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Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-26 13:34:41 (edited 2009-03-26 14:36:16)
This is a new band I found yesterday, that's unbelievably incredible (if you like the multiple genres composing their style of music).
I later found out that I DID hear of them a while back, but never knew "FACT" was their band name.

FACT is an all out, Japanese rock band from Japan, but their music genre is so dynamically diverse its surreal.
They have rock, powerpop, punk/pop, hardcore, a bit of heavy metal, screamo rock, progressive.
Screams are so good, singing is good (plus I love "Japanese English"), even double bass played to perfection!

Seriously, a new band on the rise. Their self titled debut album releases next month on the 14th,
and I pre-ordered my copy of it a few minutes ago!
It's hard to find any info on this band such as a wiki,
but they do have a myspace and a purevolume as well as their main site (

If you're into anyone of these bands, I strongly recommend checking them out at least,
because they're definitely not like any band I've heard before in Japan,
because simply, they're so much in one package and they offer so much.
Another interesting thing is that their masks aren't for appearance, but for fans to listen to their music, which I thought was nice.
There's a quote on this, if you can find it, which is nice and shows character.

Here's one their debut US single, which is amazing:

The video's ending is still a mystery to me though, but she's definitely cute!
Only I, out of all people in the world, would say this, but who cares, that's me. XD

I tried to find lyrics to this song, but no luck, but it seems to be all english.
They remind me of a totally different version of BEAT CRUSADERS, but they're good, can't wait for the album.
I'm gonna blast it in the car and jam my brains out.

Currently on tour in the states here, which is pretty insane,
because they're touring with other hardcore/progressive type bands (like MMF), and I've never seen that before.
Three shows in my state and I might not be able to see them once. :/


Link | by on 2009-03-26 13:42:16
I like FACT I think they're great, and I love japanese singers/bands that has songs with english in it.

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Link | by on 2009-03-26 14:53:23
...DA, you have an incredible taste in music >w< I'm hooked now!

Their US debut album won't be released until next month? >___<" They reminded me of ONE OK ROCK for maybe a few seconds...but it's completely different. I can't compare it to any other Japanese band I've heard, not even an American one. I really like their style though.

Just checked their myspace site...holy crap!! They're coming to my area!! In three days!! O__o I'm gonna try to go! Sorry DA...three shows and you can't make it to any of them? T^T

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this band, thanks DA!!

Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-26 20:20:28
Yeah, three weeks you'll have to wait approximately, but if you pre-order, apparently it'll ship before it releases.
I'm trying to think of bands similar to them, but none come up in my head (leaving out BEAT CRUSADERS, but that's the only closest thing I can think of).
But since their style of music is so diverse, multiple bands in Japan might have to form and fuse to create FACT.

The three shows are all on school days and I doubt I have an off day after them, which sucks.
Plus they're relatively far, like two hours or more or so, except one,
but I'unno, even if I could go, I'd never go by myself (just cause I'd get lost or something driving).

I hope this won't be the only crazy good single they have to offer on this new album.
"Reborn" is their new-recent single release and it's a totally different song compared to "a fact of life", but it's still good!

This has to be a band people outside of Japan have to love, especially in the states since a few styles of FACT kindly over shadow American bands' styles.


Link | by on 2009-03-26 22:28:00 (edited 2009-03-27 08:43:28)
I read up about them wearing masks when they's a pretty creative and unique idea...

"It’s a way to accept we’re Japanese, but also that we’re here for the music, not looks, or things like that."

You're right though, they are really's like, they have a certain style for one song, but for the next, it completely changes! And the same thing for the song after that! O___o But...I like it :D

I'm trying to get a friend or two to come with me...but none of my friends are into j-rock unfortunately D: And I just realized that they are NOT going to be in the city that I thought they'd be playing in, which is only 20 minutes from my house...but they're actually two hours away T^T

Hey DA, do you happen to have a PV rip of "A Fact Of Life"? Or actually any of FACT's songs? I'm having a really hard time finding something, anything! -___-" Oh, jk, I just found both of their previously released albums XDDD But I want a PV rip of "A Fact Of Life" >o<

I wonder how popular FACT will be after this US album release...they seem somewhat popular on their myspace site XD


I finally realized who the lead singer's (Hiro I believe? Even though they all sing O_o) voice reminds me of!! Well, at least the singing from "A Fact Of Life". Hiro's singing from "A Fact Of Life" reminds me of Tom DeLonge's! (singer from Blink-182 and Angels & Airwaves)

Oh, and I finally got a PV rip of "A Fact Of Life". I did it myself XD Now I'll just listen to this and FACT's other songs until I can get my hands on the US album >w<

Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-27 15:56:08
Yeah, I've never heard of a band with so many styles, and I've wanted to see one for such a long time, and FACT appears to be it!
Haven't heard about their performances live, but I read a few on youtube and they appear to do pretty well live, pretty energetic (as I can already see in their PVs).

It's so hard to find japanese stuff with such simple names, like "FACT".
It took me a while to actually find out their self-titled debut album is not even out yet,
but I already pre-ordered it and I can't friggin' wait! XD

I do have the actual PV though, I dLed during school when I was "working".
I could probably dL it via their myspace or so using a ripping site or something,
but I'm going to get the album soon so I don't want to get some lower quality mp3 file of it.
Plus, it's loaded on its own tab so I can play it whenever with firefox up. :D

Mentioning their popularity, I don't go by their myspace "friends" and whatnot, lol. Those are always inaccurate, heavily.
They must seem like a pretty popular band in Japan, or I hope they soon will be if not already.

Blink-182! Hahahahaaha. It does a bit, a bit faster paced and more electronic on the tone, but maybe. Close.


Link | by gant on 2009-03-28 06:10:44
Look like Slipknot, these guys.

Great! Can't wait to check them out!


Link | by on 2009-03-28 22:32:47
FACT's playing a city two hours away from where I am. I'd have to take a ferry just to get there. Too much of a hassle...but... T^T

I wasn't rating FACT's popularity by how many friends they had on their myspace page, but by browsing through the comments that people made on their myspace...I guess I meant to say that a lot of people seemed to like them, especially after seeing them live ^_^

Lol, just the singer's voice from FACT reminded me of the singer from Blink-182 and Angels & Airwaves...same guy, but I thought of Angels & Airwaves first before Blink-182. Might not be the best band to compare FACT to ^__^'

You just can't compare FACT to anyone :D

Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-29 10:25:04
This early in their career, they're releasing a full length album and touring in America.
You don't know how much I want to hear this album, if it's entirely english or not,
but I'm curious to hear their stuff released in Japan in the future, after they return from their long tour.

You're definitely right about FACT, and how they cannot be compared to any band. NO band, is like them whatsoever. :O
I hope they have Merch, I'd totally check that out, and on the site I bought their CD off of, "coming soon" I suppose.
I want to get merch from Japan, cause they up the price here in the states, like Dir en Grey shirts now are like 50$! D:<


Link | by on 2009-04-01 11:07:00
I found some of the lyrics of the song "A Fact of Life" was posted by someone on YouTube :D I modified it a bit, but I'm sure it's not completely correct, give or take a few words -___-'

FACT - A Fact of Life lyrics

I forgot about the time that there was somebody in my past,
I feel time has passed so quickly since I took the photograph.
Thanks for the memory that doesn't fade in my heart.
Look at us smiling in the photograph, you can see the secrets behind the fake smiles.
Thanks for the memory that doesn't fade in my heart.
The past was destroyed by you, I'm not going to forget our truth was shadowed in the darkness of war.

I forgot about the time that there was somebody in my past,
I feel time has passed so quickly since I took the photograph.
Thanks for the memory that doesn't fade in my heart.
Look at us smiling in the photograph, you can see the secrets behind the fake smiles.
Thanks for the memory that doesn't fade in my heart.
The past was destroyed by you, I'm not going to forget our truth was shadowed in the darkness of war.
The past was destroyed by you, I'm not going to forget our truth was shadowed in the darkness.

The moment when it was destroyed is burned into history.
We can't rewind like a video. Misleading future not required.
Only the weak among you will be sacrificed. A false history is not necessary.
No matter what, isn't even a harsh future better than a history made by somebody else?

Don't you think so? (x7...or 8?) ^__^'


This entire time, I could only understand the part "Thanks for the memory that doesn't fade in my heart." But after reading the lyrics, I can actually understand all of the singing now XD

13 more days until the album is released! I'm excited!

Why are Dir en Grey shirts so expensive?! O__o' They're so overrated...

Link | by devils-angel on 2009-04-01 15:25:35 (edited 2009-04-02 19:45:55)
Good find! 65 points.

Before looking at this version of the lyrics, which seem pretty accurate to me,
I actually understood some of the lyrics, cause I'm used to songs like this,
or I just guess and somehow get a good hint at it, and wala, I'm correct? XD

The four line part at the end, should've been in Japanese, or it could've been in Japanese.
I'm used to those moments in these types of songs by J-rock bands or whatever, singing them in Japanese,
just casue it's an all english song, and they just add Japanese in it, though if they did, it would've been nice,
though I'm just curious to how it'll sound like, since the part is melodic and lovely.

Don't you think so is said 8 times. :D

Not sure why Dir en Grey shirts are so friggin' much. I have a Dir en Grey shirt, but it cost me like 20$ at HOT TOPIC!
Though sometimes, online merch is more popular since it's easier to get online rather than in person, in store purchase.

I don't really wanna talk about their fame and popularity in FACT's thread!

[EDIT] New FACT song, "Los Angels":
My friend sent me this via AIM just now, and as I'm writing this post, this is the first time listening to it,
but man oh man, just makes me want the album more (and I should get it soon!).

FACT, seriously, is quickly becoming one of my favorite bands (EVER). Laruku is still #1 for me though, but FACT could easily be #2.


Link | by on 2009-04-10 08:46:47 (edited 2009-04-10 08:47:58)
Oh good news everyone

Their new album FACT will come out on the 14th of april

and it is now available on the internet

get your copy today :D

very nice album in my opinion :3

EDIT: the album cover really creep me out O_O but meh :3

Link | by on 2009-04-10 09:44:46
LOL, I'm pretty sure DA mentioned that already...that it would be released on April 14th. It's actually already leaked onto the internet ^____^'

I've been listening to the album and I have to say it's pretty awesome.

Besides "A Fact of Life", I also like "Lights of Vein", "Stretch My Arms", "45days", "Paradox", and "Los Angels". Still have to listen through the CD one more time, but none of the songs sounds the same, so it's pretty varied.

The cover isn't that bad...actually, it reminds of that thing from Inuyahsa (episode 20 something?...forgot what the monster thing was called XDDD) But yeah, it's the same mask that they wear in their "A Fact of Life" video >w<

I'm pretty upset that I couldn't see FACT live last week T^T

Link | by on 2009-04-10 10:06:43
whoa i want to see FACT live O:

i'm pretty new to this group so yeh >.<

what can I say, they're awesome XD

thanks to this thread i get to know them :D

i might pre-order the album...lack of money big issue =="

..the album cover is still creepy for some reason ._."

Link | by devils-angel on 2009-04-15 20:39:47
Yeah I was gonna say this but didn't feel like editing my post,
but FACT's entire album will be streamed online for free for a little while.
I listened to it once through, but I wanna hear MY pre-ordered copy, which I want NOW! >_<;;

The entire album though, is not what I first expected to be honest with you.
A lot of the songs are different indeed, but it's a lot of screamo, which was surprising.
I thought they'd bring more faster/slower paced rock, even some indie/melodic/ambient/progressive stuff.

I don't really remember a lot of the songs though cause I was doing other stuff at the time,
but I want to hear the entire album, when I get the entire album. Should be fun.

But as of now though, 'a fact of life' is my favorite and their best composed single. It's too darn good.
I hope they get mainstream success in Japan cause after this tour, I'm not sure what they're doing.
They could easily hook up with BEAT CRUSADERS and do a tour like that, too! There's the JAPAN ROCK FESTIVAL, this is only the beginning.
It'd be weird if ther're more popular/known in the states then in Japan, haha.

Another thing is I entered a contest to try to win the album for free. One of three lucky winners.
I know I'll easily have the album before the deadline for the contest (April 20th), but if I win I'll have two albums and a poster. :P

Another thing about seeing them live, apparently they don't play with their masks (though that'd be difficult, haha).
I mean, BEAT CRUSADERS doesn't, right? Their masks I've seen live are so CG. XD

But yeah, I just want FACT's album. I could listen to 'a fact of life' all day long really, it's that addicting.
They released it as their debut US single, but has anyone found the singles album (if exist) yet?
I'd love to hear it as an instrumental, cause I already learned the lyrics.

[EDIT] Oh, one thing I'm so pissed about though. I'm on my short Spring break, and FACT had a show at the Croc Rock last night!
The only thing nobody could take me, cause I totally could've went! >_<;;

[@EDIT-2] April 15th:

FACT got into an accident yesterday, and had to cancel the rest of their US tour dates!
I'm stoked that I finally got the album today in the mail,
though since I pre-ordered this I should've gotten it before the release date. :/

But yes, best wishes to FACT and hope they make a speedy recovery.
Hiro just got some concussion, and Eiji broke his arm.
Everyone else is pretty okay, nothing other than minor,
but that person that caused it (some other driver) is having charges pended against him.

But talk about the album, it's pretty darn good man.
Hopefully when they're in Japan, they can release stuff FROM/IN Japan.
I wanna hear them do some Japanese songs in Japanese. :3


Link | by on 2009-04-15 23:55:14
Oh no! FACT got into an accident?! T__T AND they had to cancel the rest of their tour?!
I really hope they get better soon and are able to pick up where they left off on their US tour
Ouch, concussions aren't fun (mine was horrible D:) But at least the accident wasn't anymore serious than it could've been.
Did they go back to Japan to recover from the accident? Or are they still here?
I wonder how much trouble the guy who caused the accident will be in...can I strangle him? >___<"

I was gonna ask if you got your album yet DA
LOL, you pre-ordered and still got it late *tries not to laugh* XDDD
Glad you did get it though, are you gonna blast "A Fact of Life" in your car? :D
It'd be awesome to hear some Japanese stuff from FACT, considering their last album was released in 2006... O__o'

Have you listened to the compilation tribute CD to AC/DC? FACT has one song on there (along with guess who? BEAT CRUSADERS XD), and I'm itching to listen to it >w<
And I just realized...that "Stretch My Arms" on their new US album is just a remake of the original one on their older album, "The Fine Day Never Last", but the new one sounds much better in my opinion ^__^'

Link | by devils-angel on 2009-04-16 20:41:28
It was obvious since Eiji (dr.) injured his arm badly and they have no possible replacement unfortunately.
Plus with a concussion, I doubt Hiro would be able to be so energetic (as I heard this band is so alive~live).
I had a concussion before, too, it was bad that I don't physically remember what happened, only what people told me (long story).

I've read that they went back to Japan to recover there. Staying in the states would not be good really.
Not sure what charges are against him, but the reason he said which caused the crash is friggin' dumb as hell.
He said someone "forced" him onto a median and caused the crash, like "wtf" dude.
How dare you harm FACT, one of my newest favorite bands, jesus I was pissed.
You can read about it on their myspace, facebook, etc. Funny how they mention "Japanese band", guess they don't know their names. XD

Yeah, like, what the hell dude. I was getting so impatient (though I'm impatient enough).
If you went to one of their shows, you could pick it up personally and probably get it signed! YOROSHIKU!
And OMFG, yes, I'm gonna blast this 5H17 off the HEEZY! It's gonna be the best.
I ripped it so I don't have to insert the CD every single time I wanna hear the CD,
and eventually move the CD itself into the car I usually ever drive.

The transition for a young (still debuting) Japanese band to tour in the US is pretty large, especially FACT.
I mean you're new to the states (sort of), and you're bringing a new style of music never really heard before from Japan.
I hope they seriously go big because they're just too talented, creative, artistic, true to themselves and their music, and passionate and determined.
They probably feel like attacked (not literally, but still literally) from that car accident,
but reading their myspace comments, it seems they are truly being beloved from the people in the states who visit them at their shows (lucky bastards).

By far, 'A Fact of Life' is still my favorite song on the album, and really the only one I know inside to out (and maybe Los Angels).
The CD cover has all the songs listed on it with lyrics, too,
and yes, they're all in English guys. They have nice lyrics though, plus speaking it in Japanglish is just awesome itself.
Like just the intro (lyrics) to Los Angels, "Yel-low sands, into Los Angels". I love how they get on sync with their lyrics with the beat of the music.

I haven't heard it yet... or maybe I have not sure.
They released a remix version of like all their songs on a two disc album on the same date as the album (I think).
But yeah, I read on absolutepunk or something they did some AC/DC album of some sort.

lol, with FACT, I wonder if they even know Japanese. XD


Link | by on 2009-05-02 02:46:39
Any new news on FACT's recovery? O___o'

And what about that guy's punishment?! >__<"

Have you listened to FACT's remix album of their US album relase? The album is called "NIVAN RUNDER SOUNDRAGS" and it's actually pretty darn good :D It's weird that I like the remixes of some of songs that I wasn't keen of on the reg. album XD Check it out if you have time ^___^

Link | by devils-angel on 2009-05-02 08:16:07
Nothing officially, but I think they're doing okay, nothing was ever severe in the first place.
That guy, IMO, probably just got a fine/cited/etc. Either way, it's all in the past now, but he probably got a hefty fine.

I think I heard some songs on the album, but I've only heard the regular album, FACT.
They made an AC/DC or whatever contribute album, too, is NIVAN RUNDER SOUNDRAGS that Japan released remix album?


Link | by eny on 2009-05-02 09:06:37
So does anyone know where to get all of those lyrics? Thanks

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