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Car Accident
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-11-22 09:27:32
Although I'm a bit skeptical about discussing this online,
but I want to know how others feel about this,
even though I'm still a little shaking up about this.

So yesterday I was at a friend's house, and it was time to leave.
I was following a friend on our way back, who was also there hanging out with us,
and we reached a 4-way intersection with one street with stop signs and the other didn't have any.

He went on, and I went up to the stop sign.
I looked both ways and yielded to any on-coming traffic,
I didn't see any lights or anything coming so I drove along.
Then all of a sudden, this car comes out of nowhere and nails the middle of my car!

I was driving by myself, and he had two friends with him.
Skipping to after I called the cops and in between details,
the cop gave me a fine, a citation, and two points onto my driver's license.

What I want to know was what I did wrong? I don't think I did anything wrong.
I explained this exact situation on what happened and the cop said "it doesn't matter".
I didn't just stop and if I saw the car, try to get in front of it, no!
I stopped at the stop sign, yielded to anyone, and nobody was there so I drove.

I think it should've just been an accident, and nobody's fault,
though due to the stupid ass law here, I was at default!
I did nothing wrong, and I get all this BS on me, and I still can't comprehend this at all.


Re: Car Accident
Link | by on 2008-11-22 09:36:09
welcome to the world

nothing right...

anyway reading your post there makes me angry!!!!
the one that should reevaluate was the cop!!! did he ever learn things?? or he just suck up many dust road and block his brain or something!!! >:

and with that comment!!!!


well the thing is, I think it's just not your day...

cheer up ( though I am pissed too )

Re: Car Accident
Link | by Raizo_O on 2008-11-22 09:56:01
o well, here in Australia the same law works like that as well

you're already look both ways, didn't see anything coming and got hitted. Probably the police can't just believe this reason

You shouldn't be angry over this thing, in fact you should be gratefull since at lease there still law in your country

try driving in my hometown Indonesia(in the capital city Jakarta to be spesific), ha you gonna be pissed off all day long xD

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Re: Car Accident
Link | by Lanster on 2008-11-22 10:40:55
Well, if you look at my home country(Indonesia), it's a common event that happened everyday
So I understand that you did nothing wrong.

Police never believe the truth. They always make things become more and more complicated.
To be honest, you mustn't tell the police what's going on, since the cops will give you a fine and the problems won't be solved

Especially in Jogjakarta, a school city. It's a city where a lot of accidents happened everyday.
But the police never learn things!! So, everyone here(fellow drivers) have their own code..."Don't Ever Tell the Truth to The Police" and "Don't call the police if an accident happened, just call an ambulance or help them by ourselves and take them to the nearest hospital"
We usually discuss the problem without them(the police) and we make an agreement to solve the problems in family manners

Just try driving in Indonesia. You'll know about the world of "NOTHING RIGHT"


Re: Car Accident
Link | by on 2008-11-22 14:46:27
That car that came out of nowhere is to blame. He/she should've seen a nearby car, although the lights or signs are not in place. And I can't believe it them cops fined you in the end. Absolute b******s.

DA, you deserve a compensation.

Re: Car Accident
Link | by H on 2008-11-22 15:15:35
nonono... DA, you shouldn't have gone to the cops on the first place, just get out of your car and demand compensation from him, that's the way it goes... But the fact that he has 2 friends and you're all alone made it rather... impossible...

I don't know about US's law but in Indonesia, when you drive, the applicable law is "The Law of the Streets", no need for police intervention, just common sense. Accidents like this would be solved in family manners and YOU are the one who is right DA

I disagree with my Indonesian fellow above ^^ Indonesia is a great place where cops are 'dolls' who nods to *cough*money*cough*. Because of this, we can freely solve the problems with just common sense. I'm happy, you're happy, everyone happy larrr~

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Car Accident
Link | by on 2008-11-22 16:04:31
well that is the problem... in place where the enforcer are still looking down the law word by word... it seems that the things happen are not judge justly... heck no country hold their law rightly.. but in DA's it might be better than in Indonesia (mine) so something like that really pissed

Re: Car Accident
Link | by H on 2008-11-22 16:19:07
no key, you see, Indonesia's law is corrupt by itself. When a police is to intervene and deliver the so-called justice, the outcome then becomes unjust. It's way better to solve everything in a friendly manner and common sense, compensate those who are supposed to be compensated

in DA's case, the law is held upright, but it doesn't make sense because DA is the right one. Even though there's a stop sign on his place, the other car is the wrong one since it hit DA's car IN THE MIDDLE, drivers are expected to slow down on intersection, to look up on incoming cars, that's friggin basic!. I prefer to settle things by common sense, it's better than to listen to the stupid law

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Car Accident
Link | by Raizo_O on 2008-11-22 16:22:08
@H-san: that's really bad decision i would say, without police intervention it's even worse because no one want to take the blame and in the end you get hurt from fighting not from car crash. And how many ppl able to use common sense anyway xD

What do you think of Planetarium?
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Re: Car Accident
Link | by H on 2008-11-22 16:54:44
nonono... DA said that it's the MIDDLE of his car that was hit. That means that the other car didn't slow down on that intersection. What kind of driver is he, not slowing down at intersections?! The conclusion is that the other driver is

a) Stupid
b) Stupid
c) Stupid

If his mind is healthy, he's supposed to compensate DA's damages, that's common sense!
However, the law said that it's DA's wrong so he couldn't do a thing. It's a good thing that the law is held upright but it doesn't make sense for god's sake

Don't forget that "The one who hit other's car is the guilty one" is part of common sense... In Indonesia, the dispute would be quickly solved, the other car driver's would compensate the injured party. We're not talking about fighting since they're the ones at fault, why should we fight?

Then again, there's no such thing as a-STOP-sign-on-just-a-single-branch-of-intersection in Indonesia so this case is kinda questionable if it is to happen in our country ^^

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Car Accident
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-11-22 18:15:47
Well, I'm not sure how traffic tickets are the same as in CA (I assume they're pretty similar)but I suggest that when you get called in to pay your ticket, you contest it.

A word of advice; Don't blatantly place the blame on the officer/anyone else and become argumentative because that's a surefire way to get denied. Because if it's your word against the cop's, it's obvious who the judge is going to side with, especially if you seem angry and incoherent.
I suggest that you just state the facts clearly and if the judge finds you in the right, then great.

I hope the other guys who hit you were punished or you at least got their license plate number.
Because from what you've said, it doesn't really sound like you did anything wrong.
Maybe the cop was just flustered at the moment?

:( And I hope you weren't injured. That's the most important thing. ^-^

Re: Car Accident
Link | by on 2008-11-22 18:59:35
I don't drive and I know little about driving laws but what I do know is no matter where you are, even on a straight roads, one should always look out for on coming cars and assess one's surroundings.

Having said that, DA... you did your stopping, looking, then driving away. To me is really pretty much common sense (and maybe a bit of maths calculation) that if the car hit you in the middle of you car in a 4-way intersection, it means that it appear after you (in time wise) and thus, he should have waitted for you to drive off before driving off perpendicular to you. If you were to do according to what the police officer said, then were you suppose to wait at the intersection for the whole damn day till it's well over midnight? Cause only then would you have probably no cars popping out of nowhere and even then, we are talking about "probable" only. It would seem like to me that the officer is a fool himself for saying such rubbish.

I'm on your side for this one DA... but I guess if next time you see an oncoming car and have the time to react, try what my driver friends told me when I asked them about a similar situation eons back. "Accelerate to avoid getting crash by that car..." but then again, make sure that you won't be crashing to anyone infront of you nor exceeding the speed limit.

Like the rest here, I hope you wasn't injured... and if possible, I suggest that you try Jow's suggestion. I sure hope that the judge will be more logical (common sense... which I've been told is not that common).

Re: Car Accident
Link | by Lanster on 2008-11-22 19:09:51
Well, basically H agree with us. He said "cops are dolls".
DA didn't do anything wrong since it's a common sense that "drivers are expected to slow down on intersection, to look up on incoming cars", just like H said.
DA should be grateful since DA just receive two points in DA's driving license. In my country I could have lost my driving License. And I can get it back after I pay a lot of ransom to the police. No wonder every police in here are very rich

@H : that's the great part of Drivers in Indonesia, they always solved the problems in family manners^^. My friend ever run away from the police and he can outrun the police. Then he solved the dispute personally


Re: Car Accident
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-06 13:27:40
Wow, coming home after school today was just friggin' irritating.
My mom moves my room around even though I've told her a million times to not touch anything,
I have to take like ten minutes and move everything back to how it was before, closely enough,
I nearly loose a receipt that I need to return a game, and now I'm missing USB cables for my digital camera and my BlackBerry.

On top of this, I got some mail today... oh boy, it was my fine from that stupid night.
I'm not sure if I have to, but it might be possible that I might be going to court now.
The fine seems small, since I texted him after I saw it and he said it wasn't that much.

So like the day went smoothly and right when I get home and up to my room,
it's one thing after another after another. I just wanna pay this stupid fine, and just go on with my life.
I don't even wanna hear or bring this stupid incident back again,
and I swear if I see that cop who cited me ever again, I'm going to go insane...

I'm trying to calm down by being the computer now, but seriously, I'm super pissed off.


Re: Car Accident
Link | by on 2009-01-06 18:08:08 (edited 2009-01-06 18:09:42)
Unfortunately stupidity is something which runs rampant in government positions.

Here where I live all the things which you were cited for would be applied to the other car. To me it seems the officer which dealt with you was poorly trained or simply a huge jerk. Honestly, if you don't want to deal with anything then just pay the fine and try to get things fixed up. I, personally, would take it to court and hope someone there the brain power needed to actually examine the incident rather than push it aside. (I'm a stubborn mule though so I would never admit fault if I believed I didn't cause it lol)


Re: Car Accident
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-06 18:12:31
Yeah, that cop is an idiot, for sure,
but the thing is the law says I'm wrong, and I guess by that I'd loose instantly,
even though I think that law is flawed, should be reviewed, and change.

I don't really wanna take things to court, that's too troublesome for me.
The fine was only 116$, which to me is still a lot of money,
but I just wanna leave this whole thing behind me.
Now I'm lastly curious if I'll get some notice about the two points... Pff, the entire thing, even now, is BS. Total BS.

I still hate the quote that cop said to me and the quote the other drive said now, "I didn't see him". >_>;


Re: Car Accident
Link | by on 2009-01-06 18:30:22 (edited 2009-01-06 18:32:39)
See, where I live saying something like "I didn't see him" would only bury you further in the hole. The police here would only question why you didn't see the other vehicle and why you weren't paying better attention to the road. Then they would probably check your vehicle for cell phones or things like that.

The points off of your license is no big deal, 2 points is nothing really if you are typically a good driver. What I would be concerned with now is how much your insurance premium will go up as a result of this.


Re: Car Accident
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-06 18:38:49
Yeah, I thought of the same thing as well.
Like everything I say makes sense, and the fact this there's a huge chance this driver was speeding is like "it doesn't matter", like that cop said to me. D:<

For now, it's only that fine in the mail. I hope it's nothing more, I don't wanna have to like skip school and go to friggin' court.
I am a good driver, to be honest, a safe one at that more importantly.
I know that insurance is going to raise since I'm still very young.
That whole points things clears when I get a new license, in this case when I turn 21 and get the seniors,
but I did complete a behind-the-wheel course, and I got this certificate that lowers my insurance.
I forget how much it was, but hopefully that can save me some money for a little while... I hope. :/

Overall though, I won't be the last person in this situation, for sure.


Re: Car Accident
Link | by on 2009-01-06 18:42:34 (edited 2009-01-06 18:45:47)
Typically drivers ED will lower your insurance by about $1000 (It does here, Drivers ED cost me $500 when I went through it, and it saves me about $1000). It might not go up enough to cancel out your D-ED savings, but you will be paying more regardless, and that's never a good thing.


Re: Car Accident
Link | by on 2009-01-06 19:42:36

Stupid people!

I'm so sorry about what happened DA.

For what I read, you were not at fault, but who can reason with cops :S

I hope it gets fix soon and so you can go on and forget about this incident.


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