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~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-28 01:35:28 (edited 2009-03-28 01:46:27)
Previous Thread

Copy-paste, yet again:
Here , I shall explain the rules (nothing much , but do obey the rules more >.<) :

1. Do speak in any 'understandable' language , Malay and English for example (I don't think not all will understand Chinese nor Indian language here XD) .

2. No negative actions are allowed in this thread , constructive ones under certain conditions will do ^^ .

3. Talk anything that only Malaysians know about <-A~~WHAT?

4. Have fun , enjoy , bergembira selalu XD .....

5. This is NOT an instant messenger , do introduce yourself to everyone , although it's tiring and not in need , but do it !! tunjuk kesopanan anda di sini .

6. If any one of you (not from Malaysia) who wants to learn some basics of Malay Language , do ask and we'll start it ^^

7.Important rule: NO RACIST ALLOWED.

(added by meh)

8. NO VULGAR WORDS, SWEARING, ETC! (because i saw some in the last thread i need to add this...)

ok there...i think, if there's anything else to be added do tell me and i'll edit this post ^^

yay for new thread! keep posting guys! XD

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by holkers on 2009-03-28 03:03:24
w00t! a new thread!

azwan: tak ni perspek berwarna putih. boleh warnakan tapi kena ikut kreativiti sendiri la. lor, bergurau je la. eh holk ada banyak duit kat dlm bank lagi banyak daripada kakak dan abang holk. yela yela.. klu holk rajin.. (rajin la sangat, kerja homework taknak buat Dx) apa D< jangan salahkan holk, holk cuma marah tak dapat nak buat kerja competition tu dengan betul-betul Dx.

serge: no no. it's a family day with my mom's friends. it's like for me, my first day of bowling :3333333 (Dx spam, sorry)
not all day, unfortunately >:

kira: it's a selawat competition Dx..
mine is next friday.. too fast >.> at stadium selayang Dx
i heard that from wani.. thought dont know la if true or not..
spray paint.. Dx
rofl. then now i'm telling don't play with knife D<
it's dangerous!
yea.. Dx i hate it. 22 april somewhere.. >>

So like my family day was awesome!
here's a few pictures. (mind the pictures, it's a my dad's camera phone. i forgot to bring mine Dx)
i saw this and i tell my mom.. "look, do u want some kittens? :3"

Here's the opening of the door bowling place.

Inside the place before we start the game.

These are the balls my teammates choose :3

My book while i wait for the others too come and start the game :3

The atmosphere around the place.

The treats they gave us.. there's also some mamiee but.. then i forgot to take a picture Dx

The baby i play once with Dx

My dad in actions! :3

Prizes :3

Oooo.. nasi ayam la!

This is the score.. (i'm sorry kinda forgot to take a picture of the atmosphere when they are playing the bowling. Dx)

So i won in third place :3 got a medal and a hamper :3333333333333
yes the medal was plastic Dx
i got bronze :3 (durr~)

It was fun! I got strike twice (not in a row).
I always was 'finish the strike' :3
An uncle went first, then i finish wat he didn't get xD (a group have 5 people, my group have only 4, so when the 'person didn't come' turn, they let me have it. like urmm.. share la.. u're turn first then mine.. then follow the list..)
Yep it was fun.. until it was ended Dx

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2009-03-28 04:42:48
@Kira: TBH, I don't play games at all. Seriously, and I'm kinda interested on those shooting zombie ghost game. Like fatal frame, things like that. Idk man, i don't know much games to begin with.

Ahahah Kira, I'm not that evil, dude. But yeah, one hour left! Just hope my mom can magically fall asleep. . .

@ Hulk : Uhh . . . seram banyak . . . I can't stand too long in that school if such things happen to me.
Your school has a judo section? Cool man!

@azman : PTPTN? Trying my effort there now. Hopefully I can. Haha, not a counselor, maybe a therapist. I think Japanese can comprehend Malay more than they can speak English cause, Malay words and Japanese words have about 2-3 syllables per word, unlike English. So if you try hard enough to learn Malay deeply and to learn Japanese, there's a high chance of you going there and establish your career. But Japan is kinda scary, all those technologies and stuff, some of their own citizens have a hard time to go on with their life there, and plus the lack of halal food and stuff. Which makes it very hard to deal with.

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by Thanks DFly~ on 2009-03-28 04:57:21 (edited 2009-03-28 04:58:15)
-Just Passing by-

Version III already?
And Kira become the Master?? XD!!
*Shake hand with kira, and Fondle Him~ :p*

Congratulations Guys!! Keep up the Spirit!! ^^

And Holkers...Congratz for the 3th Place~ ^^

Gawd!! DFly work is so...Beautiful~

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by DeAngelus on 2009-03-28 06:49:01
*TurtleRapes Kira teh Kura-Kura*

Joo beat meh again XOO !!!

Oh well , I'm kind of buzy . So thanks anyway ^^ .

Finalleh , we've beaten the third thread XD . (If you find any other Malaysian threads , none had ever reached the third thread at all) . So , CONGRATS !!!!!!! XDD

I'm just passing by to say I'm having a 'intentional blackout' at the time I'm posting XD . Any of you into the 'blackout' session XD ?? < - Angelus means 'Earth Hour' :P

That's it for now , I got to go MEGARAPE !! Adeline now , muajajajaja XDD !!!!

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-28 07:07:52 (edited 2009-03-28 07:27:07)
alhamdulilah,akhirnya 60 earth hour di rumahku berjaya dibuat,lampu rumahku sumanya padam sambil menikmati murtabak ayam dan apam balik yg dibeli di pasar malam...tapi yg sedihnye...keliling rumahku x support langsung hari tu...lantak depalah,kira masyarakat x prihatin...


memang btullah,mknan kt sana susah nk cari yg halal...x kira susuhi ke,soba ke or whatever sekalipun halal ke?tapi nk sembahyang senang,tapi jauh kt Kobe.ada masjid di sana dan dengar kata,komuniti islam jepun byk di sana.che ingat nk menetap di tokyo,tapi mungkin ada masjid kt sana.bhsa melayu ku lancar dan skrg ini dlm usaha learn japanese language.peluangku cerah klu nk mengajar di sana.klu x dpt mengajar di sana.ku akan berniaga di sana,promote makanan malaysia kt sana.mcm bukak restoran melayu kt sana.PTPTN tu jgn salah gunakan...byk kes salahguna PTPTN seperti bli handphone mahal2,kereta,moto,skuter dan mcm2 lagi salahguna ptptn.klu bayar sewa rumah atau bilik xpelah atau bli laptop utk kegunaan blajar.x salah beli handphone guna duit ptptn...tapi jgn mahal sgt...ataupun kumpul sikit2 baru blh ada bukak akaun SSPN?


brp byk 2.klu ikutan aku punya akaun,aku punya lebih byk drpd abang ngan adik aku punya.pasal scince masuk skolah menengah,x pernah kluar dari akaun tu,malah bertambah-tambah adalah...oh..klu lupa apa beza PVC ngan prespek.lupa masa blajar KH dan seni...masa kitaorg buat projek papan tanda masa SPM.cikgu x galak guna prespek dlm pembuatan papan tanda,benda tu take time nk buat.uuhhhiiii,sodap btul nasi ayam...ada lebih?klu ada bagi 20 bungkus...kuat melantak...hehehehe


klu aku berjemur di sinaran UV aka matahari...muka aku cam negro adalah...TIDAKKKK!!!!

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-28 07:46:30 (edited 2009-03-28 07:46:57) your dream >.>

Hikky@i am thinking of adopting a real pet =x..
like a puppy..
i watched a movie about puppy/dog..
it made me cried :c
so touchy ~ ;'D
and that made me want to have a dog x_x

Anyway,i have done the 60 earth hour >.>
though i didn't sign up,i still participate :x
i switched off the power supply and use 3 candles >.>
i slept halfway though xDD
and all i got was mosquitoes .. ._.
oh well,it was fun anyway xD
but i locked myself in the house,with no electric fan and all..
lol it was so hot xD

- report end ._. -

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by holkers on 2009-03-28 08:14:52 (edited 2009-03-28 08:19:11)
Let's all be proud that KLCC and KLTower closed they lights :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Yes earth hour was 2 hours ago..
and it's ended :DDDDDDDD
I live near KLCC so.. i saw it.. :DDD
and also i saw KLT :DDDDDD

so like.. even the restoran of Old Town and a net cafe of MU turned of they lights :DDDDDDD

Hikky: yes hikky.. there's alot of club here.. but no anime Dx

Al: :DDD thnks!

Angelus: :DDD (just open my mouth and does tht)

Azwan: tak tau.. bank tak hantar pun surat.. D:
aku sejak kecil lagi :DDDDDD
PVC dan perspek mana sama D:
takde.. ni holk punye D<

Adel: :DDD good to hear u are participate in it :DD
thought u dont' have to close the fan.. xD
but it's up to u anyway..

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-28 17:01:26
ok so...somehow my dad's in...XO
so like, we switched off only lamps though (after the countdown in TV3)...since my dad wanna watch TV XO
but yeah, i ended up sleeping early XDDD

wish i could see...before this, i can see those 2...but now not anymore...

congrats on being the 3rd place ^^

kitten gonna be eaten?

lol so always got spare if i play i doubt i can even do any spares...XO

lol same here, i didn't sign up...because i thought my dad didn't want it...XO
AND THEN, he's the one who got suddenly excited outta nowhere...LOL

maybe angelus got the wrong house?

kat sini 2-3 rumah jer tak buat...XD

lololol mental image inserted! +_+
take teh wrath of teh sun! XD


i'm not a kura-kura!!!

and i thought you wanna go for adel instead

no problem. :D

so err...blackout and still here...

thanks! :D

lol wat master? XDDD
*shakes hand with al and stabs him* lol jk teh 2nd know me right? :P

pass by again! lol

hmmm try resident evil perhaps...but yeah, fatal frame is good too xD
well depends on what console you wanna buy though...

so err did teh plan work? XD

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-28 23:05:15

new thread already, glad to see the thread grows, and as expected angelus is late again^^, there goes his draft he made for the 2nd thread! itll take few more month for him to have his chance again^^

ah, it seem Earth Hour in malaysia didn't works much, can't blame them tho, people cant really see how that actually help. even every promotion all they say is to switch off the light not followed with WHY and HOW it will help. not much ppl really know the facts...
but watched TV1 last nite, they're doing their show in dark! only small light above the stage is lighted^^

lol pictured book? did you crayon them yourself too? isn't websites more colourful? animated somemore^^.
- i played a bit ar-tonelico2, but i had lots of complaint; somehow i feel the 1st one is better.

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by mjia on 2009-03-28 23:58:27
CONGRATS!!New thread!!@.@

@Kira nii:Thanz.XP.My exam?T_T.Did very badly...especially my PM.T_T

@Holk:*hi5 Hey!Conrats!Your bowling skill is great.I played bowling,but only get total=30++...So poor...==

In my place(Perak-Taiping),not many people support Earth hour..>.<..

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-29 01:23:28
WOW!!!new thread already?! this sure seem good! i'm really proud to be part of it!

Congratulation to you!and thank you for opening this thread!let talk bout game again sometime!...XD

Hai!hello everyone!my name is DEAN!!!

(actually i just passing by since i don't have much time)

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-29 06:54:22
Wow that scare me...

New thread Part III Good

Malaysian Boleh!! XD

Hugs Kira!!

Conguratulation to you again and again for the new thread partIII !!! wow

TMNT? Turtle is strong can win a rabbit ok!


Yes i ply online game actually i can ply at midnight at without rest/sleep
EARTH HOUR did someone shut all your light? i do

That s' all back to the old drawing board (Studying)

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-29 17:56:29
/hugs XD

lolol why congratulate me? it's all because of all of us who keep posting and making the malaysians thread alive! it's not just me XD
i'm just grabbing the chance to make the continuation thread before it's locked XD

i don't remember talking about TMNT...xD

lolol *same as above comment*
and sure! just name any RPG and let's see XD
i don't play all RPGs though...but oh yesh xD

i think if you did badly...i made...worse...T_T
you're smart xD

so did you shut the lights? xD

gotta agree there. some people, like my dad, doesn't understand WHY and HOW that helps...DX

yeah i've seen that! xD

lol i'm so not good at art so no :P
oh yeah...XD but some websites are dull though...which is sad T_T
but this site isn't because i put my BG xDDDD

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-29 19:50:20

kudukut...xpe,nanti kau...jgn harap den nk belanja ekau...klu gambor nasi ayam tu still terpanpang di bln pose...grenti ramai x thn nafsu nk mkn....kes bahaya tu...


kwsn umah aku lagi terrer,langsung xde org yg support earth hour...jiran umah aku langsunglah xde kerjasama...nk tgk kwsn umah aku hujan...susahlah mcm ini...lantak depalah...masyarakat x prihatin,buat hal sendiri...


kt taiping,kwsn mana you tinggal?

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-29 20:40:35 (edited 2009-03-29 20:42:00)
o_O..omedetou gozaimasu..for the 3rd far so good eh..
i see..everyone is praticing earth hour..good..
i,myself do a 90 earth hour..
its not that i am care our earth..but i fell asleep in my room during d earth hour coz its so

hmm..let see..i currently use no$GBA.2.6a version emulator..
its quite good..
dang..i forgot to copy its link..T.T..
ima playing final fantasy 3 and 4 NDS..good as they remake it..

online game huh..? well..i dont play most..
coz i know that i would be addictive..especially for a gamer like fan..
jus play offline game is crazy enough ad..if online..T.T. u play yu-gi-oh world championship game..?


Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-29 22:54:14
wow!! version three already!!
pity me to realise this now X(

anyway, I've been busy lately, student stuff~
I just bought three anime and I want to finish it by this week!!
and also a korean movie!!

~baby holkie~;
long time no see!

you also paritcipate in the 60 earth hour??
same here. Did you register?
I want to but I don't have time lately /sigh

yeah~ me too. I also slept.
cos I was soo tired cos I went to Kasturi.
then the next day have to go to Kasturi again..

ohisashiburi desu!
where did you go?

~Nil-st, ONII-CHAN;
Hontou ni sumimasen!!
Yesh, your choise of word is very much the same as female..
so thats why I thought that you were 'her'..
Sorry again~

now, I call you onii-chan can??
Did the earth hour works at Japan??
yeah people in Malaysia is selfish,
including me.
But I switch off every light in my house!!


Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-30 00:22:33
lol i didn't regiser. thought my dad doesn't wanna do it, but in the end, he's the one who got all excited. lolz

ummm this might be a stupid question but...what is Kasturi? in terms of place

sounds like a GBA one. lolz

/why no links? DX

mereka tak tau apa gunanya buat semua ni...tak banyak err...explanation pun.

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by on 2009-03-30 03:42:49
it's alright..
i am trying to save up some energy =x
>.> so my parents can pay less for the next electrical bills :3

Oh,and Holkers..
>.> you got to teach me how to play bowling :3

i wonder who is Angelus' victim..

and what do you mean 'go for adel instead :<'
*take out broom and smack Kireimu out of it *
i'm not an object T___T

Re: ~The Malaysians Thread~ [Version III]
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2009-03-30 05:50:20
@Azwan: Aha, I havent open by SSPN account, no idea what it is actually. Haha. If you get a work nearby Kobe then thats good, but what if you got sent around Okinawa or in the islands? It gotta be touch to find halal food. But eh, its nearby the sea, so fish's all good. I do hope you can pursue your career to Japan too.

@Ade: Isn't Neil cute enough? XD Having a real pet is like electing yourself to be a single parent. Its good tho if people around you are supportive in taking care of pets. Unlike me, my mom hates animals. Its kinda sad when you have a pet but is continuously ignored by other people or worse; abused. Thats why I let all my cats free to the forest. XD

@Kira : Support my PS2 money then. or PSP even :D

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