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how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by nicz159 on 2008-05-27 03:51:18
um.. i wanna know if there's any chance i would learn to type japanese... i wanna know where to find it so that i can also install it to my computer if possible.....


Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2008-05-27 03:57:30
look for a Japanese Word Processor
NJStar is a good one I think.

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by nicz159 on 2008-05-27 04:08:59
what's that? :D anyway... i'm using microsoft vista:D

i really wanna type in japanese...


Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-05-27 13:15:39
Um, Google?


Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by mewarmo990 on 2008-06-07 17:13:04
Windows comes with a built-in IME so you can type foreign languages. Takes too long to explain how to install it, STFW.

Maka here is an wonderful example of why it's a bad idea to home school your children. Maybe also a good example of why inbreeding is a bad idea, although the paternity test has not been done to say for sure. -Gendou

Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by otaku on 2008-06-24 19:25:33
I'll post up the steps (NOTE: These steps are for Microsoft Windows computers. Macs have a different way of doing this.):

1) Right-click the taskbar and go to the Toolbars menu.
2) You should see "Language Bar" in the list. Click on it.
3) When the Language Bar comes up, (you'll find it in the taskbar) click on the little arrow. Click on "Settings" when the list drops down.
4) The "Text Sevices and Input Languages" window should come up. Click on the "Add" button.
5) Look through the drop down list and click on Japanese (or whatever else language you want to type in) and click OK. Don't mind the Keyboard.
6) Click on the Language Bar, where it sould say "English (United States)" (it helps to restore the bar, or expand it). "Japanese" should be under there. Click on it.
7) Before typing in Japanese, make sure that the input mode is not set to "Direct Input".
8) 「はい,できました!」It's finished. You can now type in Japanese.

*There are some cases where the language Bar won't show. I do not know how to fix this.
**Also, you may need to install the Asian Language Pack before typing, or looking at Japanese text. Please make sure you have your OS disk, have the files on your Hard Drive, or contact an admistrator for support.

坂本 Sakamoto (book of the hill) 海斗 Kaito (big dipper of the ocean) just Tokome

Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by on 2008-06-24 19:34:36
and also, japanese is usually typed with the romaji pronouciations... if you're using that thing up there ^ in the previous post.

for example... if you're trying to type "watashi ha ________" in japanese... then all you'll have to do is type "watashi (space bar) wa (space bar) _______" in order for the japanese to show up... like this... (the spacebar turns normal hiragana into kanji when applicable.)
-type "watashi ha"- shows up: わたしは
-press spacebar- shows up: 私は
just like that.

sorry if my explanation isnt very clear... ><"

(this japanese input types hiragana, katakana, kanji and alphnumeric.)

Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2008-11-08 20:43:45
I can't really understand....

This is what happens when I type ABCDEFG



Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by Megumi_Tenshi❦ティナ© on 2008-11-08 20:47:43
How did "ABCDEFG" become "チコソシイハキ"? O_o
Was it while you were using the language bar?

Megumi_Tenshi©Dynasty Warriors Female Quiz result: Diao Chan

Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2008-11-09 20:09:13
^ Yup.I used a language bar on Windows Vista and i tried typing.I was like LOL I can't read this characters.All I know is that

チコ-->prounounced as chi

but the others I'm point blank..

Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by on 2008-11-11 12:32:32 (edited 2008-11-11 12:34:38)
Mac's come pre-installed with a whole bunch of language typefaces. It can be accessed through System Preferences > International > Input Menu > Hiragana/Katakana/Romaji.

I would recommend first setting it at hiragana. As you type, it will write it all out in its hiragana format, and when you press the spacebar, it will automatically format to kanji, which is surprisingly very accurate. Don't press the spacebar again though--- It can sometimes alter it to a different kanji reading that doesn't fit with the sentence. Once you have the sentence, it should be underlined. Press enter, and the line will go away, and you can continue typing.

As for "チコソシイハキ"

WTFH? XD The order of that seems to be "CHI KO SO SHI I HA KI", Which has nothing to do with A B C D E F G O______o;

Phonetically, I would assume it would be エイ ビ シ ヂイ (I dont know how to make it a little 'i' character. Oh well) イー エフ ジ

Did you download this font? I remember having a font that would put the katakana and hiragana in these random places and I could never figure it out.

Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2008-11-14 04:07:42
^ Oh no..I didn't download any japanese fonts.I used windows vista's built in language bar.

Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by amydien on 2008-12-06 16:37:35
^if you're using the built-in feature from vista, it's probably the IME input style that you have to change. You should have 2 options, IME Standard and Natural Input.

"チコソシイハキ" -->you probably got this because you're using the IME Standard.

Just switch to Natural Input so that you can type in romaji-style.
I hope that helps.

Re: how to type Japanese words and where to find them
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2009-02-13 18:59:55
Yup that helps a lot. Thanks =)

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