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Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by dood. on 2008-06-29 20:14:26 (edited 2010-10-03 15:01:11)

This thread is created in dedication to someone who may be the most B.A.M.F. anime character of all time:
Zero Kiryuu from "Vampire Knight"

If you're intrigued by him, if you admire him, if you wish you could meet him,
if you want him (for you ladies... and some of you fanboys... out there),
or if you just plain love him, then reply to this thread with your feelings on the man.
If you created an avatar or maybe even a signature honoring the awesomeness that is Zero,
then post it here so we can all be jealous

Here is a signature for members of the Zero fanclub:

If you wanna know how to use it as your signature, click HERE for directions.

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by on 2008-06-30 03:19:20
success!!! hahahaha!!!

omg just for a proper introduction Im Mrs. Kiryuu xD indeed the legal wife!
and all those mistresses die die die!
proof of our marriage


Zero is mega gorgeous /fap =]

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by on 2008-06-30 03:25:34

@vie i didn't believe you wrote those F*p word XDD

anyway when i read the vampire knight i found that he was more interesting than that dude with black hair (i'm sure that kaname fan will hunt me) well what else can you ask??? guy, mysterious, no hair color (in manga), with gun = COOL

dunno why from the start i don't like that black hair guy (now kaname fan will torture me... i'm sure of it >.<)

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by dood. on 2008-06-30 23:10:00
A second season of Vampire Knight is scheduled to air in Japan in October of this year. I can't wait!!! Read the article here.

Also, I found some sister threads on
Enjoy! Thread 1 Thread 2

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by on 2008-07-01 05:37:35
*activates the firing mechanism of her gun*
Lockey: how mean!!! Kaname is not as mysterious as u thought him to be!
i lurvess Zero and Kaname! although Zero turned out to be cooler on the anime than the manga!
and speaking of Kaname's hair i liked its color but the length of it on the anime totaleh changed o.o" i dunno if its just me hu's imagining it but his hair became shorter which looked kinda diferent and uncool! xD
but nvm about those Kaname and Zero are lurve <33

Dood: omg isnt that good news!!! season II yeeeeessss!!! plus there's already a specific month/date for its airing!!!

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by l-eru_near-nia on 2008-10-01 01:30:34
Zero RULEZ!!! I support this thread...

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by koyatogashi on 2008-10-01 03:38:39 (edited 2008-10-01 03:43:29)
I like Zero,my favourite character in Vampire Knight^_^and I think he is really much more cooler in anime then in manga.Really can't wait to watch the second season.

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by dood. on 2008-10-05 00:16:55
=) woot i hope this thread picks up once the new season starts!
and i agree with Hisa... i read some of teh manga and the character is WAY better in the anime =]

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by ilovehajisasukegaarajunyukito on 2008-10-05 00:47:30

i love Zero!


Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by streakofvengeance on 2008-10-05 00:48:15


Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by dood. on 2008-10-05 14:49:37 (edited 2010-10-03 15:02:13)

sig i made in honor of the awesomeness that is Zero =o
see, it's him in front of a mirror reflecting his different emotions (kinda weird, but meh, w/e)

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by on 2008-10-05 16:23:28
My goodness, I definitely did not expect this. XD

I'd like to join~ <333

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by starlight_candy on 2008-10-05 17:56:15
i love zero.....!!!
dood, that's a good news!
second season hah? i can't wait it!
matsuri hino sensei must be hard work fot that!
howeeh....?? we 'r soo lucky...
arigato MH sensei...

impossible is nothing!

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by dood. on 2008-10-05 19:45:42 (edited 2008-11-04 20:57:52)
well, this post is less Zero-focused and instead just more of a "ヴァンパイア騎士 Guilty" announcement
13 episodes set to air weekly starting TOMORROW! October 6, 2008!
Episode 1 is entitled The Sinners of Fate (宿命の罪人達- "Shukumei no tsumibito-tachi")
OP: "Rondo" by ON/OFF
ED: "Suna no O-shiro" by Kanon Wakeshima
and we're certainly expecting excellent tracks from these artists =)

that's all for now... but i need to make another quick reply directly below... hehehe you'll see.

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by starlight_candy on 2008-10-05 19:53:20
well, actually i just have 10 epi.
is there someone will upload in this site?
i hope so.
i can't waiting too long for that.
i hope the story will more interesting.
iam waiting u'r news.

impossible is nothing!

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by dood. on 2008-10-05 19:54:58
I'm SERIOUSLY considering getting a tattoo...

this is what it would be, same as Zero has on his neck, but my neck is a LITTLE too exposed for me! i mean, i still wanna get hired at normal jobs...
what do you guys think?
**refer to this image (click to enlarge) to see what it would look like if i got it on my neck =o

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by hina28 on 2008-10-06 19:58:53
Waah!! Zero is really handsome! I like him so much!
I like him more than Kuran especially the moment he bit the neck of that girl(forgot her name).


Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by anime_mangafan on 2008-10-06 23:21:00
yeah a zero fanclub!!! zero is a whole lot better than kaname!!!! >:DDDD all my friends think so too. d^_________^b

vampire knight guilty has started!!! yea!!!!!! :DDD

dood: that's cool that u wanna get a tattoo like that. :)
if u wanna put it on your neck, put it lower and make it smaller (maybe the back of ur neck...?). or u could just put the tattoo on ur arm or something if u don't want it to be THAT visible as it would be on ur neck.

When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, and watch the whole world wonder how you did it.

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by on 2008-10-10 05:07:32
yaaaaaaaaaaay! finally the club is alive! ;pp
welcome new members!

Re: Vampire Knight ~ Zero fanclub
Link | by dood. on 2008-10-10 19:24:19 (edited 2008-12-17 14:45:18)
ゼロ キリュウ!!!

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