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Translation question!
Link | by Shippo91234 on 2005-06-05 16:55:45
What does "oreno..., dana." mean? I think it's "my...something," but that doesn't make sense. Any ideas?

(And if I've already asked this, hit me. -_-;; I've been asking at every Japanese language forum I'm a part of..)

Re: Translation question!
Link | by gendou on 2005-06-05 17:18:48
japanese is not like english.
you can say おれの。。。だな which implies you are talking about something being yours.
i do not have the context but i guess what was probably meant was "it is mine ya know?"

Re: Translation question!
Link | by cartvictim on 2005-06-09 22:58:47
だな is just like a follow up. like ね or な. Some japanese people either say そうね . だな is basically the same as adding ね. Most of the time you'll only hear guys say it.

Re: Translation question!
Link | by Shippo91234 on 2005-06-29 13:13:45
^_^ Yeah, it was a guy saying it. Thanks for what help you could give, guys! :3

Re: Translation question!
Link | by ruri-chan on 2005-07-11 20:11:47
it's like saying

"that's mine"

like... "oreno onna dana" means "that's my girl"

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Re: Translation question!
Link | by Kyosuke on 2005-07-16 03:30:07
What is the meaning of Monarch Dragon Kindness?
Monarch Dragon Kindness is the meaning of my chinese name.
I want to know what is that in Japanese?

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