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Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by Renma on 2008-10-08 19:50:10 (edited 2008-10-09 20:34:58)
Welcome To the club! be it you're a living dead, dead apostle, true ancestor, aristoteles, magus, sorcerers, servant or even just plain human :D

First up, Let me Give you some pointers on how this club work, okay?

This club is here to provide information regarding Type Moon Work and as well as providing the place where type moon fans can hold a discussion (Be it anime, manga or even PC-Game) and also, to enlighten people regarding some of the less unknown Type moon works (For instance: Angel notes and Tsukihime the visual novel)

Type Moon Works


#1 All Regular forum rules still apply here

#2 No Flaming, trolling, bashing or w/e that's offending other people

#3 Heated up debate is allowed, but please.. No hard feelings okay?

#4 While it's customary to discuss in a club by being a member of it, Memberships are encouraged. However everyone is free to discuss here even if you're just passing by XD (Though, Like I Said it'd be more beneficial if you're a member since it'd be more likely everyone else will acknowledge your questions)

#5 Bumping the thread (Deleting a post then repost it again) is okay.

#6 Most important of all: Have fun!

How to join!

Just state here that you want to be a member and you're more than qualified XDD though, the formal application would be something like this

Nickname: (You know this one, duh)

Claimed character / The series of where the char comes from: (Im planning to make some kind of Club ID, along with your claimed character in it, No same character is allowed.. as for me? I Claimed Kohaku of course XD)

List of members:

Renma (Club founder, Claimed Kohaku from Tsukihime)
Mystuh (Claimed Archer from Fate/Stay Night)
Izumo (Claimed Dark Sakura from Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's feel scenario)
Seraph (Claimed Akiha Tohno from Tsukihime)
Eria (Claimed Caren Ortensia from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia)
Empo (Claimed Neko-Arc from Melty Blood)
Kelrei (Claimed Saber from Fate/Stay Night)
Moggle (Claimed Sacchin Yumizuka Satsuki from Tsukihime)
DT (Claimed Illyasviel von Einzbern from Fate/Stay Night)
H (Claimed Sion Eltnam Atlasia from Melty Blood)

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by on 2008-10-08 20:08:53
Uhm, Hi renma, I dunno too much about Type Moon other than fate/stay night but I'm kinda interested so I wanna join!

Nickname: mystuhmusic
claimed character: Archer from Fate/Stay Night

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by on 2008-10-08 20:20:16 (edited 2008-10-08 20:21:55)
@ Renma-san

Of course you can sign me up to this club! I'll try my best to keep everyone up to date with anything new with the company since i read alot of visual novel magazines like Tech Gian & Push.

Nice to meet everyone :P

Forgot about the claim...

Name: Izumo
Claim: Tough choice but i'll choose Sakura (Dark ver. XD)

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by Renma on 2008-10-08 20:27:02 (edited 2008-10-08 20:29:18)
@Mystuhmusic Aweeeesome! Welcome my first member! Ah, Archer, eh? Guess what they say about the nicest guy finished last is not true XDD anyways, welcome and have fun here ^^ Feel free to ask or discuss things with the members

@Izumo Yeeeesss!! You're here!! Welcome welcome!! ^^ Though,, Why not applying for a membership here izumo? :D You'll get uhhh, a free package of Hisui's Plum sandwich and Ciel's Homemade Curry if you sign up now XDD (Though, the death caused by the foods are clearly just accidents, not intended)

Ah yes... I just read that Tsukihime remake will be released around 2010, December.. along with Type Moon's 12th Anniversary.. Though, I Still yet to confirm the rumors I Heard among Type Moon Fans.. Is that true, Izumo?

Edit: Ah, You claimed already XDD my bad

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by on 2008-10-08 20:42:14
@ Renma-san
OH GOD!!! Luckily i edited my last post to avoid the 'presents' or what you call free package. I have to be either drunk or crazy to taste those things. Although i must admit that Ciel's homemade curry does look kinda appetizing :P

About the release date of Tsukihime change. Yeah i heard the rumors as well & it kinda makes sense. Though so far like you said nothing has been confirmed by the company or from the mouth of Nasu-san as of yet.

My thoughts is that may happen cause then they can release 'Girl's Work' & 'Mahoyo' before releasing the Tsukihime remake. Both of these titles have yet to recieve a set date. And so far the homepage for these titles have yet to be updated.

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by Renma on 2008-10-08 20:50:25
@Izumo Ciel's Curry.. ROFL, do you know that there's a doujin regarding on why she loves curry? It's kinda official as well, since the whole thing is inspired by One of the dead apostle that's already official XDD

Well, as much as I'd love to see Type Moon's Works like Girls' Works and Mahotsukai no yoru... I Still want Tsukihime remake to be at least in 2009.. Well.. Like they say.. Greatness takes time.. They sure are XDD

By The waaaay.. Have you read Type Moon Complex X-03 Izumo? The translation is out already.. (Well, for quite a bit I Think) The guys on Gaku Gaku translated em.. Well? Whaddya think? XDD Who's gonna win? Tsukihime Gangs? Or Fate Stay night? Or even counter guardians? We still cant eliminate the possibility that they will create another counter guardian (Fanmade of course) To back up archer. just like what they did with Our Miss Counter Counter Guardian, Archerko.

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by on 2008-10-08 20:56:35
well, right now, I'm hungry enough to try either, i dunno how long my stay in this club will last after that though... XDDDD

and that comment is definitely not true hahahahaha although the same can't be said about past selves... I wonder if anybody will claim shiro...

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by on 2008-10-08 21:22:10
Even though I don't know much about Typemoon... I really like Shiki and Akiha Tohno from Tsukihime. I've played them in some game.. (Warcraft III >__> lol)

But I'm planning to watch Fate/Stay Night sometime. Hah.

I would like to join. :>

Claim: Akiha Tohno from Tsukihime

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by Renma on 2008-10-08 21:33:52
Akiha.. W007 XDD Our *cough*Flat*cough* Little sister lol

@Seraph Welcome to our little club here ^^ btw, just curious.. Is that warcraft game you're playing is FOC? XDD The game is rather weird for me, since when Shiki Tohno can use kyokushi Nanaya? D:< That's BLASPHEMY!! Meh, either way, the game is cool since it included Tohno Shiki and Tohno Akiha (I really love his Jyunana Bunkatsu XDD) and Gilgamesh as well XDD I Looooove his Ea and Gate of Babylon.. Not to mention his Enkidu.

@Mystuhmusic Trust me.. You dont want to try. I Dont want to eat Hisui's cooking, even if it's just a simple Fried Rice or even Sandwich! They are like.. Hazardous, Possibly even more hazardous than Kohaku's Poisons XD

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-10-08 22:09:30
Yo~! XD You created this club after all. :p Great club neh~!

Well. Since I watched and played few Type-moon works, why don't I lure myself to the club, no? :p

Nickname: Eria

Claimed character / The series of where the char comes from: Caren Ortensia from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

♥ Caren Ortensia ~

Archerko :3

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by empoleon on 2008-10-09 00:32:32
saaa... nice club~

well I don't know much about Type-Moon works (I only play Melty Blood, watch Kara no Kyokai and Fate/Stay Night, and read few doujin about it >.< )
but I'll try to join this club ^^;;

nick: Empo
claim: Neco-arc

cats-nya~ a cat is fine too~ =^.^=

though... I'm not sure if neco-arc is an official character or just a parody ^^;;

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by kelreifblue on 2008-10-09 00:51:02 (edited 2008-10-09 01:16:22)
O.O wow

I wanna join. Im busy these days but iLL try to keep up

Nick: Kelrei
Claim: Saber (Fate/Stay Night)

Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

(Oh no Akiha is claimed T-T)

and oh O.O 2010.. why?? T_T

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by on 2008-10-09 01:26:53

Ah. Yeah. It's FOC. Haha. But I've read about Tsukihime. And some of its characters. I've always used Akiha. >__>
I've tried to use Gilgamesh but I fail. ;o;

Peace. I've claimed Akiha.. xDD

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by Renma on 2008-10-09 01:53:35
@eria ah, welcome ^^ Caren is it? Nice.. Caren also make an appearance in Type Moon Complex X, as She's another bridge character that connects Tsukihime and Fate stay night World (She's from Church, just like Kotomine and Ciel)

@Kelrei XDD I Kinda guessed your reaction already when you see Kohaku and Akiha are already claimed Rofl.. Well XDD Welcome to the club, and have fun!

@Empo nah, Neco-Arc is official already, dont worry.. She made appearances during Kagetsu Tohya.. Should be official Enough.. Welcome aboard btw ^^

@Seraph Ah, Rofl... I Prefer shiki than Akiha in FOC XDD

Btw, anyone read Type Moon Complex X Here?

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2008-10-09 02:10:42 (edited 2008-10-09 02:18:53)
Heh. Count me in :) Lol, nobody claimed Rin yet. But i won't. Good thing i made it and there's much better option avaliable :) If only you guys were at least half as active in KyTe :D Anyway, guess discussing Type-Moon here's better than in other threads :)

Nickname: moggle
Claimed: Yumizuka Satsuki from Tsukihime/Melty Blood/Kagetsu Tohya Ten Nights of Dreams.

Man, i want to claim LenX2 as well, but... Emm... Can i be three members at once? :D

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-10-09 02:11:43
lol ren, y u not tell meh abt the club earlier.. look how much i missed out alredi.. (jz kiddin..) XD
well, im once hooked pretty badly wif TypeMoon stuff (esp after i hooked wif Fate-Stay/Night), but buzy life kinda restrict me nowdays.. but still, im still a fan.. lol
im joining in, if u dont mind.. i dont hav much info abt TypeMoon work, so ill depend on u guys for the info kay.. ;)

anyway, hav any of u played Battle Moon Wars..?? i like the game..
its a RPG game featuring almost all character from TypeMoon Anime & Visual Novel.. lol
the character design is pretty cute (esp the girls) & the gameplay is good.. (i play this 1 half year ago..)

now, here goes my nick & claim..
nick: dt / deathent
claim: Illyasviel von Einzbern (illya) from Fate-Stay/Night (she's cute, i like her..) XD

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by Renma on 2008-10-09 02:31:04 (edited 2008-10-09 02:35:17)
@Mog Rofl, Sacchin.. I See XDD For a second I Thought you're gonna go for Len... Oh well.. and.. NO!! You cant go for 3 characters at once... Isnt it sad, Sacchin? ;___; lol XDD Sorry bout that, I just can't help it but to go with that sentence.. Though, Be patient mog, 2009 on Tsukihime Remake, there'll be Sacchin Route! It's confirmed already on Tech-Gian! Uh, regarding the source izumo knows it better than me XDD Im just a regular Lurker on some forum.

@DT Ah, Illya... if you Read fate zero you'll know that she's Technically Shirou's Relative XDD Hmmm.. battle moon wars.. I played it at one point, till some stage >.> i Dunno why, Im just not in the mood to play it.. Maybe I'll get back to it after the exams. btw, I just created this club like.. Few hours ago XDD

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2008-10-09 03:27:40 (edited 2008-10-09 03:56:50)
@DT: I wanted to play BMW, moreover, i have the disc with the third game, but there's no english version. And i couldn't install it anyway :) But i saw some youtube videos of it :)

@Renma: Well, I hessiated for a bit, but i suppose Satsuki's first place after all :) And if i'd choose Len, i'd have to select from White and Black... and that's merely IMPOSSIBLE for me. They come in a set of two, exactly like Hisui and Kohaku :) And lol, guess i'll be kinda dedicated opposition to anyone, who chooses Ciel :D I mentioned why earlier :D Umm... i'm not saying about being one member with one character, but three members with three characters :D Well, i know it's wrong, that's why i'm telling this as a joke... although i want to... RAAAGH. Something from the deep inside of my dark soul also whispers "Hisui, Hisui", but in my mind, she's no match to Satsuki :) Btw, guess although i'm her fan, i'm calling her Satsuki, not Sacchin. After all, Sacchin's mainly used in jokes about her.

Heh, guess it'd be weird of me having such an avy and not being a member of this club :) Maybe i'll relink my Melty Blood part of signature to this club later :)

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by H on 2008-10-09 03:35:53
oahhh... this will be a perfect place to gather Type-moon intelligence, since I never played nor watched any type-moon works ^^;; Count me in

nick: H
claim: *opens google* Hmmm... I'll take Sion Eltnam Atlasia from melty blood

Currently working on a massive crossover RP trilogy (jesus already 2 months and still haven't finished yet) and I think it'll be nice to add fsn & tsukihime (have to tinker on the cast some more), so I'll be asking many many questions about type-moon works in the near future, yoroshiku onegaishimasu ^^

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Type Moon Club (56K Warning on 1st page)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2008-10-09 03:56:02
@H: Sion, huh... well, being Satsuki's follower i suppose we're something like allies around here, as those two are considered to be friends or something. :) And about crossover RP... emm, didn't i create something like this? And i think you even joined it :)

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