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Searching Malaysian to make a an ANIME community.
Link | by ultrawan88 on 2005-05-16 22:03:57
Hello everybody! I am a Malaysian.

I'm now live in KL. Well, I'm thinking about making a community of all Malaysian about Anime stuff.

We can share all Anime & Japanese info together and also trade some kind of Anime stuff.

Come on, we can build our community by friendster or just e-mail me at

I want to make this community because, in Malaysia there is no such community about Anime & Japanese stuff. I have surveyed that most of Malaysian that DIDN'T UNDERSTAND ANIME, are underestimated us (Malaysian Anime Fans). They always said that Anime is for kids, and they still classified it as a cartoon (that mean Anime standard is just like Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse! Oh God! is this can be accepted by all of us?)

This is a very serious problem by my point of view and I bet the Anime Lovers in Malaysian will feel the same as me.

I really aprreciate that 'Gempak!' magazine keep on fighting for the Anime stuff to be lookk in a very matured way.

I also frequently tell all of these people that Anime is not for kids, it is for Global viewer & some only for adults.

It's so hard to believe that there are many NOT open-minded people in Malaysia.That is why Malaysia's animation cannot go through the international market.

Our former Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamad has made the 'Look East Policy' (LEP) in 1987 (if i'm not mistaken..)

The purpose it being made is to learn how the eastern culture (Mostly Japanese) work with a very good working eticate and also their creative mind to devolope something that is good for technology application.

The Japanese is a very open-minded people.They think globally and want to advanced not only in science, but also in art stream.

That is why the Japanese uses their advantage of science to their animation purpose. That is why the Anime is so high quality.

If you want to know, the Gundam Mechanical Design is a MECHANICAL ENGINEER! And his assistant is an ARCHITECT!

So, the conclusion is, if we want to live happily as a Malaysian Anime Fans, we must do something to correct the way of the Malaysian thinking.

I really hope that we all can build this community so that we can not only share the info about Anime, but also cahnge the way the NOT OPEN-MINDED PEOPLE LOOKING AT US!!

Thank You,

Furikaeruna! Michi wa haruka tsuzuiteku!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Searching Malaysian to make a an ANIME community.
Link | by fiffy on 2005-05-17 02:49:35
well i'm a malaysian 2 and i totally agree with u about the way malaysian ppl thinking bout anime.
they just think it just for kids but as u said earlier its not.
my ownself for example is a girl and its kind hard 2 find a girls around me who like anime 2.
so go on with ur dream 2 make the anime community.

Re: Searching Malaysian to make a an ANIME community.
Link | by Koshiro on 2005-05-17 10:56:07
I'm living in the country south of yours...
Somehow, the condition in my country is the same as yours...
Oh well at least it is growing down here..
Really hope you are succesful in your quest to make this ppl realise their wrongs... I salute you anime pal

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Re: Searching Malaysian to make a an ANIME community.
Link | by HaNNa luvs SanO on 2005-05-19 02:47:40
Konnichiwa Everyone!!!

Hai, hai, I'm Malaysian N i LOVE anime. Yeah, having dis anime community in our country sounds like a great idea. At least serious anime fans will definitely appreciate this.

I've to say dat many Malysians still have the typical perception on anime, dat it's entirely for kids. Excuseeee me, watch Rurouni Kenshin (ova), Ninja Scroll n some Hentai n see if u still think anime's only 4 kids.

I belive anime is a work of art, so we must look at it in a critical,mature point of view.

I luv SaitoU

Re: Searching Malaysian to make a an ANIME community.
Link | by riezawa on 2005-05-19 06:57:21
1st of all, I'm malaysian too (gasp) just another girl living near KL. Great idea to do this anime community. Definitely you should go for it. Count me in ^^

Let's dance!





Shameless plug alert

Re: Searching Malaysian to make a an ANIME community.
Link | by ultrawan88 on 2005-05-19 18:56:22
Hello Everybody,

It's me, ultrawan88. Thanks 4 ur support,if u all want 2 join this community, just post me an e-mail so that I can know who is interested & don't forget, include also ur nickname that being used in the Gendou forum & ur e-mail!(or just send me a message in friendster)

My e-mail can be seen by viewing my profile in the gendou's forum.

Anyway, let make this community an advantage 2 support our anime desires!

p/s:(just 4 riezawa), how can include ur in the community if I don't know ur e-mail?

Furikaeruna! Michi wa haruka tsuzuiteku!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Searching Malaysian to make a an ANIME community.
Link | by SAnZoRocks on 2005-05-19 22:57:38
hey i'm a malaysian too... i'm glad to see so many of you so interested in anime ,eversince i started watching anime... i couldnt's a great idea to start this community... at least u guys realise anime are not only for kids!thunmbs up to ultrawan88!!

Re: Searching Malaysian to make a an ANIME community.
Link | by ultrawan88 on 2005-05-20 02:13:52
Thanks riezawa, wait 4 my reply!

Furikaeruna! Michi wa haruka tsuzuiteku!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Searching Malaysian to make a an ANIME community.
Link | by RuneFox on 2005-05-25 07:33:26
i'm malaysian 2,i want join the community.
My email :

Re: Searching Malaysian to make a an ANIME community.
Link | by Nik Raf on 2005-05-26 11:01:14 (edited 2005-05-26 11:01:52)
Count me in , but I live in Kuantan quite far from KL this is my e-mail you can also add me in freindster "nik rafiuddin" but hope you tell who you are first because I would like to know who am I friend with

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