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Tips for studying japanese
Link | by YAMIshin on 2005-05-29 07:43:44 (edited 2005-06-10 11:59:37)
well, in this thread I'd like to get some tips to study Japanesse so I can study it easier.
Last year I take my Level 3 noryokushiken and I failed in it, so I'll take it again this year. So can anyone help me with this.

tanomu yo minna. Arigatou.
( If you want to write in kana/kanji to reply it's okay or maybe I prefer that way so I can learn more)

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by ParaParaJMo on 2005-05-29 19:14:55 (edited 2005-05-29 19:15:03)
You can probably buy some stuff here

If Guns Kill People Then Pencils Mispell Words

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by ParaParaJMo on 2005-05-31 18:49:22

僕も彼が日本に行ったら日本語が上手になることが出来ると思っているんですが, 彼の場合にはちょっと無理過ぎるってばよ

If Guns Kill People Then Pencils Mispell Words

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by YAMIshin on 2005-06-07 09:15:59
usoo... ikinari nihon e ikou?
doushiyou? noryoku wa nai yo?

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by meiko_bear on 2005-06-07 11:19:22
I really have no clue where to start. I mean I'm in the process in learning the katakana and the hiragana charts and I suprised myself by having the sounding memorized but writing in japanses is different even though for quite a bit of it the lettering are the same for alot just tiny differences.But I'm trying...

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by cartvictim on 2005-06-09 23:12:36
Try practicing writing the hiragana and katakana until you know all of them. well..until you're familiar with it. after you should learn some grammar points. If you can take classes on it, but otherwise try to learn by book。


the japanese is just a translation of the top part ^_^

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by Patty Mac on 2005-07-07 14:37:57
I can read hiragana perfectly and most katakana and my grammar is great, but kanji are the bane of my existence. I don't mean to sound close-minded or anything (because I'm quite the opposite) but I cannot tell one kanji from the next. Almost all of them look the same to me. Actually, let me rephrase that: I can tell that they are different, but I'm hopeless when it comes to reading them. I only know the kanji for numbers and telling the day of the week, and even those I have trouble recalling. Thankfully, my Japanese sensei thinks that learning kanji is nowhere near as important as actually learning how to speak the language. Sono ga suki desu yo! ^_^ (I'm sure I said that wrong)

I only wish I knew how to make hiragana and katakana characters on my computer. That would make my week. ^_^

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by #Reia# on 2005-07-08 17:38:06
If you want to learn japanese language in easy way, i think it is good to learn first the hiragana and katagana. you can learn also a japanese by watching TV. it is good to read the japanese comics. you try to translate it in english... i think you learn how to make the sentence by doing that. and of course you shold have to use japanese often.

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by ruri-chan on 2005-07-11 20:21:09


よ… ç§?ã?®å??å‰?ã?¯ã‚‹ã‚Šã? ã€‚日本人ã?§ä»Šã‚¢ãƒ¡ãƒªã‚«ã?«ä½?ã‚“ã?§ã?„ã?¾ã?™â€¦ã€€çŒ«ã€?犬ã€?ã?‹ã‚?ã?„ã?„物大好ã??ã?§ã?™! ã?¿ã?‹ã‚“食ã?¹ã?Ÿã?„ã?ªâ€¦(笑 日本語頑張ã?£ã?¦ã?„ã‚‹ã‚“ã?‘ã?©ã‚„ã?£ã?±ãƒ€ãƒ¡ã‚„ã?ªâ€¦ã€€(涙) ã?©ã?†ã?—よã?†!

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by Patty Mac on 2005-07-13 12:40:53 (edited 2005-07-13 12:41:28)
I wish I understood that last post. -_-* Again, it's the kanji that gets me.

Anyway, my sensei is quite amazed at how much Japanese I learn just from watching my anime and mimicing what the characters say. I'll occasionally bring some to class and she'll point out all the grammar structures I should know and ask me to translate (I'm the only student in the class; it's private tutoring). The opening to Excel Saga is great because we just finished working on the "ja nai" and "adj-kunai" structures.

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by kino rei on 2005-07-29 05:08:36

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by Syock on 2005-07-29 23:32:20
If you're still studying for level3, i think the following link will do:

Not only it has grammar lessons, it also has extra info about Japan and its weirdness (or maybe it's just the author that's weird).
Also, if you're studying on your computer, don't forget to download the free softs from this page:

It has links to JWPCE, Kanji flashcards, etc.
Me and my friends have been using JWPCE's dictionary for japanese study ever since.
Though for Kanji study, you need to practice the same kanji for days to remember better.
My teacher gives me daily kanji drill as homework, it's kinda ややこしい
but in return it helps me to remember a lot!

Re: Tips for studying japanese
Link | by Ehlers on 2005-08-10 10:46:47
日本 :D

Well for sites i know these:

You probably have to know or study japanese, before they will be really usefull.

And for installing japanese on your comp. Have the XP CD and go in the language section and install Japanese :P And you will be up and running in no time, and remember to add the japanese keyboard :P

A girl have stolen my heart

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