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Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by yoling on 2008-04-15 19:21:55 (edited 2008-04-15 19:33:33)
Just wondering whether theres any BL luvers like me in gendou. =]

I have to say i think junjou is one of the best new animes. ( Mostly because its BL.. and the story is soooo CUTE. hahaha )

and another one is nabari no ou. ( nice characters, easy to make couples out of it .. HAHAHA )

well yea. please leave a comment if you are one of the BL luvers and if you havent seen this anime yet!. go and watch it now. its a must watch. XD. ^^


Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by on 2008-04-15 20:43:25
I heard that this is a BL anime, so it's a must watch for me. X3

Ahh~ so many new releases. *_*

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Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by rin8 on 2008-04-15 21:21:11
I read the first half of book one of the manga, but it was a little too yaoi for me...

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Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by yoling on 2008-04-16 00:31:51
rin8: but really in the anime, well at least in the first episode, theres not much yaoi scene.

i guess its because its aired in like normal time. so they cant put too yaoi stuff in there..

damn..but its still really good.. xD


Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by koyatogashi on 2008-04-16 07:15:05
I'm a BL lover^_^
But have not seen that anime yet...

Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by yoling on 2008-04-16 13:26:40
O.o opposite for me. yaoi is good for mah health.. xD lmao


Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-04-16 14:43:42
Yaoi/BL lovers unit!!!
Well we don't have alot of yaoifangirls in the forums... not that i know...
But in the chat...
Azsakura! I sugest you give a pass in the chat and find out for yourself XD
Well for me i'm a utimate BL fan! Like yahoo! Bl=my anti-drug +_+
And yup! Junjou Romantica is on my favs list of anime for 2008. I can't get enough of it... and unfortully I don't have acess to the manga anymore DDD:
[I It saved in my comp untill Volume 3 i think XD]
I even got the raw version of the anime XD
Whee crazyness of my part, but to anyone that likes BL and haven't seen this one yet I sugest havily!

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Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by cin425 on 2008-04-17 18:01:16
I must watch it.
I've read part of the manga, and it was very...pleasing. (hmm?)
Nice to know there are BL fans here too.
Sometimes my fandom feels lonely.
I'm in a weird mood..

Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by on 2008-04-29 18:12:20
I finally saw the first episode. <3

There really isn't any plot much so far, but I guess it's just a fanservice series for BL fangirls, LOL. xPP

My heart went doki doki throughout the whole episode. 8)

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Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by on 2008-04-29 19:27:21
Yes ! I'm BL lOvers too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^___^

wew 0_o u're a BL Ultimate fabiana_seto??

I'll give you link if you want download manga series and the format is zip or rar


Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-05-01 10:20:57
OMFG!!! Ryvan!
I'm your fan for ever and now ;3;=Tears of joy!


I don't have words to thank you Ryvan T_T

I downloaded the episode 2! with subs! XDDD
so good *_*

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Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by on 2008-05-01 18:08:19
I saw the second episode a long time ago~ And rewatched both episodes who knows how many times now. XD

I <333 it so much.

And now for the manga...+_+

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Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by zaziu on 2008-05-04 15:01:20
omg i LOVES junjo *goes into yaoi fangirl mode* its soooo great! im watching the anime and its awesome! the mangas are teh awesomes too! omg i love all the couples, i cant decide who i like best! *squeee!*


Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by on 2008-05-04 16:07:03
I saw ep. 3 and 4. :) Nice how they were released right after each other, so less waiting. XD

Yay for new couples~ I thought ep. 3 was really sweet for some reason.

I read the first two chapters of the manga (basically ep. 1 and 2 in the anime), and it's so much more...hmmm...explicit? XD Lol.

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Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-05-04 16:23:15
Holly yeah Suzaku-chan XDDD
Gomen for sugest something if you think it was too explicit >.<
But i like the story how is told in the manga more them the anime XP
It is diferent and i like it!
I still luv both way of telling the story XDD
Mizaki is sooo cute <333~

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Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by on 2008-05-04 18:51:13
Oh no no no, I don't mind it, in fact I love it. *gets shot* Just saying that it was more than I expected. XD <3
So far, what I've read is the same in the anime. So I gotta read more. >.<
Misaki should stop denying he's not straight. XD

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Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-05-04 20:24:26
Junjou Romantica is love.
Hiroki x Nowaki is absolute love.


Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by koyatogashi on 2008-05-05 02:20:51 (edited 2008-05-05 02:21:47)
how many episodes already out?I only watched two.

Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-05-05 03:26:30
There are 4 episodes to date.
The third episode doesn't revolve on the main pairing though: It's another new pairing.
... But they are love! D:

Hirotan x Wacchan~<3


Re: Junjou Romantica - any BL Luvers?.
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-05-05 10:14:36
NYu mizaki-chi and Usahi-chan-sensei are super cute together!
But i think Hiro is more cute in the manga XDDD


ROFL Suzaku-chan
Btw wehere you are downloading it?

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