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Smash pic... thing?
Link | by slug on 2008-06-10 06:51:38 (edited 2008-06-13 20:48:54)

Can someone explain wtf is going on in this picture?

Better yet, can someone look at this thread, and explain to me how fangirls find these pictures so amusing?

Yeah, 100 pages of nonsense, but the most recent ones are the only ones that matter.

EDIT: Ok, learnt how to HTML. Any help?

Re: Smash pic... thing?
Link | by Explodreamer on 2008-06-21 06:45:42
the link you gave was weird... couldn't find the pic...

I dunno who they are, so I'll make then Green, Red and Blue for the obvious reasons :p ( is this some crack abt sentais? haha)

Green thinks that Red is Senshi A. Translation of bracketed words - meaning something like rubbish
Green thinks Blue is a stupid pet.
Green is jealous of his own beauty (there's an arrow pointing to himself...) I'm not sure if this is accurate as well...

Blue thinks both Green and Red are very good friends who has fought together with him.

Red thinks that Blue looks delicious.
Red thinks that he should be farther from Green (this I'm not so sure...)

They're cute! Absolutely... and reminds me of Okita (Green) and Hijikata (Red) from Gintama. And if you know who they are, you should get the basic idea.

Oh no... Oh no... Y do I feel more and more Konata-ish???

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