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Ookiku Furikabutte~!
Link | by on 2008-08-28 06:51:36
I'm wondering if anyone has watched or is watching this series...
It's a very funny sport series about baseball... I mean it when I say fun.

Here's a summary of it:

Mihashi moves on to high school convinced he is a lousy baseball pitcher. Once there, he meets the catcher Abe and the team manager Momoe who together, work to make Mihashi overcome his shyness and fear of being a terrible ace.


I had met plenty of coward characters in anime like Sena from Eyehsield 21 or Tsuna from Reborn but Mihashi is the worst ever! Adding up his shyness and indecisiveness to his personality makes him a more interesting character. With this, there's plenty of ground for character development. I really like Mihashi to improve as well as the team too. The teamwork has been great so far and I'm enjoying it. ^^

So, what can you say about this anime?

Re: Ookiku Furikabutte~!
Link | by gant on 2008-08-29 03:22:34
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Jaydel!!!! Wat's up? It's me, alienninjasaiyan from MAL!

What a coincidence, man! I'm watching Oofuri as well (I'm behind you at Ep.4, though). It's really fun, isn't it? You get to know so many facts. I even wrote about it on my blog here.


Re: Ookiku Furikabutte~!
Link | by on 2008-08-31 18:36:44
i know.... I'm not a fan of baseball and I'm lagging in terms of 'baseball knowledge' but i'm beginning to understand the world of baseball as i watch each episode. Also, the thing about dopamine is a really interesting trivia.

I love the opening song Dramatic. I've played it so many times on my winamp. I'm gonna rate that song in Gendou right now...! A big 10!

i think the girls will love this series too even though there's no romance in it. There are some mixes of Shounen-ai although they presented it in a funny manner. I laughed when Ren said I love you to Abe. I swear, that scene was really hilarious.

Re: Ookiku Furikabutte~!
Link | by gant on 2008-09-02 04:43:06
Soooooo totally true, man!!! I was splitting my sides when he says that! 'Abe-kun ga suki da!' God, what a laff-riot!


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