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Translation help
I was just reading some lyrics in japanese and found this

ada no youni chiriyuku
which translated to -
falling to the ground fruitlessly

and i was just wondering what the adding of yuku to chiru does exactly?

and i was also wondering what particle or word is used to some "to" as in -
"he is coming to play"

Re: Translation help
Link | by mamoru on 2008-03-04 08:22:35 (edited 2008-03-04 08:22:59)
originally chiru is fall right? + yuku which means to go or to continue. = falling

i can't find an exact substitute for to but well if i say
he is coming to play in japanese it's "kare wa asonde kite imasu"


Re: Translation help
so can yuku be added to any verbs to making them -ing or are there certain conditions?
eg. can yuku be added to iku (go) to make ikuyuku (going?)

does adding imasu to the end of a verb it te form also make the verb -ing
eg. iku = itte imasu (going?)

is yuku used often or when is it used?

Re: Translation help
Link | by mamoru on 2008-03-11 12:01:03
yuku is more like motion

yes, itte imasu - going, yonde imasu - reading, tabete imasu - eating


Re: Translation help
Just a quick question - what does this mean たましなき? (tamashinaki)

Re: Translation help
Link | by ChaosDevil on 2008-04-20 20:24:18
I'm not sure what the exact phrase means (I'm a second Semester Student) but maybe I can help.

たましい means soul while なき means "the late" or deceased. Perhaps a typo from the source? (if in fact the word means soul, you didn't add the extra い character)

So maybe it means a broken spirit (lost ambition) or maybe literally a dead soul.... I can't be sure without context.

Thats my quick interpretation, but I'm sure it's probably not right ^_^;
Hope that helps, at least it's a step in the right direction

Re: Translation help
Link | by Knavinusa on 2008-04-22 02:22:57
It might mean "soulless" as well. 無き means "without".

Re: Translation help
Link | by quatreyesquatreyes on 2008-04-22 09:15:07
the word naki can means lost or without as Knavinusa said, so the means of tamashinaki is soulless or maybe the lost soul. but as mamoru said since there is no context it can't be clearly enough to explain.

quatreyes For the one who already did their best at anything.

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