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Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by Ya-chan on 2008-09-23 16:52:34
Everyone's played and loved big name games like Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Halo, Disgaea, etc., but there are a lot of games I feel are totally under-appreciated.

Way of the Samurai 2 - a PS2 game, you are a ronin wandering into a bustling town. In this game, you get to decide in certain cutscenes whether to help the citizens, battle for justice, become a thug, or simply kill everyone you see. The battle system is really fun! You alternate between vertical and horizontal strikes, which you can chain together for combos. Parrying not only helps defend, but by parrying, you can knock your opponent off guard and can instantly kill them. Unlocking different characters and collecting weapons and titles adds to the replay value. Only bad thing, the dubbing will make your ears bleed.

Star Wars Battlefront II - The sequel to Battlefront, this game allows for large-scale FPS action. You earn points in battle to unlock stronger playable classes, and can even unlock a choice to play as a jedi! I hope they decide to make a BF3!

Any other games you guys wanna introduce the public to?

haruhibitemikuru mmmmmmmmmmmm.......

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by on 2008-09-24 19:36:52
Way of the Samurai 2 - Completely agree with Ya-chan. Very under appreciated but such an awesome game. Loved using the last boss guys 5 foot sword or the blacksmiths tools (Man was he hard to beat, and he was using a bloody freaking blacksmith hammer and tongs.)

Can't think of any others right away.


Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by on 2008-09-24 21:40:00
i agree with you two as well
I love that game XD

i can't think of any others yet atm...>_>

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by on 2008-09-25 17:11:43
I really think there are alot of games that don't get the recognition that they deserve & since i play mostly RPGs my list will reflect that.

Odin's Sphere (PS2) - very under-appreciated!! Not many people i know have ever played it or even heard of it. Beautiful 2D graphics & a very memorable storyline with great characters. Highly acclaimed with reviewers recieving high marks but again not many have played it.

ICO (PS2) - a true masterpiece & now a cult classic. Released kinda early in the PS2 time frame so not alot of people have played it but have heard of it. When the game was released it recieved very little fanfare & advertisement, but if you are lucky enough to get it you are treated to one of the most beautiful & atmospheric games ever made. Again highly acclaimed & can seen on ebay for alot of money.

Dark Cloud 2 (PS2) - WAY better than the first one & one of the earlier games to use 'cell shaded' graphics. Alot of replay value & very fun to play. Again highly acclaimed by reviewers yet very little have played it other than hardcore fans.

Colony Wars 1 & 2 (PS1) - Going way back with this one. One of the best shooters for the PS2. Great graphics for its time & very difficult at times. This game will test your fortitude! Stunning visuals & awe-inspiring music score.

Einhander (PS1) - Squares only entry to the SHMUPS which is a tad strange that more haven't been made. A classic side-scrolling shooter with insane difficulty (what a SHMUP is all about), large bosses, insane dodging & most of all REALLY REALLY fun to play.

Klonoa (PS1) - One of the best platformers for the PS2. Really addictive gameplay & very cure visual presentation. Features a rabbit-like creature named Klonoa who sorta resembles Ryo-Oki from Tenchi. Really fun to play but is difficult enough for hardcore gamers.

There is more that i can't remember off the top of my head but i'm sure to remember sooner of later.

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by on 2008-09-25 23:25:05 (edited 2008-09-25 23:26:07)
wow i played Dark Cloud 2...but i didn't know it's under-appreciated. D:
But then it was hard to get that game...even now i still play that XD

What about Vanguard Bandits (PS1)? I think not many people heard of it...or is it just me?
IMO that game is pretty good...

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by Maiku on 2008-09-26 20:31:14
I'd have to go with the following

-Summon (k)Night Swordcraft Story 1&2 for GBA. Fun RPGs where you forge weapons, with battles that remind me of early tales games.
-Etrian Oddysey (1 and 2)
-Castle of Shikigami 3
-Mana Khemia

Just a few off of the top of my head.

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by H on 2008-09-26 21:05:54
I don't think way of the samurai, dark cloud 2, and okami are underappreciated, people played them a lot. I think almost every PS2 owner in my highschool played them back then

Brigandine (PS) anyone? Arguably the best strategy game ever made. Not many people find this interesting but I'm totally addicted to this ^^ Classic favorite!

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2008-09-27 08:09:34
I would not call Okami as an under-appreciated game. Overall, it had really good reviews and a lot of people loved the game that even an immediate port to the Wii was made.

Dark Cloud 2 was hailed as an immense improvement over its predecessor and it shows. Graphics overhaul, Better random dungeons, and a better story. Even the Town management was improved.

I would consider Robotic Alchemic Drive, and Ring of Red under-appreciated. ICO would be one if not for Shadow of the Colossus. When ICO was released a lot of players did not pay immediate attention to it.

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-09-27 08:28:51
I haven't played so many game titles in my day,
but ICO would be one of my answers as well. :O


Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by HK on 2008-09-27 09:15:47


I say Okami and Summon Night aren't "under appreciated"...
I mean... it isn't AS BIG as the titles mentioned in teh first post... but still...

erk... for my list.. I'mma go with:
+ Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age - GBA (#3 still on teh rumored stage) : erk.. what? have
you heard of this game??? Felix, Isaac... Djinns(sp), Psyenergy, Adepts.. erk..
moving on.. XD

+Yggdra Union - GBA (another version on the PSP... released in Japan):
hmm... another GBA RPG game... kinda like Advance Wars but more of teh "better art" style.. XDD

erk.. that's all for now.. XD

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by on 2008-09-27 09:29:52
are those really under-appreciated?
i heard great things about those actually XD

hmm i don't think Okami is under-appreciated too. I love that game.

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by HK on 2008-09-28 07:00:29

kira: Well, I haven't heard much about these games from the "real" gamers.. XD
When was teh last time you heard about those games?? They were teh hype on their
times... but now... teh fans are teh only one that's waiting for new news about said games... XDDD

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2008-09-28 08:55:16 (edited 2008-09-28 08:57:58)
I'm going to add Dreamfall: The Longest Journey to that list. It was a great adventure game. It had an amazing story and beautiful graphics. The presentation, superb. I'm currently finding some HD space to play the first game on the PC.

I'm also going to start to play Beyond good and evil. Which passed my radar by the time of it's release and I was unable able to get a copy for the PS2.

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by armorrizedragon73 on 2008-09-28 09:37:04
Trap Gunner for the PSX
Persona 2 Innocent Sin

Those games were great

But also just to add in

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Exodus.

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by on 2008-09-28 20:14:15
I heard about Golden Sun and Yggdra Union like...a few months...or was it next year...after they were released XD
not at the same time of

I tried asking at some game stores...XD
They said they're yeah XD

I'm waiting for the new game of Golden Sun to be released...if it's true XD

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by on 2008-09-29 23:38:59
Playing Yggdra Union on my PSP currently...very VERY HARD game!

I think Golden Sun was pretty popular when it was on the GBA.

Here are some more older games that deserve some recognition:

Silhouette Mirage - old school 2D platform game, big sprites, colorful & hard!
Alundra - an action RPG with weird story & gameplay
Thousand Arms - a sim-date RPG!! Great characters, & very interesting gameplay.
Vagrant Story - lost in the Final Fantasy talk, one of the best RPGs made for the PS1. From the makers of FF tactics! I think this gets looked over cause it IS from Squenix the makers of FF.

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by on 2008-09-30 02:39:39
Thousand Arms is actually hard to find here...and most people never heard of it >_<
I loved that game...sadly I lost it D:

wait I thought Vagrant Story is popular?

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by on 2008-09-30 07:49:55
Parasite Eve was another game I think is under appreciated. That game was really just created to test Square's graphic engine for FF8 and it kind of fell to the wayside.

Zone of the Enders is also really under appreciated. A lot of people bought it, yes, but only because it had a demo of Metal Gear Solid 2 in it. The second one was even better than the first and it's difficult to find that game anymore. (You have to admit though, Kojima KNOWS how to get people to try his new not Metal Gear game. Hooking people with the demo of MGS2.)


Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by on 2008-10-01 00:38:03
hmmm prolly chrono cross that game is just awesome either that or the lunar series, they both kick ass but dont really get the respect they deserve,

Re: Favorite under-appreciated games
Link | by on 2008-10-01 01:08:04
@ Kira-san
Well yes Vagrant Story is popular but not as much as it should have. It gets lost sometimes when you talk about games by Squenix. Mostly everyone will mention a FF game before even considering Vagrant Story. Hard core gamers think it is one of the best games ever released by Squenix. No talk about a sequel/prequel or even a remake for this game which is a shame.

@ Jon-san
Yeah!! I loved Parasite Eve (the 2nd one was too Resident Evilish for my liking), it was a pretty cool game for its time. There are some flaws that some people didn't like about it, mostly the 'linear' gameplay & the excessive FMV it had. Personally it rocked although Aya does run kinda slow :P

I agree the 2nd ZOE was a vast improvement over the original, although i found it to be really hard. Anubis is cheap as hell as a final boss. Great music (Beyond the Bounds!!!) & deep storyline. Loved the cameo of the Vic Viper the mech that Leo piloted! Suprisingly another game isn't being made? Something like this on the PS3 would be killer!!

@ MD-san
Chrono Cross actually has a huge following, especially of fans who want to see another game based on the franchise. Supposedly before the merger of Square they were contemplating making a game called 'Chrono Break'...that's what i heard in the rumor mill. But alas the project never actually made it to the drawing board & may never see the light of day. Mostly due to the fact that all the staff ended up leaving Square like Masato Kato-san (director & scenarist) & Yasunori Mitsuda (composer).

I agree though that Lunar is a very underrated game...wish there was a more updated version of it made for next gen systems.

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