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Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-11 17:55:00
Why do a lot of girls who read or watch Naruto become yaoi fangirls? You've... You've noticed that too, right? I mean, no offense or anything, if you watch Naruto and *hate* yaoi, becaue I did too! Really! But...

I'll give you a cookie if you can tell me why.

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2009-04-11 18:00:39 (edited 2009-04-11 18:02:36)

Let's see...
Naruto and Sasuke are MADE to which other... DO What!?
Plus there is ALOT of fan servise doing yaoi doujins... and they are like... impressive GOOD. Great grafics and good plots XD
[take a look if you are curious ;3 ]
And finally...
serious? do you think Sakura is good to any of them!?


it is onlly left BL to my romantic mind

I want a cookie now :D

please don't take this to the heart ;P
It is my own thoughts...
I just got into naruto cause i read the doujins BL's first...
funny no?

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-04-11 18:08:01
The anime had characters that are easy to poke fun at,
and apparently people poked at it in a 'yaoi' way, that's all.

Fangirls say us men are perverts... please...


Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-11 18:13:44 (edited 2009-04-11 18:14:10)
*gives cookies*

ohmigawd, they're sasunaru-shaped *_*

Hey, I want some more opinions on this.

And in my opinion, they're all pretty much paired together. Like, for example, I'm a sasu-naru, hina-naru, saku-naru, Sasu-saku, ino-saku fangirl. I pair every other person together. Except Kakashi, cuz...

I actually have no idea why.

I might have accidentally stumbled onto one or ten of those doujins....
and... y'know, just glanced at them.
And read everything.

So, yeah, I'm a yaoi fangirl now.

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2009-04-11 18:18:32
RO-Man-Ce DA!


Pair Kakashi with Iruka-sensei limey~
It gets a good pair :D
And Naru-Hina Is the second best pair X3
Just after sasunaru XDDDDDDDD

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-11 18:43:06
Iruka and Kakashi.
*gives you all the cookies*

Holy gawd...
it's fanfic time e3e

And I love naru-hina~ and sasu-naru~

Here's a link to an awesomely funny slightly sasu-naru fic:

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by Haoie on 2009-04-11 19:52:24
No wonder I steer clear of those shows.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-11 20:52:28
It's like Prince of Tennis, only less suggestive. For Naruto, there's that extreme brotherly-love theme going on between Naruto and Sasuke... and some people just take it to a completely different level. I myself despise yaoi, but I can see where it's coming from. I love that friendship theme, but I won't let anything cross the line.

Basically, it's there in a lot of shonen series. That special bond that exists between rivals on the battlefield... so strong and yet unexplainable, but sometimes explained as romantic feelings, which I personally think is completely off-radar. But that's just me.

If I were a yaoi fan... I'd probably like SasuNaru, haha. But Iruka and Kakashi? No. Just no. I like weird (although het) pairings, but some of these things completely cross the line.

And I'm not one of those 'zomg, it's yaoi EWWWW' girls who has no experience; I've been exposed to some pretty hardcore stuff and read a shitload of fanfiction, and it's just as trashy as some het stuff (though it's ten times as wrong).

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-11 21:10:44 (edited 2009-04-11 21:12:48)
@Haoie *throws a cookie* We all have our own opinions. It's a great show, though. You might want to give it a try.

@Anna-san Yeah, I know what you mean. I actually ended up thinking about the whole Iruka and Kakashi thing, and it's weird if you look at in from either of their points of view... e_o which rules out fanfiction.

And I used to despise yaoi as well. Not so much despise, as that's a very strong word; I just wasn't into it. However, I think anime is similar to medicine.

It may cause certain side effects.

And it almost always causes a tiny bit of craziness e_o

Anywho, opinions, opinions. Good things. We still love you. In a friends-way.

*throws a cookie*

Besides that, in all honesty, I just like the idea of these pairings. I'm much too lazy I'm much too busy and unimaginative to write things like that.

And plus, Naruto's gonna marry Hinata.

Or else I plot revenge against Kishimoto-sama.

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-11 21:21:02
I think the Iruka and Kakashi thing is because they're the only two who are constantly in the series who have chuunin vests and are somewhat close in age. Except for the InoShikaChou dads, and that would be gross.

I love fanfiction, but I prefer stuff that's not so romanticly oriented or develops slowly. A lot of shoujo manga pisses me off in that manner, too.

I do despise yaoi; I'm not a hater, but I will never like it. I acknowledge it's existence and I coexist alongside it and even support random bits of it (like that weird Haru and Momiji stuff at the end of a particularly good Furuba fic), but that's the bit of craziness I've developed. And I howl in laughter at suggestive humor. Kuroshitsuji, anyone?

I write... or I do sometimes. I read, mostly. Have close to 400 stories on my favorites list :D And yes, in all probability, Naruto is going to marry Hinata. Ah, I can see hear the outcry of the NaruHina fans who rioted when Pein KO'ed her...

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2009-04-12 05:48:49
I so wish that naruto merrie hinata <3

and Iruka Kakashi pairing is totally random hahahahaha
imagination is somthing scarry xD
don't let to be fun to imaginate it >w< LOL~

and NO i don't go as matching furuba chars DX
Momiji diserves Thoru ; 3;

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-12 05:49:37
And yes, in all probability, Naruto is going to marry Hinata. Ah, I can see hear the outcry of the NaruHina fans who rioted when Pein KO'ed her...

*raises hand*
That was me.

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-12 07:00:09 (edited 2009-04-12 07:02:14)
Is that true?

I would say because of Sakura lol-

And the whole lengths Naruto goes for Sasuke- i mean that's what the main plot is about...

Sorry if i've offended anyone- but i think everyone has their own opinion as well...

heh do i deserve the cookie yet?

Lol- Kakashi and Iruka? Weird ^^

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-12 15:02:54
Yes, you do get a cookie.

And Tsubasa pwns.

*gives another cookie for the awesomeness of your avvie*

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by taichokerorogunso on 2009-04-12 21:07:37
im so sad to say hinata never marries naruto ever cause i heard she dies.. :(
and if you read naruto and like yaoi doesnt that mean your a loli boy pervert? theyre little kids right?

I just got into yaoi like a year ago and there are better ones out there that dont involve intercourse i forgot most of em but the ova's i enjoyed are kirepapa its about a father and son who are both ... and the boyfriend of father is the sons friend? it makes no sense but its fun

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-12 22:40:55
I agree with the Sakura thing, though I love the girl just as much as any other character. She was a complete and total brat in the first series, and there were plenty of easy moments to hate her. And if you want Team Seven without the unnecessary fangirl... well, that just leaves Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi. Then it's so very easy to pair them all into yaoi pairings.

@ last person with Aizen and the sleeping Pikachu (dunno your name) - Nah, Hina-chan's not dead. Sakura fixed her up just right. And if she died, Kishi would be voodoo-ed to death by the irate NaruHina fangirls, so I don't think he'll be trying that. Haha, I'm one of the people who can say I'm not loli about the Naruto chars. I first started watching Naruto when I was 12, which was the same age that all of the kids were, and I was 15 when Shippuden started, and the Rookie Nine were all 15 then, too. Too bad they don't age onscreen while I do in the real world. And I think you're referring to shounen-ai when you talk about no intercourse, because yaoi refers to more mature stuff beyond kissing. That intercourse stuff is frickin scary.

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by yamimori on 2009-04-13 12:07:19
Hehe, naruto has that effect on a LOT of people O.O

Im not sure why, but if i had to guess, then id say it's because naruto is longer than most anime that are intentionally yaoi (like gravitation) and you get to know the characters better, and the more and more you watch it, the more and more you like the idea of naruto and sasuke being...y'know, together >///<

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-13 14:44:03
I *STILL* dunno if Kakashi's dead, so I'm holding back on the firebombing *ahem* ANGRY LETTER I'm planning to send...

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by on 2009-04-13 14:49:26
Strange- I like Yaoi- it IS after i watched Naruto, but i'm sure it's not because of watching it- yaoi's so cute anyways i would love it all the same- O.o i would be totally sad if Naruto was yaoi- but Lmao i saw someone's signature with sasuke saying: "sorry girls, I'm gay" or something.. heartbreaker ^^

omygawsh :3 thanks Limey !!! >< Thanks for the praise on my avvie !! Yes, true true Tsubasa pwns

*cries* i heard about Kakashi, shocked about Hinata- but i'm sure it will be fine- i think i would totally bawl if Kakashi did... die.... i mean he's soo cool, he's awesome ><

firebombing? how did you kno- oh! i mean yhhhh, angry letter *wink*

Re: Naruto seems to have a strange effect...
Link | by Lady Maia on 2009-04-13 16:05:43 (edited 2009-04-13 16:06:32)
That Yaoi-effect that Naruto gives on girls are from fangirls' perverted minds D<

Probably fangirls are sucked in to the BL fanclub blackhole because Naruto is famous and it lacks romance.
Since girls almost always read romance, what else could they do? Well, use existing characters and make them like each other of course!
No matter how absurd the pairing is. lol.

I'm just glad my aversion to anything BL is as strong as ever. >3

@Mokona: Nah. I don't think the main plot is about getting Sasuke back. It's about Naruto's journey to being hokage (I mean, we all know he's gonna end up as hokage someday =w=)

*insert epic picture here*

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