokemon Pearl
Breath of fire 1-4
Kingdom Hearts 2
Mother 3
Brave story: new traveler

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by on 2008-02-16 09:05:06 (edited 2008-02-16 09:05:50)
Ummm...this may take up some space....

PS 1 games i still have
- Chrono Cross
- Xenogears
- Wild Arms 1 & 2
- Parasite Eve 1 & 2
- Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9
- Final Fantasy Chronicles (FF 4 & Chrono Trigger)
- Final Fantasy Anthology (FF 5 & 6)
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Legend of the Dragoon
- Rhapsody a Musical Adventure
- Koudelka
- Legend of Legaia
- Star Ocean 2nd Story
- Valkyrie Profile
- Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
- Lunar Eternal Blue Complete
- Beyond the Beyond
- Thousand Arms
- Brave Fencer Musashi

PS I games i've played but no longer have
- Castle Vania Symphony of the Night < ---should've kept it!!!
- Alundra
- Arc the Lad Collection
- Threads of Fate
- Azure Dreams
- Granstream Saga
- Legend of Mana
- Vagrant Story < ---should've kept this too!!!
- Saga Frontier
- Tales of Destiny 2

PS 2 games i still have
- Dark Cloud 1 & 2
- Disgaea 1 & 2
- Final Fantasy X, X2
- Grandia 3
- Valkyrie Profile Silmeria
- Ico
- Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
- Xenosaga 1, 2, 3
- Growlanser Generations & Heritage
- La Pucelle Tactics
- Phantom Brave
- Ys Ark of Napishtim
- Makai Kingdom
- Rougue Galaxy
- Star Ocean 3
- Tales of Legendia
- Wild Arms 3

PS 2 games i've played but no longer have
- Breath of Fire V
- Ephemeral Fantasia
- Final Fantasy 12
- Shadow of Colossus
- Grandia 2 & Extreme
- Legaia 2
- Magna Carta
- Radiata Stories
- Shadow Hearts
- Wild Arms Alter Code F
Forgot about the PSP...

PSP games i have
- Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness
- Final Fantasy Tactics lion Wars
- Valkyrie Profile
- Jeanne D'Arc

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by on 2008-02-17 05:22:05
-I cant list all of them..Too many..

-(I might forget some..this is kinda long though.)
-Star Oceans 3:TtEoT
-God of War 1 & 2
-Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
-Devil May Cry 1/2/3/3:SE
-Bleach:Blade Battlers 1&2
-Wild Arms:Alter Code F,3,4
-.hack//sign 1-4
-.hack//GU 1-3
-Rurouni Kenshin:(The one where they go to Kyoto and fight Shishio)
-Genji:Dawn of the Samurai
-Onimusha 1/2/3
-Tales of Abyss
-Lots more

PS3(Games here are too short..)
-Genji:Days of Blade
-Devil May Cry 4
-Ninja Gaiden Sigma
-Assassin Creed

-Again..I have too many to list..uh..Man..

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by Corpse-icle on 2008-02-18 13:55:57
-FF9 (my friend's)

PS2-warning a lot-
-Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
-Tales of the Abyss
-Devil May Cry 3
-Dark Cloud 2
-Metal Gear Solid 2
-Metal Gear Solid 3
-FF7 Dirge of Cerberus
-Odin Sphere
-Soul Nomad and the World Eaters
-.Hack//G.U.// Vol's 1-3
-.hack//Sign #1
-Romancing SaGa
-Silent Hill 3
-Valkyrie Profile: Leneth
-Grandia III
-Dawn of Mana
-Harvest Moon
-Star Ocean, Sands of time(?)
-Ar Tonelico : Melody of Elemia
-Persona 3
-Sims 2

-Disgaea : Afternoon of Darkness
-Silent Hill Origins
-Dragoneer's Aria
-Final Fantasy Tatics WOTL
-Monster Hunter Freedom 2
-Me & My Katamari
-Neopets PetPet Adventures WOW (sis got it for me...)

-Devil May Cry 4
-Heavenly Sword

And lots more for the other systems. XD

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by yamiakumu on 2008-02-20 11:22:32

PS2: I had Kingdon Hearts one and two and Okage, but not anymore. I have Cstlevania Lament of Innocence (I've been stuck for a year) and Xenosaga one and two. There are so many other games I wish I had but I'm broke and I'm in trouble with my grades, so my parents won't buy any.

White rose with blood "...It's because love is painful. It's because broken hears bleed on this day... ...That's why love is red." ~"Why is love red?"

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by haseoToD on 2008-03-20 01:50:07
my collect:
suikoden 1-5
wild arms 1-5
star ocean till the end of time
star ocean second stori
ar tonelico
. hack// G.U 1-3
ateril Iris
kingdom hearts
tales abyss
tales eternia
tales destiny
and many more i cant remember it

about me i like music and rpg

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by konakona on 2008-03-21 11:33:55
I play DS games mostly, and I'm too busy with Brawl and Fire Emblem to play my PS2 games. It's a really short list (-__-)
-Kingdom Hearts
-Kingdom Hearts 2
-Rachet and Clank
-FF X-2
-Sonic Heroes

I think that's all of them...

Life is short. Watch all the anime you can :)

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by megamanx14 on 2008-03-21 11:56:20
mine is very long so i will just name the collection

megaman legends
kingdom hearts
street fighter
and much more

life is all math and friends.

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by reymund on 2008-03-21 14:35:49
I am new, but my brother and I have some games:

Kingdom Hearts I & II
Street Fighters
Final Fantasy VII & XII

Thats all.

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2008-03-21 15:11:46
Well, i mostly have strategy rpgs, but some rpgs as well:
Grandia II
Grandia III
Atelier Iris 2
Atelier Iris 3
Valkyrie Profile 2
.Hack GU 1-3
.Hack 1, 3
Suikoden V
Wild Arms 2
Wild Arms 4
WIld Arms 5
Tales of Phantasia
Tales of Legendia
Tales of Abyss
RPG Maker for PS2
Legend of Mana
Drakengard 2
Shining Force
Shining Tears

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-03-24 23:17:40 (edited 2008-03-24 23:33:37)
let see if i can remember it all

ps1: (all pirated!hahah argh! im a pirate ^^)

ff origins
ff anthology(5 and 6)
ff chronicles (4 and chrono trigger)
ff 7
ff 8
ff 9
ff tactics
suikoden 1
suikoden 2
wild arms
wild arms 2
tactics ogre
valkyrie profile
star ocean 2
legend of legaia
legend of dragoon
breath of fire 3
breath of fire 4
front mission 3
vagrant story
tales of destiny
tales of destiny 2
brave fencer musashi
alundra 2
vandal hearts 2
chrono cross
legend of mana
rpg maker (broken)
persona 2
grandia 2
digimon 2(sucks)
monster rancher 2
threads of fate
castlevania SoTN
Dragon Quest 7
lunar silver star story complete (broken...didnt even get to finish this)
saga frontier 2
grandstream saga ( broken)
azure dreams

ff x
ff x2
ff XII
ar tonelico
persona 3
KH 2
rougue galaxy
wild arms 5
valkyrie profile 2 (broken)
suikoden 5(broken)
xenosaga ep 1 (broken)
marvel ultimate alliance
xmen legend 2: rise of apocalypse
front mission 4

i need more ps2 rpgs >.>

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by yat on 2008-03-25 21:55:30
chrono cross
digimon world 1
digimon world 2
digimon world 3
ff vii

kingdom hearts
kingdom hearts 2
final fantasy 12
FF7 Dirge of Cerberus
onimusha 1,2, and 3

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by RandomOugi on 2008-03-30 04:15:03 (edited 2008-03-30 04:16:37)
I'll post what i can remember so hopefully the most relevant ones xD

FF VII,IX*,Tactics
both Lunars*
Digimon world 1-3
Harvest Moon*
Legend of Mana*
Front Mission 3*
Tales of Destiny II(Eternia)*
Chrono trigger/cross
Breath of fire IV*
Wild ARMs 2
Persona 2 Batsu
and certainly some more i don remember right now...

Radiata Stories*
KH 2*
Tales of: Destiny(remake)*, Destiny II, Abyss, Legendia, Phantasia
Dawn of Mana
Onimusha 3*, Shin
Front Mission 4*
Shining Force Neo, EXA*
Persona 3
Digital Devil Saga
Magna Carta
Forever Kingdom
Zone of the Enders 1*/2nd runner*(??? not sure about classifying as a RPG, but someone posted 2nd runner so...)
Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland*/Wonderful Life*
Genji*(another ???)
Grandia III
Shadow of the Colossus*(no Ico >.<)
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (Didn't finish cuz of the gai percentage thingy)
And also some i don remember now.

*ones i finished
Some of these are busted out of this world already, but they were all very fun even w/o clearing most of them.

Also i think Shenmue deserves a honorable mention even being for the Dreamcast, cuz it's just an awesome RPG =]

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by marsbars on 2008-03-30 04:54:45

Final Fantasy (Almost All the ff games)
Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
Tales of Destiny

although I never managed to finish ANY because I panic a lot.

meow meow

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by Eccentric CAKE! <3 on 2008-04-01 22:01:10
WOW, that's a heck of a lot of them RPG!
I only have Final Fantasy X, X-2, XII, Kingdom Hearts 1&2 plus GBA, and Final Fantasy Tactics for PS1

PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket YRP! <3

Re: Your playstation (1,2,3) RPG collection.
Link | by Blacklagoon on 2008-04-04 22:05:15
This is my RPG collection
Rogue Galaxy
Wild Arms 4
Shining Force Neo, EXA
Persona 3
Kingdom Hearts 1&2
Chrono cross
Ar tonelico
Xenosaga 2&3
Shadow Hearts 2
Grandia 3

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