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Oh, the irony!
Link | by solnath on 2008-07-11 15:38:24
Sorry, there's nothing really ironic here, just a kindasorta simple introduction of the not-newest member of Gendou, tommylee68.

Err, I mean, me!

So, considering the place, I should say konban wa or something to the effect, but I'm not such a Japanophile (okay, I am) so I'll settle with a more natural greeting.


Now that that's out of the way, I'm sure both of you reading this thread are absolutely nonplussed by this post, so I might as well ramble on about things no one is interested, such as the meaning of life and buggrit, the millennium shrimp.


Ahaa, see what I did there, I'm crafting a pattern here of alternating ridiculously long sentences with very short ones that might even consist of single words, hence utilising a witty literary device of building tension and then discarding it like the poor, weary life I lead.

Sadness. ;_;

And there we have it, an Oriental smilie, definite proof that I am an otaku, trapped by my own choice in my parents' basement, surrounded by thousands of anime books and manga DVDs (yes, suffer from incorrect usage of terminology!), not to mention my miniatures and whatever goes along with the stereotype.

Exclamation mark -> !

Alright, fine, I'll start making sense now. Dropping the fun, I'm a something-something (as opposed to thirty-something, which I most definitely am not! (!)) from the proudly sovereign nation of Scotland, where I am studying in University for my MA. At least, that is what I do by day. At night, I am...

...asleep or online.

Anyways, that should be it, if anyone has any questions, fantastic! That means you care and as such are not female (bitter? Nah!).

Okay, fine, here's some irony: I'm not good at long introductions. Happy?

Re: Oh, the irony!
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-11 15:41:26
Hmmm, well welcome, none-the-less.


Re: Oh, the irony!
Link | by on 2008-07-11 15:56:24

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: Oh, the irony!
Link | by on 2008-07-11 19:39:31
woaahh what a long intro XD

anyway welcome to the site ^^
have fun here n enjoy ur stay~

Re: Oh, the irony!
Link | by × on 2008-07-12 00:15:27
owh! i like your intro!
you know? people sumtimes lazy to type so long intro but actually i really love to read them *sigh...*

welcome! nice to meet you! and hev fun!

Re: Oh, the irony!
Link | by on 2008-07-12 18:47:54
Aawaw..Nice intro ~ Welcomez, nice to meet you ! Hope you have fun here !

Re: Oh, the irony!
Link | by on 2008-07-12 18:56:19
welcoem in here!

Re: Oh, the irony!
Link | by on 2008-07-12 22:42:19
Whoa...what an unusual intro!! XD
Welcome here!!

Re: Oh, the irony!
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-07-13 17:32:55
hahahahaha. genius dude. just genius.

i wish i came up with something that witty when i introduced myself.

welcome to the forum!

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