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Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-01 17:51:36
Anyone hear of this rather. . . 'unique' game?


To me it just looks like a carbon copy of Devil May Cry, just more sexualized. She even has what appears to be a Devil Trigger form, and the monster designs remind me a lot of Devil May Cry 4. The only difference is the trade in of a sword for two more guns. I don't know what it will be like, it's still in early development, but it appears so far to be a rip of DMC in just about every way. It is being made by Sega, the people most recently known for giving us a AAA title (Valkyria Chronicles) as well as Sonic Unleased, a game not so well received.

Any opinions after seeing the trailer?


Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-01 18:25:52

carbon copy well yes because it the same guy (hideki kamiya) who made DMC made this game,
trade gun with sword well nope, she will get some melee weapons too except her initial weapons is 4 guns

sexy well because the developer (IMO) wanted to thwarted that heavenly sword game as Dante girsl ver so the real DMC developer make one themself

guns names after herbs
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

made by PlatinumGames the one that mde ookami, viewtifulll Joe, and god hands

and in this game bayonetta had finishing move (the one with the guillotine, iron maiden, etc

credit to zigma (a game magazine)

well this one is on my waiting list, I have high expectation about this game ^^ the downfall after seeing the trailer is the bayonetta's voice

Like an old hag if you asked me ^^

but it suit her

Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-01 18:41:09
That's a lot of visualization for a 'trailer', very visual indeed.
Looks fun though, but nothing on a storyline so far.

Also can't seem to find a Japanese version of this trailer. Just Japanese subs.
I'm just curious on how the female voice sounds like. :D


Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-01 19:04:49
I'd very much like it if this game is done well, since I'm a big fan of DMC's extreme combat style and usual difficulty. Due to the fact DMC4 was such a big let down to me, I'm hoping that this game turns out, I desperately hope it does, it can make up for DMC4. They can never make Bayonetta a more awesome character than Dante, but if they work on it they could easily make her more enjoyable than Nero.

I'm confident in Kamiya's ability, however just having him working on it doesn't convince me it will be good. Don't get me wrong, DMC was awesome (I was never quite into Viewtiful Joe) but outside DMC I don't have a lot to judge him on in this game style, it remains to be seen in other words.

The story (so far) is not really too interesting. According to Kamiya, Bayonetta is apparently a witch who was reborn into the modern world so she can fight in a way against angels. From what I gather in the trailer:

-The dude talking to Bayonetta is searching for the killer of his father or someone, or already knows that it was Bayonetta. (My guess, unless this is already apparent and I missed it) is that Bayonetta is suspected but it turns out to be that other witch seen battling her at the end.

-There is another witch who looks just like Bayonetta (End of the trailer, may just be a generic boss)

-Monsters seem to be taking the form of angels, vice versa or whatever. Seems like another "Evil person believes they are god or can become god" story.

Honestly just about anything other than DMC4's story would be an improvement.


Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by mdcfla7 on 2009-01-01 19:32:34 (edited 2009-01-01 19:34:18)
I agree with you, it looks ridiculously similar to Devil May Cry. Which in all honesty, I am totally down for. I love Devil May Cry, but the thing that really doesn't appeal to me is the character herself, why did they have to give her that ridiculous costume and sexualize her to that extent, I mean seriously, parts of that trailer were completely devoted to fanservice. Plus I don't know, while Valkyria Chronicles was great, Sonic Unleashed did not fare so well. So it all depends on the amount of effort SEGA's development team is willing to put into this title.

Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-01 19:55:33 (edited 2009-01-01 20:04:25)
I agree with you Matt on your take of the character. It sort of deters me from the game with the thought of "No way am I going to play through the game listening to her".

I don't think the English voice was the best either, her voice combined with her appearance and those librarian glasses gives her this. . . how should I put it. . uhh. . naughty teacher feel? Why can't they just give her some witty dialogue, or a devil may care attitude such as Dante. If you are going to copy the game you might as well go all the way and copy what makes the main character cool. If she's going to have this 'sexual innuendo' voice all the time I don't know if I'll be able to play it through to the end.

As for those finishing moves, they seem rather trivial to me. I never understood why they did it in this or Devil May Cry 4. You're designing a game with a system based on the DMC created 'extreme combat' style, but the finishing moves kind of break up that flow. DMC3 was really awesome and the best DMC in terms of battle system because of the fast-paced combat and cool combo's, but the most important thing is you were always in that state. If you played on the higher difficulties (and in the SE case, Turbo mode) you get into this state where you are always watching surroundings, making quick reactions, trying to chain together attacks in order to keep all the enemies at bay. In DMC4 they added in this 'grab and slam' finisher thing, and to me it just broke up the battles. You stopped to watch Nero slam an enemy into the ground, sometimes two or three times before he would throw them. In the case of boss fights you could damage a boss so much and then grab them to go into this finisher scene which often shaved off a large portion of health. My point in this is that, while that guillotine and iron maiden move in the trailer looked pretty cool, is it going to be something that she can do easily? Will it become a move you can count on to do lots of damage to enemies without the need of much effort. They also seem to do what they did in DMC4, break up flow. Am I going to have to stop and watch Bayonetta kick an enemy into a guillotine and drop the blade every time? I know they often don't take long, maybe 3 or 4 seconds, but it gets kind of old. Slamming monsters into the ground in DMC4 got old fast. The good thing about the extreme combat style which DMC3 really came up with (DMC started it out, but it wasn't the fast as hell stuff we see now. very good in it's own right thoguh) is that it quickly changes, your linking attacks together however you want, changing targets when you feel like it, reacting all the time to moving enemies. Where as in DMC4 for example I often found myself getting hit by enemies I could easily take care of if Nero would bother just throwing the enemy instead of swinging it around.


Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by mdcfla7 on 2009-01-01 20:56:47
Wow...I just watched the trailer with sond, that was pretty bad. It wasn't even the cheesy one-liner type of bad from DMC either. I don't have any qualms with the glasses, I honestly like the concept of a hero/heroine that wears glasses. Her voice was awful though, she sounds like the woman that they got to do the voice Cruella De Vil of in the American version of the animated Disney Film 101 Dalmations. Hopefully, they will take the Dynasty Warriors Gundam approach and add Both the English and the Japanese voice tracks.

In respect to the your comment about the combat I agree with you. However, the way I look at it, those attacks will probably be optional ways to utilize the environment against your enemies. That way, if you just want to keep combat flowing quickly you can just do whatever you want.

Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-02 01:20:11 (edited 2009-01-02 07:14:52)
jonathon hahahaha

okay this is an extra the dress she wear apparently her hair (as much as some of you would know) and the skill she use used up her hair, so the grander the skill (equal lots of magic) the more naked she gets (shown in the trailer

anyway about the finishing moved if they make it like ninja gaiden well I welcome the finishing move, but if it's like nero grab and slam well that was pretty lame, even for ninja gaiden the catchy finishing move seems dull after sometimes

anyway the ninja gaiden finishing move only came if your enemy in certain condition ^^

well seeing the trailer you can see she combos the enemy with guns then hit it with giant hand in the ground.. then continue to air combo and still the hand can come

so My deduction that the skill (the big hand) can be use in the combo which is good... because it's not a finisher move.. but the iron maiden and guillotine well the enemy stay put after that...

Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-02 06:31:03 (edited 2009-01-02 06:48:11)
It could go either way, I'd love finisher moves I don't have to use or don't use by mistake (like a certain button combo will do it, not a certain button). If it's out of the way and only optional then I'm fine with it.

@Lockey- Hold back on magic, got it.

@Matt- That's what she sounds like to me as well. I'm interested to know who does do her voice, it sounds familiar, or it might be a relative newcomer. Also, don't get me wrong, glasses on female lead character are nice, but did they have to go with those librarian style slim line ones? They kind of promote that sexual appearance more with the rest of her get up and manner of speaking, and honestly I think they've done enough of a job on her already without the need for more.


Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-02 17:48:17
That voice does sound familiar..i think i heard it in an anime series before but i don't remember which series it was.

Anyways the Bayonetta character kinda reminds me of that character in that Xbox game Bullet Witch only a tad older. As for the glasses...for me personally any gal who wears glasses are always sexy...:L

Gameplay wise it does remind me of DMC & other Capcom games in that ilk which is obvious coming from the guy who actually created DMC. I noticed not just a hand but her legs coming out of that black hole when she does her combo moves. Interesting that reading the article that Hideki Kamiya-san said it will 'blow the doors off the action genre'...pretty confident words. Lets see if it lives up to that expectations.

One more point about the voice work...isn't it the norm for 'cheesy' acting in these kind of games. Didn't DMC have the same thing...although the guy who voiced Dante was kinda cool.

Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by mdcfla7 on 2009-01-02 18:16:31

Yes, "cheesy" dialogue is usually par for the course in these games, but hers just seems like they're trying to hard to make her sound "sexy." Which in the end is what makes her dialogue in that trailer not that great compared to Dante.

Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-02 18:26:00
True true....they do seem they are trying to hard to make Bayonetta sound sexy...but that can also be contributed with the script/dialogue. A lousy cheesy script can ruin the overall dub of some titles. Unless it was supposed to be like that ala the earlier Resident Evil games. Nowadays that series has pretty good dub work...Leon in particular is perfect.

What really makes me familiar with her voice is when she did her laugh near the beginning of the trailer. That laugh is so recognizable but again i can't seem to remember where it came from. I'm gonna shoot myself if it is obvious....

Also in terms of sexiness...she's more lean & long legged than the other form of sexy 'package' wise if you know what i mean :D. Also that tight fitting spandex outfit she is wearing just doesn't appeal to me....i like the face & glasses she has but that's about it. Maybe i was hoping for something more in terms of Jill Valentine in Resident Evil 3...oh well....

Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-02 18:58:15
I agree with Matt-san about her voice. They are trying too hard to push that idea on us with her character. Dante had cheesy lines, but they had a charm to it, he had a cool way of delivering it. Bayonetta just seems to spout lines at any given opportunity and make it sexual sounding. I think that is the biggest problem I have so far. I'm not saying get rid of it entirely, it's a cool idea to have a sexy female main character who is gender empowered, Lara Croft does it (well, kinda I guess), but they push it a little too far. I mean I love girls, all for 'em, but I did not need to see that close up under and between the legs swooping shot, especially in that outfit, that's just gratuitous really.

I also agree with Izumo-san about the outfit. Not a fan of that tight leather/spandex stuff. The only way it could have been worse (to me) is if they gave her a huge bust (You do not need to stuff a well endowed girl in a tight as hell leather outfit just to make her sexy. Why always leather?). I doubt there is much they would do with the character model at this point since they seem to have their final model down, but it would greatly benefit them if they made some small changes, mainly her voice. It remains to be seen if the entire game will contain that same voice and script however.


Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-02 18:59:20
izumo I'm betting that she's from another game VA..... I thought I'd heard her to in another game... DMC 4?? the one voicing trish in undercover??

argh I can seem to remember

yeah she's hot hahahaha, the glasses took me in ^^

man... my did the girl cheesy line always remind me of trish from DMC hahahaha

Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-02 19:18:35 (edited 2009-01-02 19:19:32)
Lani Minella comes to mind, but I don't know, she still seems a little bit off from that. This is seriously going to bug me every waking hour. Trying to pinpoint who her VA is.


Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-02 19:41:46
Listening more to the voice i'm guessing it maybe Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (aka.Melissa Williamson). That's just a guess though....

She did a few i recognize...Nina from Tekken, Echidna from DMC 4, and Motoko from GITS:Stand alone Complex.

I could be wrong though but that is my best guess...

Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-02 19:44:25 (edited 2009-01-02 19:45:36)
Mary E is a good pick, but she doesn't sound like the type who could pull that sultry kind of voice. It's difficult to tell with VA's though since they are talented people.


Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-02 20:31:30
Aww, I was expecting their Wiki page to have some info on her voice, but that's still unfinished as well.
The quote from the director seems interesting... >:D


Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-02 20:53:47 (edited 2009-01-02 21:14:44)
I think it seems like one of those comments that typically put developers in the grave when the game actually comes out, because it's usually the first thing cynics and critics pounce on (including me. If this game turns out lackluster, expect me to bring up that comment right out of the gate in a cynical light).

I highly doubt a DMC clone will 'blow the doors off of the action genre', mainly because DMC already blew the doors off of the action genre back in 2001(DMC), and then beat out the windows in 2005(DMC3), and several other people have come wandering through after DMC's antics(God of War, Devil May Cry 4, Ninja Gaiden) so there's nothing left for Bayonetta. About the only thing that will make her entrance noticeable is the fact she's one of the only chicks in the house. (Okay, taking the door thing far beyond far, I'll stop now)


Re: Bayonetta(PS3, X-Box 360)
Link | by on 2009-01-02 21:06:36 (edited 2009-01-02 21:44:01)
izumo ahhh now I remember it was from that death by degree game.... I thought it was her hahahahah

jonathon well it might be just like god hand game, the trailer and all seem superb but when actually playing it (crap what this camera control!!!)

well we have just to wait a new trailer to get more insight ^^


let see compare this Nina voice with bayonetta

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