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Old Games
Link | by stash on 2009-07-28 08:04:29
Tell what games that you played and missed til this day and what games should stay gone

Re: Old Games
Link | by red_13 on 2009-07-28 09:00:32
Gawd I miss Crash Bandicoot and Majora's Mask.
DK64 should stay gone...
;w; I miss Mario Tennis for the N64 also.

Re: Old Games
Link | by SacoraSacora's Arceus!! XD on 2009-07-28 11:26:02
Pokemon. . . It's still here and I think it's a good game and I still play the games and yes they are very old games and some people don't really play pokemon anymore.

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Re: Old Games
Link | by on 2009-07-28 12:13:43
Pokemon, Digimon, Brave Fencer Musashi & Earthbound should stay

Tales of FC

Re: Old Games
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-28 16:34:29 (edited 2009-07-28 16:51:50)
Pokemon (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Firered, Emerald) and Pokemon: TCG (don't remember much playing it, but I had fun) for the GB Color/Advance.


Re: Old Games
Link | by on 2009-07-28 16:47:18
*points to self* Still has the Pokemon TCG Game. :D

I miss playing Crash Bandicoot as well, those were fun games (they are available from the Playstation Network, but I'd probably never get around to playing them again). These days ol' Crash has gone the way of Sonic and Spyro.

Which brings me to Spyro the Dragon, another game that used to be good but quickly took a step off a big cliff, and poor Spyro being unable to fly couldn't save his rep.


Re: Old Games
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-07-28 16:54:30
All the Pokemon Games, but I still play the series! :D

Also, back on N64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 were both
beyond epic -- I still have them and other N64 games, meaning I need
to sit down and playthrough them again. I do play through every now and then.

Also, Chrono Trigger is another oldie but goodie from that era -- even
got a remake/port on the DS, which I need to pick up. These days I can only
play Chrono Trigger on my Emulator cause I no longer have my PS1 remake version.

Re: Old Games
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-28 17:01:56
Oh you lucky bastard. I could probably get it for like, a 1$ these days though. XD Maybe.

The actual TCG was so retro. I never actually played, just collected back in elem. school.
You were the man if you had a shiny Japanese Pokemon card, haha.

The Crash Bandicoot and Spyro demos were so fun, because it was never restart after a certain level.
You could play the demo of them in stores, and leave fully satisfied since you played a good ounce of the game, lol. ;P

And with Sonic, I honestly had fun with the original 2D sonic on SEGA.


Re: Old Games
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-07-28 19:15:06
I collected the Pokemon Cards when they first hit the US waaaaaay back
when -- I even have some pretty rare cards that I'm planning to sell.

In my little book, I prolly have about 3,000+ cards ( so I guess that's
a big book? Rofl ) including within it a First Edition Charizard, Which
is my PRIDE AND JOY of the cards. ALl in all, if I can sell my cards, I
could get hopefully 500$ or so. I gotta be hopeful.

I also did the same with the cards, and never really played the game. At
my age then, it was almost just too complicated and too much trouble. I did
however, play the Pokemon TCG Video Game for Game Boy Color. That was cool!

I loooooooooved/still love Crash and Spyro. I have a couple of the PS1 games
somewhere, and should check them out again. They were just awesome!

And Sonic? Oh man, I use to sit there for hours playing Sonic and stuff
on the old Sega -- there were alot of good games on Sega that are still
good games even to this day. Sonic is one of them ~

Re: Old Games
Link | by Tyranid5 on 2009-07-28 20:46:01
PS1 is my old school supply (star ocean, wild arms, Old FFs)

I played original pokemon way back when, but I gotta agree with Shuyi that the Pokemon
TCG for color was great.

My favorite thing to do that I do to this day, is at family gatherings (thanksgiving and Christmas).
My cousins and I hook up the old PS1 to some old TV at our Grandma's, and play the original Raiden project
(the one that came in the oversized box).

Re: Old Games
Link | by on 2009-07-29 07:49:24
I'd Give anything to play Strikers 1945, Sonic wings 1 & 2, and 20XX again... there's another side scroller that I really wanna play but then again I can't remember the name since it was in Japanese and I can't read it before so unlucky me... they don't make arcade games like this to anymore...

on the console side there's sonic, Ball jacks, Mechawars 3(IIRC), Echo the dolphin II, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Wild Arms 1 & 2, and Xenogears

Re: Old Games
Link | by red_13 on 2009-07-29 14:04:54
lol. I dropped Sonic after Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, 'cause after that those games went to the graveyard.

Re: Old Games
Link | by braiser on 2009-07-29 15:15:48
Ummm...Bomberman? Metal Gear for NES of atari I forget which

Re: Old Games
Link | by on 2009-07-30 20:13:28
I miss Xenogearsby far but since i still have my copy i can still enjoy it now & then. Now if only a remake will be made i'll be so happy!

As for really old games that were fun in the day, ummm lets see....

- Streets of Rage series (from the ol' Genesis days...i thought Blaze was hawt!!)
- UN Squadron (2d shooter by capcom)
- Contra (the old ones, not the insanely hard new versions...nothing tops Alien Wars)
- TMNT (the NES game!)
- Double Dragon
- San Fancisco Rush - The Rock edition (played that in the arcades alot!)
- Rival Schools
- Parasite Eve (Luckily a new game will be out in the near future - 3rd birthday)
- Growlanser series (too bad Working Designs is no more...)

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