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Vagrant Story
Link | by ramzaruglia on 2009-05-18 13:21:01
Words that best describe this game are:

Multiple Combos
Risk Breaking Skills
Awesome Weapons Stats
Bubbling Rooms

and most importantly, Ashley Riot!

Have you played this game? What rank did you achieved? did you reach up to 30+ or 40+ combo on a lone enemy? Come on^_^


Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by Haoie on 2009-05-19 01:28:15
Problem is it was too complex.

Especially weapon specialisation.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by ramzaruglia on 2009-05-19 09:01:02
Seems fine to me. The complexity of the game makes it more interesting. Combination of blades, hilts, gems, skills, breaker skills, and attack synchronization, and specialization.

That makes it, the most challenging game ever spawned. And I'm proud that I finished it, and for being a game so complex.

Max Combo: 42
Weapon/s of choice: Hand Axe, Sword
Rank: Baron(low isn't it?)
Favorite Risk Breaking Skill: Cherry Blossom
Favorite Room: The Food Chain
Hardest Boss I ever encountered in a game: Almost all of them.
Weapon Type of choice: Silver/Damascus/Hagane
Ultimate Gem combination: 3 Orlandus


Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by on 2009-05-19 23:16:58
himm another ancient game that's almost forgotten... anyway

max combo 65
weapon of choice: bare hands, great sword, sword, polearm
Rank: I forgot... almost 4-5 years since my last play of this game
Skill: cherry ronde, Riskbreaker

Hardest boss: that multi handed statue... ashura I think was it's name...
Weapon material: damascus FTW

Gem combo: 3 arthuros on one wepon

Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by ramzaruglia on 2009-05-20 10:37:51

Yup... there are few people really appreciate the gameplay and the sophistication of Vagrant Story. It is an "ancient" game.. Wow 65 combo? In what weapon? Dagger?


Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by on 2009-05-23 06:02:19
great sword... timing heavy blow with instil on great sword is easy... also since the lag between attacks is long it gives me some time for my fingers to rest... really helpful for long combos

Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by ramzaruglia on 2009-05-23 13:05:12

Great Sword? Really? God, I'd never attempted to use such a heavy weapon, because I prefer the excitement of fast blows with daggers and average swords. It gives me the thrill on getting the proper timing. I do also 30+ hit combo on a staff as well:)


Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by on 2009-05-25 00:08:38
Hahaha so your one of them speed junkies... true the thrill of hitting a perfect on a fast weapon is satisfying but you'll feel your fingers cramp at around 40-50... mine hurt at around 45 with dagger, 51 on swords and 59 on staffs... ether that's just me or it's because im a chubby guy

Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by ramzaruglia on 2009-05-25 09:20:32
Yup I am... Cramps or pins and needles? I had a simple solution on that. SHAKE IT!! Hehehe. It's really awesome to use such fast attacking weapons, that makes me excited when bashing their skulls and bone with it hehe...


Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by seraphna on 2009-05-25 13:11:07
The fun part is how little people realize this game takes place in the same world as FFT, TA, TA2, FFXII and Revenant Wings. <_<

Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by ramzaruglia on 2009-05-26 11:30:43

This game gave another dimension to the game. You know what I mean. Awesome battle system, sophisticated weapons and gem combination, mind bubbling challenges in rooms. Yes this game is somewhat related to those games.

This is the most underrated yet, revolutionizing game in the early 21th century.


Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by on 2009-05-27 14:21:47
I already played this one but unfortunately didnt able to finish it
since I left the soft in the Philiippines...

but I would say that this is one of the best game I played in PS1 so far

You can visit me there!!

Re: Vagrant Story
Link | by ramzaruglia on 2009-06-03 02:16:20
Without any argument, this game is a "classic". One of the games that Square Enix produced that gives another dimension of the game. A revolution!!

And one of the greatest PS 1 games ever. I hope PSP had a remake on this.. so we can play it mobile...


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