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Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by No. on 2008-10-24 01:28:01 (edited 2008-10-24 01:31:07)
Everyone is talking about it. A 43 year old woman had hacked into her ex-boyfriends account and killed his character. All I can say is, what the freak?

Story:The 43 year old, female piano teacher, claiming to be 33 in the game, was happily virtually married to a 33 year old man in Maple Story Japan.

My opinion: Okay here's the downfall on ALL virtual relationships. Some think it's real, some think it's fake. The fakers are the people whom tell the truth, and the dreamers who think this is SO REAL will lie. Lying. . .tsk tsk tsk.

Story: In mid-May, she is suddenly suprised to see her divorced! Without knowing it, without fightsm nothing.

My opinion: Uhm yeah, see I'm right. :p

Story: The woman then asked a colleague for help, thus hacking INTO her ex-husband's account, and deleting his character. The ex-husband then reports it to the police.

My opinion: Okay, look. This woman SHOULD HAVE married the COLLEAGUE. He's smart, he'll turn into bill gates and be rich! And the ex-husband should have known this coming, I mean, DID YOU NOT SEE HER SAYING DAISUKI OR AISHITERU?! Also reporting this to the police? Pfft, report it to Maple THEN the police! Gawd.

Story:The woman was then arrested in her home in Sapparo. The alleged virtual murderer has now been jailed for suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data, which could carry a five-year prison sentence or a fine of up to $5,000.

My opinion: Okay so this proves a few things:
1. Women are smart. hehe
2. Women are crazy. . .and I'm talking about myself
3. Women are naggy and needy, why do u think we do the stupid lubby duvvy questions?!
4. Old people are trying to be young again like Madonna. Madonna is okay because she's . . .Madonna, but you other old people well . . .ugh.
5.THIS IS THE REASON WE HAVE DATING SITES!!! To lessen the population of crazy singles!

Story:"I was suddenly divorced, without a word of warning. That made me so angry," the official quoted her as telling investigators and admitting the allegations.

My opinion: . . . yeah, just beat the [CENSCORED HAHA] out of the piano, you should be rich!

My OVERALL Opinion: . . .Japanese women these days. I mean, hearing this, is just sad. The family should be looking after her. I mean, she is 43, single, always with children. Soon you'll see her molest a child! So you guys out there in the gaming world . .becareful who you choose. They might be fat, ugly, and 42 when they say they are athletic, smart, and 17.

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-25 10:05:36
Wtf!? This is stupid. It's just a damn game for crying out loud.
I'd expect these actions from like, real big nerds who have nothing better to do in their time, then level their character and do pointless quests.
So, I read this, but what's the main reason she hacked into her "virtual" husband's account?
Simply because her "virtual" husband divorced her in the game without relaying her this information?

See... that's just idiotic, I think...

I mean, I guess I see the points in suing someone in deleting your game character for hacking your account.
It is a crime, in the gaming online world, but like, a banned account and nothing else?

But like, this stuff happens all the time with online games, and you don't even have to be married.
You won't even know that someone then the next day, "hey, where the f*** did my lv. 72 war-hog-riding-mystic-elf-mage go!?"

And what happened to the colleague? He didn't get a sentence either?
He's the one that did the hacking, correct? He should've gotten some sort of punishment, too, and I'm just being fair here.
So, did she pay the fine or take the five-years in prison?

Jeus christ, there's politics on the news, people dying, other more important news world wide,
but it seems deleting your husband's character in Maple Story is more important than all of these matters together, aren't they?


Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by Haoie on 2008-10-27 01:06:49

The crime was hacking, nothing to do with the virtual killing.

Read the damn article.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by on 2008-12-03 03:32:22 (edited 2008-12-03 03:34:43)
See, that's why internet is easily to be misused. It's a means of communication, but creating deep relations with strangers in some virtual game won't be safe. You never know how the user looks (unless a photo attached) and how he/she behaves. Virtual marriages mean nothing but a thing to be laughed at.

She hacked the guy's account, who is the husband in the game, as a means of revenge. HOW SADDDD. And the guy reported to the police that his game character has been murdered (uh, deleted xD). SUPER SADDDD.

Garnet, your points on women nowadays. Lemme put my words with your points.

1. Women are smart. hehe
Yes, they are smart. But sometimes their smart moves are ridiculous to the society as a whole.
2. Women are crazy. . .and I'm talking about myself
That's what Red Foreman said too, I agree on that. That's why sometimes I hate being a girl. First I feel satistied, later I complained that nothing's right.
3. Women are naggy and needy, why do u think we do the stupid lubby duvvy questions?!
I see women nowadays are cheap and desperate. The end.
4. Old people are trying to be young again like Madonna. Madonna is okay because she's . . .Madonna, but you other old people well . . .ugh.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH~~~ *shudders*. I don't think old people want Madonna anymore. Now Twiggy made a comeback and she inspired many old women with class and sophistication.
5.THIS IS THE REASON WE HAVE DATING SITES!!! To lessen the population of crazy singles!
HOW SAD. I rather play online Scrabble. Come on, crazy singles, let's have a game of Scrabble and use hateful words to gain points!!! w00t! Being single is fun againnnnn!!!

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by on 2008-12-03 05:06:21
ooh wow! thats just absurd and insane! >.<"

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-12-03 13:12:37
lol, w00t0s, should've just went to XD


Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by on 2008-12-04 14:10:29
^^^ XD But Scrabble is fun~! :0 jk

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by on 2008-12-06 11:03:32
wow.. ummm...

I lol'd really reeaaaaally hard at this.


/is also a crazy woman~ ♥

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by ve_krin on 2008-12-06 11:59:13
@DA: There are ppl putting their life into online game. Might say stupid but HUMAN DO stupid things, they are strange creature... And that can lead to whether positive or negative incidents. Virtual world has been so big that there are REAL world RULES for that world managing them to prevent bad things happening like any other real world rules.

@w00t0s: Hey man! long time no see, haha! anyway, even attached pics can be faked easily right.

1-5 are personal opinions, not general proving.

Hng, what else to say. It's hard to understand everyone's mind. Well, weird things do happen all over the world, isn't that what makes fun? lol.

Dream ends when we wake up and life ends when we die.
What's the different?

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by on 2008-12-08 03:37:58 (edited 2008-12-08 03:42:11)
'-' i saw that news...
really..i even post that on chat when i saw the news.. ._. it was..weird
killing virtual husband ..
and get arrested =-=;;;...

(i wonder..IF .. IF ._. .. the Demons are killing your characters brutally in the game,will you sue the person that creates the devil for killing your character? lol)
joking joking ._.

oh well..since she's hacking .. i'd thought that she's wrong too lol

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by HACKER on 2008-12-08 07:08:29
How can he hack his ex account, that's rude... better then random hackers thu at least he did it for a reason lol.

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by Bonta_kun on 2008-12-09 06:53:21
things like this happens a lot. ever since the dawn of ESports the Olympics of computer games. its no longer just treated as a game it became a career. some are actually earning lots of cash just by playing games.

when you look at it she was divorced virtually and she also killed some one virtually.

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by on 2009-08-08 05:58:23
Wow,Shiki..Nice one..
I agree with you one hundred percent!
( Make that 1000& )

BTW, she went to that degree just too
delete a character and get jailed?

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by taichokerorogunso on 2009-08-19 19:08:11
wait a minute

MAPLE STORY?? a kids game i saw my little nephew who was FOUR years old playing that but 33yr olds? and a 43 yrold too???i didnt know you could go to prison for that. I killed like hundreds of people in world of warcraft. so maybe i deserve life in prison huh?

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by on 2009-08-26 09:14:23 (edited 2009-08-26 09:19:50)
shiki:My OVERALL Opinion: . . .Japanese women these days. I mean, hearing this, is just sad. The family should be looking after her. I mean, she is 43, single, always with children. Soon you'll see her molest a child! So you guys out there in the gaming world . .becareful who you choose. They might be fat, ugly, and 42 when they say they are athletic, smart, and 17.

That's the joy of lying on the internet xDDDD
Seriously, although the thread is old, what's the purpose of virtual marriage? Isn't that just a waste of tool as a feature in the game?

taicho: I killed like hundreds of people in world of warcraft. so maybe i deserve life in prison huh?

/sarcasm How honorable you are.

Re: Japanese woman sued for killing virtual ex-husband
Link | by williamlcb on 2009-09-11 02:17:51
Personally, going to jail over an action which happened in a game seems a little silly. I feel it is not worth it.

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