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[Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-25 14:35:08 (edited 2009-09-11 09:04:57)
    Basically, the continuation thread for the Haruhiism Club! Nothing has changed...
    Once again, I'm your humble leader, devils-angel (Danchou),
    and welcome to the second Haruhiism Club! /throws confetti everywhere!
    There's really no need for me to explain the rules and whatnot since it can all
    be found on the first post of the first page of the first club thread!
    If you need help finding that place on the foum, please click here.

    Now although the first few months have been nice and whatnot, there has been some flaws.
    Not every member has been active in the club much, or hardly on the forum.
    My guess is due to personal activities, but more likely, school...
    I don't blame anyone for not coming here at least once after joining.
    Although it's disappointing, I wish that can all change here and NOW!
    Hell, even I'm busy with school and that also leads to another problem... the new set.
    Most members here have already been officially registered into my club and are full members.
    Those wanting to be in the club as well, are on what is called, the "Pending List."
    This list is where new members, or future members, get their name added onto a list where
    they'll be included in the next set. An estimated date for that has not been decided yet...

    Now you guys know what the set is and whatnot, since you guys read about it already. /redeyes~
    Due to certain unknown circumstances, I have not been able to create the new set yet.
    I've decided that I will launch the second set, during next year or so.
    Why "next year!?" you ask? Well, in 2009, the new season of you know what, will be
    launched, hopefully. The official date for that has not even been released yet, but I want to
    add some new slots in if possible, as well as MORE slots for the next batch of members.
    I already know there's gonna be new characters in the cast, so I want to wait as long
    as I can until I found out more about them to fully include them into the next set.
    The next set will included mostly the same slots from the first set, if not all of them.
    Of course, I handle this part of the club again, distribute the logos, etc... which is very stressful!

    Other things I've been thinking about is a new logo design for the next set of members.
    I feel that it might be nice to have members being more diverse and different in the club
    but I also fear that that might not be fair and it can cause problems which I must avoid.
    There's also the search for at least two or three club assistants to help me watch over
    the club while I'm doing other outside things.
    Well, it's a club and it's good to have staff members, y'know cause being the leader of
    this many people being active all the time here, is not an easy thing to do.

    Just like the first and second thread, Haruhiism Club Second,でしょでしょ? will also have news and
    updates that I will explain to you all here, on the first page so check every so often
    to find out new information! To wrap it up here, I hope we go strong in the club again,
    and get more members! Hopefully, more people can stop by and make it a more cheerful and fun
    environment. As always, I'll try to come up with more creative ideas to help better this club!
    Only "members" of the club can post here. The only exception is if you want to join the club.
    This is not an open-anime thread where anyone can post. This is a club, respectively.

    Talk about Suzumiya Haruhi (anime, characters), Hirano Aya and other related business, here!
    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Blinking (active), Not-Blinking (not-active).
    The new season is finally here! Well, parts of it, and by parts and parts, but
    the first [new] episode is already released. Which only means that this place
    won't be as quiet as it was over the past two and a half years sadly enough,
    and we will once again, take over and dust the dust off our thrones! >:D

    There's one open question I would love everyone to answer though, and I don't
    really need everyone's answer, just a majority vote, and that is if you guys
    would still like to use the original membership logos from the first set.
    Take note that I lost the original .psd file template when I had to clean out
    my computer a little while back, so not only did I lost that, but I lost all of
    the first sets logos as well, though since I have a copy of them on photobucket
    (and everyone has 'em already anyways).

    This question will be held over the weekend, and whoever tells me, I guess
    that's that, but I will make new updates to it of course, as well as choose my
    new staff members ASAP. But then again, I still might not make the new set
    until after the season, but with the line up, it's scheduled to end by this Fall-Winter! (2009)

    But there might be more slots available at a time, if I decided to add in a few
    new twists, which only I will know as well as the staff members.
First List of Rankings!

Other ranks:
    Danchou (leader): "DA" (devils-angel) as "Suzumiya Haruhi"
Others will soon be added...

Members under Haruhiism!?

Members waiting for the next list:
Affiliated Clubs/other:
    [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ? POLL!
    What are the chances that SHnY: Second are on releasing/creating a Christmas related OVA or Special?

    [0%] Chances seem pretty non-existent to me.
    [10%] Some possibility, but not likely...
    [25%] There's some hope in this one, but not enough unfortunately.
    50%] Hmm, to me it can go either way.
    [75%] Pretty good chances, although I'm not totally sure with these chances...
    [85%] I'm liking how things are turning out so far. I'm feeling good about this one.
    [90%] Most likely, there's no doubt about it. Definitely an OVA or Special.
    [100%] FUMOFFU!


Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-07-25 15:04:19
Woot! New thread!

=__= *needs to say something un-spammy*

o.o Haruhi boxset has been released for $45 on amazon! I think I'll pick that up even though I already have volume 1 and 2.
It's cheaper instead of buying each one individual even though I already own 2 of them. =.=
Oh well, my friend she'd buy those singles off of me and I don't want to pass this boxset up.

btw, thanks for posting the link to the cosplay club.
-.- I was looking for it but couldn't find it cause it has that symbol in front of it's title. ^__^;;

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-25 15:28:38
For some reason, I always know you're one of the earliest to post here. :P
Thanks for the support, and don't worry about you post, lol.

Last time I checked for it at the mall, I saw Volume one and two there,
though each were like, 45-50$! Though they didn't have the final volume, which was kinda... lame. :/
I wish they had a regular box set without the other cool, fan accessories.

About that cosplay link, it's been there on the last thread for a long time as well, haha.
There's still some editing and other stuff I'll need to do,
but there's no rush and I'll get to it eventually when I feel like it.

For now, just continue with basic stuff as if the second thread was never locked and moved on.
This is basically it anyways... right? Right!? It's kinda funny saying that now... XD


Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by on 2008-07-25 18:17:59
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay New thread!!


Hurray Haruhism! ^-^

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Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-07-25 18:58:15
deshou deshou~?! XDD

as always, Mikuru's welcoming smile, in a meido uniform seems to say okaerin~! to all members and pending members X3.

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-07-25 19:35:51
new thread desho?

Me ish the first No memebr who post, hahahaha



Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by on 2008-07-25 19:46:45
@ Jow: Heeeh ._. isn't that pretty expensive for... how many episodes where there? 12? ._.;
Mmm... I don't really buy much anime, so I don't know what a good price is, actually ._.;

@ DA: >.>; I am spamming, but something must be said...! (almost) You in PA have nice stone things along the highway things! Er... I have no idea what they're called, but the things that line the highway as not-so-tall tan-ish blocks... with fishies on them~ OoO~ And the ones that separate the lanes going opposite directions with the craved-out bricks look cool too~ Is it like that everywhere? I was on some route thing (from Buffalo to Erie) on the Greyhound earlier and I decided I needed to rant about them... *sweat*

But anyways, about Haruhi more~

In the light novel, what exactly is going on with the girl whose name I forgot, the one who is Kyon's old friend and has the Haruhi-like-ness? and the different Organizations and the blahblah o.o; I only understand plots when they're twisted past a certain degree of twisted-ness, which makes no sense at all... *sweat*

Roxas is Mine =D
Claim! your own

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-07-25 20:23:38
@tsume: >.> Actually, $45 for 14 episodes is actually rather reasonable.
Like DA said, some single volumes containing 4-5 episodes can range to $45 alone!
._. Is you talking about er...Sasaki I think?
I've only read the first couple novels so I'm not really sure what goes on afterwards... -__-;;

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-07-25 20:26:47
alright new thread!hahaha

so DN just broke the combo of members posting...(DA,jow,DA,pame,Bkno..)hahaha

so MAI is one of the ENOZ members hahaha i never paid much attention to them since all that time i was
gawking at haruhi singing and rocking on the guitars!hahahaha

well...congrats on the NEW Haruhiism club Second thread!hahaha

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-25 20:55:32
[@Pame] Glad you found some spare time from singing and drop by! XD

[@Bkno] Yeah, don't you just love that picture?
Maybe I'll get a new one in the future, who knows, but for now it's fine. ( ´∀`)

[@Hikari] Not sure about the fishes... but are you talking about the dividers or medians?
I thought you were talking about the Keystone at first or something, but I'm guessing it's this.
If so, then yeah, they are everywhere. I'm guessing they're everywhere, too? :P

Also like Jow said, anime can be VERY expensive and a rip off sometimes if you asked me.
FLCL has six episodes. Three Volumes contains two episodes.
Each used to be 40$! Though I saw FLCL so many times on Adult Swim, it's carved in my head pretty much. XD

[@Zpart] Yeah, it reminds me of the first intro when everyone got their logos! :3

I guess it's kinda true, though I hope they come back in season 2!
I think they said she could sing for them any time again if she wanted to, so who knows.
It'd be awesome if she did a song Hirano Aya's released already,
cause I want to see one of 'em used, though my favorite "Unnamed World" single was ALREADY used... T3T

Also, don't forget about her in that tight little bunny suit!
You should see the doujinshi of her and Mikuru when they're... ahem... Thanks for the support!


Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by on 2008-07-25 21:51:03 (edited 2008-07-25 21:52:34)
Ooooo~ the new thread for a club already~ Well congrats on making
it SmexehMasterDA. I hope ot will go well like the last one ;D

Seem the "roll call" still needs some time O.o

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Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by on 2008-07-25 22:48:55
WOWOWOW!! Pretty new thread! Love the Post #1!

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by poseidon on 2008-07-25 23:53:09
Yeah, new thread! All spanking-brand-new.

See ya at the end of time...

My Anime List

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by on 2008-07-26 00:19:54
Hi there "Mr. Waiting in Queue No.1" Luiz Reporting for the new topic, great news on having a new thread and ready for some more Haruhi's madness...XD!!!

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-07-26 03:44:17 (edited 2008-07-26 03:52:10)
New thread!! w00t!! By the way...why is it called 'second'? cause there's already a second thread...and this is the third one...

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Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by Huy on 2008-07-26 04:09:05
Man, I have to read the Novels...

Anyways, be ready for some Kyon-ism! xD

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by giles on 2008-07-26 05:24:26
Nice to see the group's still going strong, though some of us don't get to visit all that often. So how's everyone been doing?
It's kinda late, but Congrats Pame!

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-26 07:46:08
[@Kay] You're right about this being the third thread,
but it's basically a continue off the second thread since there's nothing that different, right? Right? XD

It's good to see such familiar faces around here. :P


Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by sai on 2008-07-26 07:46:18 (edited 2008-07-26 08:04:10)
Oo, new thread! Sweet... Posting in page 1 :P
But yeah why the name? Maybe it'll sound better if you drop the "second". Sticking with the でしょでしょ sounds good enough :D
Well, may the thread goes just as well as the earlier ones, even better!

Btw i just managed to get my hands on the ps2 haruhi game... HAHAHHHH
now if only i understand how to properly play it... T_T

Sasaki and the others you mean? In the latest book? Aren't they just appearing for now...

edit: whoops, wrong message, i thought it was DN who's asking :P

Re: [Haruhiism] ハルヒ主義 Club Second,でしょでしょ?
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-07-26 08:00:17
well, Enoz can appear again in the anime if they make some episode with
the cd drama about how the hare hare was born XD

It could be intresting ^^'

@Sai: uh?? can you tell me why did you tell me that??
I don't remeber metion her XD

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