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Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-08 09:14:35
Pretty straightforward, just put down which Jmusic artist you think is most overrated and underrated, as well as your reasoning why they are overrated/underrated. You're more than welcome to put down more than one Jmusic artist ^_^

Also, give good reasons why you think a Jmusic artist is overrated/underrated. Don't just put down "Because they suck" or "OMG!!! BECAUSE THEY'RE SO AWESOME!!!

And please, respect other people's opinions if they happen to bash your favorite artist >w<

(sorry if this is a repeat thread >__<)

Overrated: Koda Kumi
To me, most of Koda Kumi's songs sound the same, so nothing really stands out as amazing. And her PVs are kind of...dirty O__o People keep comparing her to Ayumi Hamasaki, but I don't think they're anything alike. Sure, they both sing Jpop, but I feel like Ayumi Hamasaki sounds more classic and has some decency.

BACK-ON and LAST ALLIANCE are only well-known for the anime songs that they did ("Chain" for BACK-ON and "Shissou" for LAST ALLIANCE) Both bands have other singles that are just as good, or even better than the anime singles they released.

I guess ONE OK ROCK just hasn't had a chance to show what they're capable of. They've kinda had a slow start. Their first couple of singles I wouldn't call amazing, but in the past few years, they've stepped it up and have been dishing out amazing songs. If you heard Taka's (lead singer) voice once, it'll be very recognizable afterwards XD I would love to see ONE OK ROCK gain some recognition >w<

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-08 10:09:22
Hmmm I kinda agree about Koda Kumi, I mean I think she's a good singer and everything, just overrated is all. Kinda like Pocky, hmm...
Also I think Asian Kung Fu Generation is overrated =X thats just my opinion though, of course.

Ummm underrated? MAXIMUM THE HORMONE.. although the fanbase drastically increased with Deathnote, from the two songs used in that anime, there isn't that much fanbase that supports the work they did before and after deathnote. They are such an awesome band, full of energy in every single song they put out and never lacking creativity in their lyrics and song style. They truly are an original band that cannot be imitated. ;3

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-08 17:04:04
@ sam: I definitely agree about MAXIMUM THE HORMONE. I have to admit, I didn't really know about them until after the two songs they did for Death Note, but after that, I checked out their old stuff and kept myself updated on the songs they were releasing. Now, they're one of my favorite Jrock bands >w<

Why do you think ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION is overrated? Is it because most of their songs kinda sound the same? Or they just don't have any songs that are appealing?

And I'm going to throw this one out there, I think UVERworld is overrated too. "D-tecnolife" and "Colors Of The Heart" are honestly not THAT good. I think those songs are the most popular ones only because they're openings to animes (Bleach and Blood+) Their style doesn't change too often, therefore, most of their songs sound the same to me. "Gekidou" may be the only song I actually like by UVERworld cuz it sounds different...just a little >___<

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-08 19:25:52
It is because I do think most of their songs sound the same. xD
They doooooo have a few good songs, but most of them , for me, just sounds all the same. And now that you mention it, I kinda feel the same with UVERworld too... I like Gekidou too, and umm Groovy and maybe theres a few others, but a lot of theirs sounds the same also.
Both bands have a good style, but.. I like artists that change it up every now and then, and are creative in their music. Taking risks and trying new ideas they have about their sound.

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by sai on 2009-02-09 01:22:15
Overrated? Which means i'll have to mention a real famous one, otherwise i wouldn't know if the singer is actually overrated or not. So i'll say... L'arc en Ciel. Many people around the world (especially the girls) worship them... Heck even two of my friends do. But i like only a few out of mountains of their songs... A great band of course, but not the best according to my tastes...

Then some underrated ones, according to my liking again. Kanon, Miwako Okuda and Rurutia. Not Kanon Wakeshima, just Kanon. The one singing Brand New Breeze for La Corda D'oro, anyone? Well these ladies actually have some really unique and beautiful voices, and i'm pretty sure they're not that well known, what a shame.

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-09 07:50:52
I think L'arc en ciel is over-rated, this is my opinion, but i don't really like their music and i dont like their music as much as UVERworld...

which brings me to the next point: i think UVERworld is under-rated and not much people think their songs are amazing but, i do ! And their songs ( although a bit same-ish) are generally good ! And Nightmare- same point- Alumina and The World are great songs ! Not just because of Death Note, but i like the singers voice and everything about it !

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-09 11:53:56
@ Tilly: Well for UVERworld, I actually think a lot of people think their songs are good (but same-ish like you said) Most of their singles that they release always hit at least top 10 of the Oricon charts.

If you hit top 10 of the Oricon charts almost every time you release a single, that is not underrated.

Also, I love L'Arc~en~Ciel, but even I have to admit, they're a great band that has been blown out of proportion by worshiping rabid fangirls >__< I think it's mostly because of HYDE though.

Another thing I have to point out is that although HYDE's voice is good, that's it. I can't really say that it's great because HYDE always sings in a low pitch and can't really do anything else with his voice. I like L'Arc~en~Ciel's music style, just annoyed that HYDE can't do a lot.

@ Sai: Yeah, I've never heard any of those artists you put down except Kanon so they must be underrated XD I'll go check them out though so I can know who they are and what they sound like ^__^

A few more Jmusic artists I can think of as underrated are MUCC, girugämesh, and Crystal Kay.

MUCC and girugämesh tend to change their music style every so often and I really like that about these two bands because they're experimenting, they don't leech off of one music style for a long period of time (before everyone's sick of it), THEN move onto something new, and then go back to their old style. Same goes for Crystal Kay, and her voice is very enjoyable to listen to >w<

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by YZAKIRA on 2009-02-09 12:14:06
over: All Johnny Ent. groups.
Even though I am a JE fangirl...I can still "hear" the difference between what's good and not hahaha

AKFG do great lives so thumps up for them.

"I am punch!" -Jin

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by supersheba on 2009-02-10 08:16:47
I agree with who said that Kanon is underrated. She has a lovely tone, so much better than a lot of better known artists. I also think Hitomi Shimatani is a bit underrated. People know about her, yes, but I don't see her having a lot of fans. She has some amazing songs and I love her voice.

To be honest, I think Ayumi Hamasaki is overrated. Don't get me wrong, she's an important J-pop artist, but from the standpoint of someone who has had vocal technique pounded into her head over the last seven years, I don't really like her voice that much anymore. She has a lot of awesome songs and her style is really cool, but I think she is overrated in the sense that her voice just isn't that great.

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-11 07:56:59
Oricon.. Ori... Okay, but i still think L'arc en ciel is over-rated ><

ha ha :P sorry, i'm over-passionate about these things. Lol worshipping fan girls...

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by supersheba on 2009-02-11 08:04:55
I happen to like l'arc~en~ciel myself, but I can respect you not liking them. Worshipping fans can be annoying at times (this makes me feel like a hypocrite saying this though because of how excited I get over musicians like OLIVIA, WHO IS UNDERRATED D:). Everyone has their own opinion. :D

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by Bonta_kun on 2009-02-11 09:10:23
don't know about over rated.

But to me Suga Shikao and Porno Graffiti is underrated.
I guess its the genre that is not so popular.

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-11 10:34:02
Hmm. i've had a new wave of thought- i dont actually live in Japan or happen to research into music deeply, but it seems to me that people may think that a certain artist is under-rated, but they dont actually really know- i mean obviously you've got L'arc en ciel hitting top in charts and what not ( plus the worshipping fans) but we dont REALLY know how well a music artist is actaully doing- if you get what i mean...

Like BLT said, UVERworld is hitting top of the charts, but i didnt know that- i only know that there isn't a huge hype about them EVERYWHERE- if you guys get my drift, maybe not.

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-11 14:07:38
@ SS: Maybe Aymui Hamasaki has been around for too long and just needs to boot? XD Jk jk, I could say that for a lot of popular Jmusic artists ^o^' And yes, OLIVIA is underrated, totally agree with that >___<

@ Bonta-kun: I just listened to Suga Shikao and he has a very unique type of J-pop, I actually like it :D And Porno Graffiti of course has their techno-ish, j-pop/j-rock style ^__^ Maybe for Porno Graffiti, it's not that they're underrated...just that they're not up there either with the top artists? I dunno, but they did pretty well in the "2008 Oricon Top 100" chart (they had 3 singles on that chart)

@ Tilly: I usually keep track of Jmusic artists by looking at the Oricon Chart, which you can find here if you'd like to check it out. It changes every Wednesday so you can see what's popular and what's not. The Oricon Chart basically helps me figure out which artists are underrated and which are overrated. If I don't see my favorite artist's latest single ever get a spot on the Oricon Chart, then it means that they're underrated, unfortunately -__-

@ YZAKIRA: AUGH, JOHNNY ENT. GROUPS!! D: Definitely overrated! Actually, J-pop boys bands in general are kinda overrated (I would count Tohoshinki, but they're Korean >_<) Arashi landed at least 3 spots on the Oricon Top 100 chart this year! And so did NEWS, KAT-TUN, SMAP, and Hey! Say! JUMP

If anyone wants to take a look at the "2008 Oricon Top 100" chart, go here. Some of the artists listed deserve the spot that they got, but others...well, you can decide for yourself if they did or not (honestly Arashi? In the first two slots? >___>)

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by supersheba on 2009-02-11 14:21:43
BTL, I may just be a little bit in love with you. I'm so happy to find someone else who appreciates OLIVIA. I found out about her from the NANA anime and have been a huge fan since. I don't like Arashi, myself. I know if I looked for more fans I could find them, but it's more fun to randomly run into OLIVIA fans in different places. :D

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by Bonta_kun on 2009-02-12 08:03:10
went to that site.
I guess Porno Graffitti is not really that under rated.

I think the reason why boy bands tend hit the top rank is because of the fan girls. Each member tend to win the hearts of a certain group, and if you add up all those different fan groups you get a huge number. they have to by the entire album or single after all even though they only like one of the Boy band member.

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-12 15:15:57 (edited 2009-02-12 15:17:11)
I like Arashi- well, only one song- Truth- v.good- can't get it out of my head :P

They do a lot of back-to-basics singing and dancing and they have potential....
I think they're in between over and under-rated haha..

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by YZAKIRA on 2009-02-12 15:26:52
@BUBBLE TEA LOVER: Hahhaah so true! I like ARASHI a lot and I think that Ohno is the only one who can "sing" but ZOMFG MatsuJun HE JUST CAN'T SING---! He should just stick to being a MC of variety shows and stuff.
DBSK yeah is Korea...very overrated too, might as wel add Super Junior too XD

@Bonta-Kun: yeah I try to support them through buying cd's, posters etc. I guess I,m 0,00000000001% guilty for making them #1 all the time. Haha but what else can a fan -woman- do? =3

@SS: I,m a hugeeee Olivia fan too XD She's just awesome!

"I am punch!" -Jin

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-12 17:48:17
Yay!! Another OLIVIA lover!! 8D

@ SS & YZAKIRA: We should spread the word about OLIVIA and how amazing she is! Lol, jk jk, no one would probably listen to us -___- Oh well, their loss. They're missing out on some major awesomeness :D It's just more of OLIVIA for us to hog XD

@ Tilly: I guess in a sense you could say ARASHI is underrated...I have my mind set that they're overrated so I'm really not willing to listen to anything new that they release, however good it may be. So I underrate them XD Then again, I'm not totally into the whole boy band J-pop/K-pop thing. I only like a few boy bands like Big Bang and EXILE. Actually...Big Bang is kinda overrated too O__o

@ Bonta-kun: That is exactly why boy bands always hit the top ranks -__- If the guys in boy bands weren't hot/cute/smexy/pretty (I think some of the guys are pretty XD), then they probably wouldn't be doing as good as they are right now.

This is how I see boy bands: Some guys can dance but can't sing, some can sing but can't dance, some can't do anything at all but stand around looking pretty PRETENDING to sing. Whatever happened to actual talent and the ability to recognize it? >___<

Re: Most Overrated/Underrated Jmusic Artist(s)
Link | by on 2009-02-15 22:28:43 (edited 2009-02-15 22:31:13)
@ Shun: So why do you think the Jmusic artists you listed are underrated? I agree with LAST ALLIANCE, ONE OK ROCK, and Teriyaki Boyz, but UVERworld? Nah, I don't think so (I've already talked about why I think UVERworld isn't overrated, but more overrated, so I'm not going to list why again >_<)

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