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Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-06 12:45:15
well~ w00t~ version 6~

previous thread

alright here stuff from previous thread.

As the title says, a person will offer an item or whatever you want for the next person to choose if he'll take or leave.
If possible, let's make the items in bold letters :)


person 1: a carrot
person 2: leave it... I don't like it... a drawing paper
person 3: take it... I love drawing! a pencil
and it goes on :)

Four post rule is not applied ^^

have fun~

well, I shall start~

apple? lolz

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-06 15:10:27
yaay~i'm first

take it,tenchuu~

an apple pie?

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by Image and video hosting by TinyPic on 2008-03-06 15:30:38

take it...

apple pie mah breakfast...^^


Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-06 21:03:51
take it

a hentai game? XD

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-03-06 21:33:18
Nonsense... *takes* O.o`

How about... the ability to read people's minds but you get headaches from time to time using the ability?


Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-06 23:59:28
hmm...risky but...i'll take it :O

A broken TV? lol

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-07 01:55:21
that'll be a waste >:D so leave it tenchuu and happy bday KK <33

128mb memory card? >:D

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by ayu_mia6 on 2008-03-07 06:43:40
Take it! so huge memory

A mysterious box?

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-07 06:49:52
take it...*open it*
aww its empty *.*

my brain?

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by ve_krin on 2008-03-07 07:06:51
take it and challenge it typing battle and win as many as I want over Kidâ„¢'s Brain (since it doesn't have fingers xD)

Gendou's pants?

Dream ends when we wake up and life ends when we die.
What's the different?

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-03-07 07:13:09
Hmm, take it, just in case I ever could use them for blackmail or somesuch.

I pickled birds foot?

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-03-07 18:17:43

How about... your own car when you're old enough?


Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by Oi! Put your cursor away! xD on 2008-03-07 18:21:11
Leave it, But take it, if the car is free or paid by someone ._.

A coconut? >.> first thing that comes in my mind

Viveh's property! Do not touch! xD

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by Image and video hosting by TinyPic on 2008-03-07 22:48:33
Take it!

*drinking milk tea

milk tea? ...willing to share..^^

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-07 23:13:26
leave it
black beans?

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-07 23:55:48
ewww beans X_x

A Red Fire Truck or a blue car?

Tales of FC

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-08 05:20:29
Take it!...both of them..and gave it to my little brother

A pair of socks?


Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-08 05:49:32
take it! it's really cold here right now

hot coffee?

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-08 21:23:23
Take it. I need to stay up longer.

A new video game?

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"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Take It or Leave It [V6]
Link | by on 2008-03-08 23:50:01
take it

your picture turned into a picture mosaic?

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