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Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-05-13 16:34:23
If no one has seen 'Chrome Shelled Regios',
I suggest everyone picks it up - Awesome Anime.

Anyway, the music for it is reall awesome!
The opening by Daisy x Daisy " Brave Your Truth "
is really great, and the two endings are more like 7
or 8 since the character VA's sing a few of them!

But, the battle music seen in early episodes seems
to have taken alot of heat for people not liking it.

I personally loved the battle music, but people said it
sounded like an old sega song or something.
Perhaps that's why you barely ever hear it since around episode 9.

Anyway, Thoguhts on the music for this anime? :O

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by hanabusa01 on 2009-05-19 15:15:23
oh wow i like the opening it has a good tone like it should be on bleach or codegeass or something...the music is very good i will try and watch it

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by on 2009-05-19 23:05:49
All of it's themes are good... no doubt about it... XD

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by on 2009-05-19 23:46:21
the music of this anime is awesome! i like them XD

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by on 2009-05-20 05:50:42
i LovEs "Brave Your Truth" so Muchhhhhh !!
this song is NicE! :D


Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-05-21 04:03:28
LOL WOW, Thread came alive in one day, xD!

And I had almost given up hope ;_;

But yea, all of the music is pretty amazing. I can't
wait for them to release some OST's with all of the instrumental
and background pieces. I would buybuybuybuy that CD *~*

And, I also noticed in this last episode that the 'sega music'
alot of people seemed to hate is not gone yet! Which is good :D

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by on 2009-05-21 06:40:39
halo! ur pokemon avatar is soooo cute :3
how u make it? XD

isn't hard to get OST'?
i find it hard to buy OST cd T^T sob...
anyway how many episode are ther in chrome shelled regios????
isit finised aready or havent? o.O


Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by on 2009-05-21 11:35:22
The first OST is already released. See:
The second one will be out this coming June 5th. See:

According to ANN, the series have 24 episodes. See here.
And I think it's still ongoing... XD

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-05-21 21:12:38
I made a CSR Thread in the anime forum like a week ago, but still;

Like SHin said, there is suppose to be 24 Episodes. Episode 19
was this past saturday, with Episode 20 coming this Saturday.

I really think they need to bring this anime up for a second season,
because there is so much they could expand upon.



And thanks Fate, I made it in Photoshop ^_^

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by on 2009-05-23 07:15:07
oic :)
thx 4 telling :D

hehe welcome..cuz is really cute..i like pikachu XD


Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-05-25 11:40:55
Just thought I'd mention I got the OST.

It is epic, muwahahahahaha. I love the battle
music on here and the all the background music
that plays on it. Really nice *~*

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by on 2009-08-17 15:58:24
love the song brave your truth, along with Ai no Zuellni. Anyway it is definitely an awesome anime

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2010-05-16 16:18:06
Decided I needed to bump my own thread since a second OST for the series was released
like, 6 months or more ago. I'm not sure on the release date, but I got it myself
like two months ago.

The OST and character albums include more background music and modified versions
of some background songs mixed together in two 10-minutes mixes. They are pretty
good, but from what I'm told if you aren't a fan of it the obvious synthesizer is
over-used and annoying. I'm a fan, so I don't mind it one bit.

However, that's not what was the good part. What WAS the good part, was that the
Visual Kei band formed to perform songs for the anime [ Chrome Shelled ] made another
6 or 7 songs for the soundtracks, each one amazing! What's more interesting is that
the names of these songs are taken from 6 or 7 of the light novels. So each of the
songs done by Chrome Shelled [ including "Silent Talk" from the Layfon-Haia fight
scene in episode 22 of the anime ] are all named after a Light Novel.

Pretty cool if you ask me!

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by on 2010-05-17 17:28:40
the only ost I like in CSR is brave your truth-02 P solo ver. by Daisuke Asakura

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios — Music
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2010-05-18 22:34:01 (edited 2010-05-18 22:34:25)
Really? I love just about everything from the OST's, specifically the 02. The
recent OST was a lot better then the first, which was also really good.

I guess it has to do with my love of the series overall, though, haha.

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