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The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-29 07:29:24 (edited 2010-01-20 20:18:56)
Welcome, selamat datang to the 4th version of The Malaysians Thread!

Previous thread~ go see old posts!!! XD
Here, I shall explain the rules (nothing much, but do obey the rules more >.<):

1. Do speak in any 'understandable' language, Malay and English for example (I don't think not all will understand Chinese nor Indian language here XD).

2. STRICTLY NO negative actions, such as spamming, that i mean cursing, swearing or flaming, are allowed in this thread, constructive ones under certain conditions will do ^^.

3. Talk anything that only Malaysians know about~ <-A~~WHAT?

4. Have fun, enjoy, bergembira selalu XD .....

5. This is NOT an instant messenger, PLEASE introduce yourself PROPERLY to everyone if you are new here or informally when...let's say you came back from being MIA for a long time, although it's tiring and not in need, but do it!! tunjuk kesopanan anda di sini.

6. If any one of you (not from Malaysia) who wants to learn some basics of Malay Language or anything Malaysia-related, do ask and we'll start it ^^


8. PLEASE DO NOT post in all caps in your post. This is considered as rude.

9. Starting from this version, I've decided to put a that I mean, do not post too quick, like instant messenger...Please wait until 2 posts have been made after your last post before you reply again...This rule can be broken however, if no one else posted since the last 24 hours. Fair enough, I hope?
Some might question why I decided to do's to prevent instant-messenger-like-flooding.

10. no one-liners allowed. Unless there's some avoidable reason or something.

11. Refrain from using short forms please, again...this IS NOT an instant messenger. Not like everyone understand short forms anyways, don't make it hard for us.

Original rules by:
Angelus Bestow Judgement On Thee , Demon Style !!
Edited by:
yours truly :P

So...let's do this, the fun way...ALL MEMBERS AND MEMBER WANNABE, REPORT!!! IT'S AN ORDER!!!

Credits to for the suggestion!
What do I mean by report? We will introduce ourselves on OUR 1ST POST IN THIS THREAD!

Report format:
Name: what name would you like to be called...blablabla
Gender: err yeah XD unless you don't mind gender mistaken issues lol
Age: if you don't wanna say your real age, just say...something like 20-ish is acceptable also.
State: yeah where? XD

For extra, anything appropriate, really...XD
I'll be checking from time to time, and put your report in the 1st post, for easy viewing...HEHEHEHE!!!

Name: kira or kirakira...XD
Gender: otoko desu!!!
Age: 17 >.<
State: Selangor
Extra: Is a addict, and the biggest Tales series fan in (self-proclaimed :P). loves JRPGs and music too much. Procrastinates a have been wtf XD
More info, in my profile...XP

Name: yamazaki_iryu or iryu
Gender: female
Age: 18
State: Perak
Extra: Is having mid-sem break(or can be caused by H1N1 XD)for a week since last Thursday.

Name: Bk
Gender: Secret
Age: Secret
State: Currently in WP
Extra: I just started watching Kannagi, and loving it~! <3 <3 <3

Name: animestar, but you can call me Kana.
Gender: Female
Age: 19
State: London at the moment. (Yes, I'm a Londoner, but I'm part Malaysian/Chinese)
Malaysia on holiday: Malacca/Tampin.
Extra: I was a college student for the last 3 years studying, now I'm still a student learning Japanese. I'm now working in an office as work experience.

Name: kaGami,well i suppose calling me kagami is okay~XD
Gender: Secret,no? Oh,well. Male
Age: 18?
State: KL. Come and meet meh next time.
Extra: I'm taking Foundation in Science at AIMST. I love doujinshi. And prolly gals and couples too.
Like Kamen Rider a lot,and acting like one. I have cats too.

Name: adeline
Gender: oo
Age: 91
State: Kedah
Extra: Nothing Much o_o (ask me if you have any questions about me lol)

Name: SRS(Shakugan No Raki Suta)XD
Extra: i love Anime,Manga and My daily life in leisure time = GAMES(Online), Songs and Friends
Horoscopes: Dog
State:Earth XD KL.............Come and find me if you dare ! Uwahaha

Name: Serge
Age: Do i really need to fill this? anyway its 21..(lol..i'm feel so old here)
Gender:Female..>_< (lol..joking)
Extra: well..basically there is not extra much about me..
etto..i like anime,japanese song and often play games..the console i own
now are ps1&2,x-box360,psp,NDS...
imma,i currently a uni student taking Informatiom System Engineering course in
State: guess it..XD..

Name: Emiya Shin
Age: 18
Gender: Oh well it's a guy.
State: Saya ni orang Kedahlah para Encik and Cik ni...(I'm a Kedahan ladies and gentlemen.)
Extra: Huh, what do you mean by extra? After all I'm just a hardcore gamer.

name : eufonius
age : 17
gender : lol guess!
state : i live in Kuala Lumpur, so yeah! XD
extra : hmm...i guess i like my computer? lolol. and BitTorrent's my best friend.

Name: tatsuya or tatsu
Gender: Man.. i mean, boy
Age: 18
State: Selangor
Extra: studying Computer Science at Segamat, Johor

name:jjo @ jo
gender:try guessing..its easy.
state: KL,is it??ha3
extra:nothing much :3 do post in and ask me if u wanna noe anything..

name:azwan (not si lazer azwan ali)
state: Born:-Sarawak Stay:-Perak Darul Ridzuan
extra:I'm study hotel and catering at kolej komuniti Chenderoh at Kuala Kangsar,Perak Darul Ridzuan (the royal city of Perak Darul Ridzuan).I like Ookiku Furikabutte,La Corda D'oro,Nodame Cantabile,Prince Of Tennis,Bleach and Honey and Clover.

Angelus Bestow Judgement On Thee , Demon Style !!
Name : Angelus (Or DeAngelus [in other forums] , as in The-Angel-O-Lust XDDD)
Gender : *BEEP*
Age : 2009 years old
State : Jangan harap ! Don't come stalking meh XDD ~
Extra : You don't know meh , NEVAH !!!

name: keiyoshi / kei
place: bouncing back and forth between perak and selangor (thanks to h1n1 i got my holiday which i don't appreciate)
what's more???? nyway, i don't mind if you ask!

Name: ES (or maybe esi)
Age: 19 (This year that is)
Gender: Boy (Still a boy)
State: Terengganu
Extra: Hmmm, I always present in the chatroom. What else...Ahhh, I am evil and my usual laugh is "khufufufufu..."(me: NO WAY! /punch) Sometimes, I do some RP here but not much these days. Need some ideas.

Name: Nil-st (for lazy bum 'Nil' is okay)
Gender: irrelevant!
Age: waaaay younger than BK-oji LOL! but a bit older than others^^
State: currently random, originally Kedah.
Extra: people think im in heaven but im only a step away from hell^^.

name:eddie(not a real name , totally different in real life.. XD) , call me eddy or eddie or eddy or maybe hurm.. idun know.. eddy!!
age: sweet 18
gender: 100% man/teen/boy from a planet call earth.. (i'm an earthlink you know)
state: selangor darul ehsan.. (duli yang maha mulia.. selangor anthem.. lol XDD)
extra: currently taking foundation in electrical power engineering , loves to think , love to brain strom , loves gendou ,
love my lappy , love my family , love animes alot , love anything that japan-like?? and foremost i love you!! lol XDD.. my university is currently closed cause of
u know what( HERO 1 NUMBER 1 stuft >.> <.<) for a week.. that means i get lessen my brain usage on
the assignment n stuft!! yahoo!! will be busy if i returned to campus and will be rarely onlinening on gendou.. sory >.<


Name: Yuuki
Gender: Female
Age: 16 years old ^^
State: Terengganu (born in Perak)
Extra: Love anime and drawing.nice to meet you all.

Name : Vaux
Age : 23
Gender : Male
State : KL/Perak currently at Melaka
Extra : No idea what to put

Name: Blackplague (i don't know how/why i choose this name though)
Age: 20++ (quite old)
I'm from Selangor, but rite now kat Melaka...
Extra: suka btangguh2, last2 i got meself in a pinch with a lot works to to draw, doodle and sketch. but in da meantime, malas ya amat.

Name: Rai,yeah RAI.
Gender: I'm a girl ok?
Age: 17.
State: Kelantan.
Extra: Me?I can draw cute anime girls.But I'm not going to take any request..The ones from my friends at school are still not finished..Boys?Don't even ask they look like girls..

Name: yui or candyjaynna @ mieyna [real name]
Age: 14 years old !
Gender: male or female? dunno ! [kiddin i'm a girl]
state: KB Kelantan
Extra: drawing animes, watching animes, read mangas,
watch korean dramas, singing (korean and japanese)

Name: deathent (call me DT, aka teh green tea..) XD
Gender: male.. (sory for teh mis-leading avy&siggy..) XP
Age: umm.. ill be 22.. next week.. X3
State: Wangsa Maju, KL (K.T'ganu during long holiday breaks..) =3
Extra: nothing much.. jz ur normal everyday otaku.. (altough im not soo otaku-looking) ~_~'

Name: w00t0s
Description: A malay resident (not a student anymore, I already finished college) living in Dublin, Ireland; who awaits for good accounting career, but always drowned in despair due to recession in Ireland. Everything's despair (zetsubou sensei mode). Anyway, I'm friendly, likes anime, manga and video games and cosplaying.

It's HckR!!
Name: Call me Hckr..The pronounciation is not important
Gender: I am a guy..otoko desu
Age: my age would be err..25 is below 25
State: Kay Elle..yeah K.L.
Extra:My school is near Times Square naa..

Name: Holkers.
Age: 15 yrs old.
Place: KL.
School: Chong Hwa

extra:loves jrpg, loves this sites,study mechanical stuff rite now and would like to know people that has same interest like me..

Name: Liwen
Age: 17 (currently)
Gender: Guy
State: W.P

Name: Kotaro or rather some people prefer call me Taro Taro, its make me like Taroro in Keroro Gunsou
Gender: Innocent male... thats what ppl say at me XP
Age: i cant count more than 9(17 la!)
State: Selangor (but born outside country)
Extra: So be it!

Name : PHS, maybe PHS-kun is suitable... rofl...
Gender : Of course, guy/male/otoko/lelaki... Had enough?
Age : 18 (Just in at 28th sept) P.S : Not hoping anything here...
State : Sabah
Extra : Currently studying... Likes to find fun at the internet (Gendou, FB, MSN & Skype), and having some MMO's (when bored & had a long time break)

Name: Migryl (Mig will be good ^^)
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown (but already can vote for the selection desu~ X3)
State: Outlaw of Penang XDD
Extra: Just a cosplay newbie who's originally fall from the Otaku world... (& ya, a recently hyper SNS Cosplayer for now XDD)
Hoho~ I'm more active in other MAS cosplay forum as far...^^
Well~ easy to say, I'm more addicted to Manga/Doujinshi, Anime, Music, Novel (& now also Dance)... (recently just completed my study to work for sure) Hehehe...XPP

Name : just call me Honey^^
Gender : Female
State : sumwhere around earth
Extra : loves to cook and have fun searching for new sites^^ (ta hve more fun of course)

Name:Esther (or any edited names from the word "Esther")
Gender:I am what you think.
Age:Growing older.
Extra:Rarely online, but you may find me most in the chat. I'm not a "veteran" (I forgot who said that) btw. I'm just same like old user(registered masa zaman kirawee,hikky and other) but rarely online.

Name: Fate
Gender: Guess :x
Age: Honeymoon Year
State: Perak
Extra: im Lazy , I love Japanese Things...Anime,Manga,Songs....etc...... and i went
there before when i was form 2 ... quite nice ... especially DisneyLand

Name: Eria / Eri.
Gender: Female-sshi.
Age: Under 20 .
State: Sarawak . apa kaba kitak? :P
Extra: I might not be able to catch on with the topic (since I'm 'new', LOL) but just tag me in. c:

Name: call me roki
Gender: Male
Age: 17+
State: Sarawak
Extra:hmm,kuchingites here,posting for the first time
no idea what to post so..hello everyone~

Name: ichied95
Gender: Male
Age: 15 PMR this year:P
Extra: LP fan and likes Fullmetal Alchemist

Name: Meep. The one and only.
Gender: I'm a "MAN" 8D NO, SRSLY.
Age: Younger than BK and DT, that's for sure, hahahaha~! But older than most of you here. Definitely.
State: Formerly from Kedah, now residing in S'gor.
I'm Meep. The one and only Meep. I like a lot of things, and I'm pretty friendly if you get to know me. But I won't tolerate some things, and one of them is bad forumming. There's a difference between a forum and a chatbox: Please sort them out properly :) Other than that, I'm just crazy-nyun.

Name: skyblue
Gender: female
Age: 15
State: johor
Extra: im mostly in chat all the time and i love to be there.^.^ i love durian and petai *giggles*

Name: Nishizawa Mihashi. Just call me Mihashi!
Gender: Yeah, I'm a 100% male Malaysian.
Age: 14
State: From P.J, Selangor. The land of 100% dialect-less Malay.
Extra: I'm a right-hander but practicing doing things with the left (Took me nearly 6-7 months to just stabilize my left-handed writing. Well, the writing's quite OK I guess.). Am also "INTROVERTED". Loves all about JAPAN and learning new stuff. Also loves GAMES and Psychology. Ethnicity? Try & guess.

kyousuke yamamura
Name: kyousuke yamamura
Gender: male
Age: 19
State: sec20,shah alam,Selangor
Extra: PROJECT.D driver

Name: Ciel
Gender: Femaleeeee
Age: It really pains me to say this, but I'm turning 20 *sob*
State: Well, I suppose W.P. (KL), but uh, I'm actually in England now XD;;
Extra: ....I'm pretty darn matsalleh influenced. I don't think that's a good thing :c


pay attention! so we have our ID maker, which is and adel91!!! give them an applause! xD

so the ID will look like this (kinda):

NICKNAME: (only one, please)

*titles are decided by me. (for example, emiya's "the lone wolf")
*member number is decided by me.
*color scheme will be up to emiya/adel.
*please make sure you already report here before sending your PM (and approved, which means i display your report in the 1st post).
*be patient. don't pester us about the IDs.

last update: 14/01/10

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by Thanks DFly~ on 2009-07-29 07:40:58 (edited 2009-07-29 07:43:49)
Steal the 2nd Post!!

1st of all:
Congratz Guys!!
Keep it up!!

Err...wait...there's an Introduction Form now?? :o
Bye Kira!! Take care!!

*gone with the wind*

Gawd!! DFly work is so...Beautiful~

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by avy4gendou on 2009-07-29 07:48:56
Name: yamazaki_iryu or iryu
Gender: female
Age: 18
State: Perak
Extra: Is having mid-sem break(or can be caused by H1N1 XD)for a week since last Thursday.

Looks like I'm among the first replied on this thread (already the 4th version~!!).
Ne,it's been such a long time I didn't came down here (terasa cam nostalgia la pulak XD).Hope everyone in this thread are in good condition,happy and enjoy with your routine's life.X)

I'm in the middle of doing my assignment (it's history of Malaysia n Government,kinda)and tomorrow I'll finish a slide-show for my next presentation (it's for 'introduction of law' subject).Oh,yes....the I H-A-T-E it.

That's all from me for tonight.I'm Yamazaki Iryu,reporting for this thread (LOL XD).


Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by bkno9 on 2009-07-29 08:32:52
New thread-o omedetou~!!! Ehm.. there was like 5 more remaining in the last thread before it hit 1000, but.. ~ma, ii ka~

I'm just dropping by XD Kira.. good rules you got there.. especially the 3-post and the no one-liner rule.
Glad to see you took over the helm since Angelus has been missing a lot (I can't say much for myself either :3)
OH NOES! Self reporting?! Ehm.. oh well.. gotta set a good example..

Name: Bk
Gender: Secret
Age: Secret
State: Currently in WP
Extra: I just started watching Kannagi, and loving it~! <3 <3 <3

Well, if you know me, you know me. So there's not much need to tell you guys my gender and age, deshou? XD
Sorry for being MIA, I blame work. I doubt things will improve anytime soon :3

Shoutout to my 3 musketeers! ~ Meepie Rinrin, DT Yuki and Nil-ST ~

To the 'senior' members - Adel, Kira, Kagami, Jo, Holkers, Keiyoshi, Azwan, Serge, Emiya, SRS...
Ehm.. I know there's at least half a dozen ppl i forgot to mention XD Gomen~!
You know who you are.

Keep the thread alive~! <-- Guess I dun have to say this, you guys are doing a great job.
I'll continue to lurk from time to time, but won't post much.


Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-07-29 09:19:22 (edited 2009-07-29 15:09:40)
Already 4th version! Congratulations! Keep in touch.

Name: animestar, but you can call me Kana.
Gender: Female
Age: 19
State: London at the moment. (Yes, I'm a Londoner, but I'm part Malaysian/Chinese)
Malaysia on holiday: Malacca/Tampin.
Extra: I was a college student for the last 3 years studying, now I'm still a student learning Japanese. I'm now working in an office as work experience.

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by aratta on 2009-07-29 09:56:38
Myaa,we have to now?

Ahaha,just kidding. Sure,I'll introduce myself.

Name: kaGami,well i suppose calling me kagami is okay~XD
Gender: Secret,no? Oh,well. Male
Age: 18?
State: KL. Come and meet meh next time.
Extra: I'm taking Foundation in Science at AIMST. I love doujinshi. And prolly gals and couples too.
Like Kamen Rider a lot,and acting like one. I have cats too.

Hmm,V4 already eh? Nice..well keep up the good work guys. About the birthday..well I don't mind putting mine.
Mine is just around the corner(lol another one month can be called around the corner ah?).

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-30 00:25:31 (edited 2009-07-30 01:16:11)
/throws confetti :3
i have to reply to people >:D
thank you so much for your help,Kireimu 8'D~

(since kireimu wanted me to 'report myself' ,_,
ok so..
here goes nothing T_T

Name: adeline
Gender: oo
Age: 91
State: Kedah
Extra: Nothing Much o_o (ask me if you have any questions about me lol)

what school are you attending,sound so COOOL :Q
got those desserts..EVEN HORSE TO RIDE T-T
PS2 BOOTH !!!!
/why !!!

i thought you got a prize from the lucky-draw
what did you get :o?

lololol! Knight !!
i wonder if you were holding a sword with the knight costume while riding the horse 8DDD?
but they are heavy ,especially the suit LOLOL XD
/imagine Kireimu dropped from the horse with suits on <_<;;

there are uniforms for University too D:?!
T_T i don't want to wear uniforms T_T ugh..

OH WAIT..IT'S LAB COAT <_> duh..
sorry xD

dang..i want popcorn in my movies :'l

you can't download then since getting in the computer class? lol!

,_, oh i see
still..i've been thinking of going movies during the weekend..
it'd be fun 8D

shush~ out of their lives lololol..
it's painful to see them being broke up
maybe that's why you never had one
if you had,you know how painful it is

you saw the blog huh ._.
oh well,that guy is a pain
he 'stole' the straw and bottle and 'drink till the last drop of water inside'
i was like WHATTHEHEAVEN~!@#$%^&*(!
,_, that is crazy T_T
indirect kiss LOL!

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by supernood on 2009-07-30 01:04:10 (edited 2009-07-30 01:05:33)
Wow V4 ! New Thread ! New Life ! The opening is so FRESH!
(Put Firecrackers)
My Intro ? OK

Name: SRS(Shakugan No Raki Suta)XD
Extra: i love Anime,Manga and My daily life in leisure time = GAMES(Online), Songs and Friends
Horoscopes: Dog
State:Earth XD KL.............Come and find me if you dare ! Uwahaha

Well if there has a Video , i will post it here but not everyday , watch my felling!

So long , i busy busy busy all the time XD Gooood Bye

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-30 02:07:12 (edited 2009-07-30 19:11:51)
lol..another new thread ad..omedetou XDDD....
hope that i am not too late to join in..

yaaa..the opening is so
gotta do some intro 1st? o_O..what a pain..jk..jk

Name: Serge
Age: Do i really need to fill this? anyway its 21..(lol..i'm feel so old here)
Gender:Female..>_< (lol..joking)
Extra: well..basically there is not extra much about me..

etto..i like anime,japanese song and often play games..the console i own
now are ps1&2,x-box360,psp,NDS...
imma,i currently a uni student taking Information System Engineering course in
State: guess it..XD..

so,minna matta yorushiku


Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-30 02:53:41 (edited 2009-07-30 02:57:09)
D: V4? That's fast. Never expected that by the way, time to report myself in...

Name: Emiya Shin
Age: 18
Gender: Oh well it's a guy.
State: Saya ni orang Kedahlah para Encik and Cik ni...(I'm a Kedahan ladies and gentlemen.)
Extra: Huh, what do you mean by extra? After all I'm just a hardcore gamer.

Anyways, I'll visit the thread time by time(or year by year xPP Joking btw) so yeah enjoy your stay and have fun. Regards by The Lone Wolf.

Edited: Oh hey Al welcome to the thread... OMG! Alvistir's set is crazily awesome D:!

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-30 03:28:25
ooh V4 already?
that's fast ^^
okay, reporting now...

name : eufonius
age : 17
gender : lol guess!
state : i live in Kuala Lumpur, so yeah! XD
extra : hmm...i guess i like my computer? lolol. and BitTorrent's my best friend.

@jo (page 48 thread III)

haha, thanks.

@animestar (page 48 thread III)

ooh, really?
i really wanna go to UK. and experience winter XD

@adeline (page 48 thread III)

i checked out the guy's blog already.
lol he is SICK!
my friend can't stop complaining about the case.
and he's still at it now. lol.

@tatsuya (page 48 thread III)

really H1N1 ke?
damn scary weyh.

@dean (page 48 thread III)

oh, to aru kagaku no railgun is the second season of to aru majutsu no index.
i wanna watch once it comes out!

my school's closed for one week starting today!
heard many ppl kena H1N1 in my school.

gosh, i'm starting to feel sick now.
feverish and all.
it's scary.


Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-30 03:48:37
tatsuya has come from his hometown to report himself

Name: tatsuya or tatsu
Gender: Man.. i mean, boy
Age: 18
State: Selangor
Extra: studying Computer Science at Segamat, Johor

i love animes, games, musics, awesome graphics, and yeah all that stuff

hmmm about the CSS, maybe we should, to make it more lively :D

that's all for now, have a nice day everyoooooooooneee!! XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-30 04:00:24
ok on with the replies~

no one read the feedback thingy? i feel sad...T_T
/goes doodling at the corner with a stick...

near your school already? that's bad dude...better stay indoors...

yep yep, agreed..though my place has no case yet...XD

it's not college but uni?

huh? lol XD
whatever..but i prefer someone else *cough*

lol i know right...i want to be 12 again >.>

like that place? O_o

your bday is around the corner ah...maybe i should hack joo.../ebil

thanks! XD

lol wtf, come back here joo! intro! lol xDDDDD

how i hate history...well, good luck! don't stress too much xD

erk i think i'm bad at this. rofl...actuallyijustwannabeatangelusintodoingit/ebil

anyways...kannagi? why only noooooow? nagi-sama ftw!!! lol

i'll try to keep this thread alive, though i feel lazy lately, and yes
but the others are here, i'm sure it's gonna be fine...XD

not telling where lah...XDDDDD
but yeah the horse booth is because apparently the class that makes that booth has a student whose dad happens to...own a stable i guess.
same goes ps2...son of owner of game store i think...xD

oh just a box of know the erm...aromatic candle thingy i think?

ROFL, the sword was sheathed /shifty
no! i didn't imagine myself wearing full armor...i miagined myself like miklotov from suikoden 2 LOL omgfandomcoughoucgh
ouch...that might hurt a lot :<

go to the hospital D:

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-30 04:31:26
gosh..its version 4!!!CONGRATSSS
aye everyone..m late.ha3
umm,have to report in..x.x

name:jjo @ jo
gender:try guessing..its easy.
state: KL,is it??ha3
extra:nothing much :3 do post in and ask me if u wanna noe anything..


k,back to reply..
(from ver 3)

jeez,wat i want to ask??*got to keep serge here*x.x

wow,u do have a lot of game u play wit everything??

:3 yuppie..i got ur num..
u msg me once remember??
gosh,havent open it for ages oledi..
*sorrytodisturb*ur hp muz be sleeping peacefully till i vibrate it.

shhh..a secret..but i havent seen holkers in here for weeks oledi..

yeay..gonna make an meetup successfull ne..
sure its a promise!!lets cross fingers..ha3 -.<

lol,not sure m going nx year..cant make a promise here..
umm,i have no time to find for anime dvd's tis days..although i wanted to!!sorry//
jeez,i dont have time to watch animes too.
having exams nx month//n didnt revise anything.

1st day of skul on the olidays..gome
how is ur lecture or assignment going there??

999??why not 1000.x.x

hmm,not much people huh..did ur parents go?? xp
gosh..ur making me jealous,jkjk.
i wanna ride too wit my prince charming or beautiful princesses.ha3*watadream*

i think its not bad.afterall 25%.
maybe the shops tat closes early,didnt have much stock..x.x

hmm,tats why i play more than i eat wit the coupon.x.x

ha3,not tat..i can give u a cup of horlicks to drink since u got no.5..*say ahhh*lolol

@Kagami-san correct tis time..x.x
jeez..i can eat like a few boxes of rocky a day..*too much*

during hari raya..realy??
umm,hopefully i b able 2 plan something..
during raya,i be visiting opening houses..ha3 seems we both get it wrong..xpp..change of gender..

nyway,ur studying at aimst..owh,my fren were planning to nter..
but didnt make it.x.x
wow,ur lab coat..look like a real chemist..

(ver 4)
@iryu ^
ur assignment do look hard.all the best!!

ur bz too it seems..
keep it up..all the best.go!go!

lol,make it time by time,,not year!!
do tc.hope to see ya soon.


H1N1=4 deaths
everyone do take care n stay healthy..
hygiene is important.

k,post in..

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-30 06:16:08
yeah... >.>
all programs and schedules will be postponed due to it ._.
ya thanks XD
i'm better now compared to before, only got a bit selsema >.<
on saturday i went straight to HUKM, while wearing that mask thingy, XD
they take a bit of my blood (gosh i hate those needles >.<)
and then give normal meds, panadol and stuff

i see hehehe
i wonder who collects the denda... o.O

f6 only...
exercise? then no need to jog anymore in the morning XDDD

yeah, true
hope your cousin's alright living there :o

i heard that Melaka is flooding too
i got a family there too, hope they're fine sorting things out ._.

yep, i went straight to HUKM that saturday
they done a blood test on me (i hate those shining needles >.<)
and give some normal meds
looks like nothing suspicious happened to me XD

i'm better now but got a bit selsema XP

oh i see XD
yeah, good i guess XP

hahaha dah lalui orientasi jugak eh
nyahahaha how did it go? XD

kawat kaki memang meletihkan
berdiri 2 jam, aku tak tau la macam mana tentera boleh tahan lebih lama
going to gym everyday i guess XDDDD

nasib baik tak kena...
aku dah berunsur pulih sekarang :D


werid dreams?
hope i'm not in it... XDDDD

i see, kadet polis... /salute

other dubs is.. "-.-

i'm not going to sell it yeahh ;P
one question, your brodband is the celcom's one or the universal one?

oh dude, not to mention me

/looks with strange look

i'm looking forward to it soon XD



btw omg awesome lab coat! o_o
and yeah welcome to the shakugan no shana world :DDDDDDDDDD

i see...
thanks a lot for the advices

one thing about me that people laugh on certain funny stuff but i can't bring myself to laugh because i don't understand what's so funny
and i laugh on things that other people don't laugh
anyway i still can bring myself to grin or smile when other people laugh eventhough it's not too funny to me XD

oh yeahhh
i loved Kannagi too XD
i can't stop roflololol when watching it XDDDD
funny show

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by aratta on 2009-07-30 06:26:13 (edited 2009-07-30 06:33:51)
Whoa. More reply now..that's good!!

Hmm,lately i have a weird I was swimming in teh river with a big mechanical gate in front..
And last night i dreamed about i got into a fight with a snake.

And I woke up at 5.50 a.m. Demmit..i still got headache..

Okay,let's go on with teh reply~XDD

Lol I'll be glad if we have to wear uniforms in university~XD
For some reason i'm into a job-with-uniform~XD

Uniform is pretty convenient,and I dont have to worry what should I wear for tomorrow~XD
But my lab coat is kinda cool. I wish I can post my pic wearing it.

Popcorn!! Well I prefer TGV's popcorn rather than GSC's.
Lol I feel like I'm a popcorn critic.

No,i mean we can download it before this~
But the guy tracked us down,and he sealed all teh fun inside the net!! x.x

Really? Well,sometimes I would go for movie,if I have my friends around.
I prefer to sleep at home rather than movies~XDD

ouch,that hurts~XDD
Well,i guess I am then?
I never had,you say? Well I have one girl interested in me though(and I dont know wth she sees in meh!!)
But the rest of the story ya better ask kira,okay?

It's pretty ebill thing to do at girls.

Myaa..really. I wouldnt go that far though.
I wonder what on his mind when he do that.
Indirect kiss eh..

Lol eufo..just take care of ya self then~XD
But seriously,H1N1 is getting scarier than ever.

I just hope my family wont get infected though.

Yeah,it's a university. But it is IPTS~XD
Well,I want to get into IPTA..but JPA put meh here~XD

/cough who is it? XDD

Whoa,12? Well i dont wanna be 12~XD
Because i got pwned by someone when i'm 12~
He punched my face,and my clothes is stained with blood after that though.
Dont worry,it's just a nose bleed. From a punch. T_T

Uhh..uhmm yeah!
/look at other place

No~hack meh?!
I feel like I'm getting older lah. And speaking about the pony..
I wanna try it! But my dad was like : "Kau jangan nak buat malu aku."

Well,call me kagami-kun is okay too.
the prefix -kun sounds better with the name kagami,right?

Lol rocky. I mean,i also can eat boxes of rocky a day.
My mom always asking meh why I always eat this rocky thingy~XDD

Yeah,really. I'll be glad to meet ya. XDD
Hmm,plan eh..
Lol meh got open house too,but only the 4th raya lah..XDD

I thought you're a guy!! Coz jo doesn't fit for a girl,i think?
Need a girl-like name~XDD

Didn't make it? Why is that?
My lab coat? Ahaha,i only wear it once~XD
But i wanna post my pics with my lab coat on~


Lol..ahaha well just read my post above and you'll know what kind of dream is it.

Hmm,in my cadet i'm a corporal~XDD
But a lazy one lah. I'm not into the management thingy~but I'm in teh torturing division.
I'm not using violence of course,just a lil bit of mental torture.
I hate push up~XDD

Me? Well mine is celcom,normal one I think?
But anyway,having a net is better than no net at all~XDD

hmm../hi5 tatsu!! XDD

/stareee more at tatsu

Lol just wait~XD
Maybe 2 days later I'll post mah pic.

Lab coat is kinda cool~it makes me feel..powerful?
Shana FTW!! XDD

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-30 11:23:34 (edited 2009-07-30 11:25:24)
<_<;; he really is sick lol..
but imagine if you love the person so much and you would be crazy just to get 'something' as souvenirs or something that you really want from the person so that you can keep remembering forever..
,_,ll i think i know what is this guy feeling BUT he is toooooooo ~!@#$%^&*()
he showed off :c!

you should get to the hospital D:
just for checkup ;w;

we read the feedback T_T
i think we should just leave it UNLESS *dun dun dun* ..
we make a report card for Malaysian Club
i mean it would be an awesome idea 8D
the one we can post in our profile,making a card just like identification card
omg,i definitely want to have a 'gold/yellow' card as it 8DDD

<_< your place has too many $$ students inside
*wonder if Kireimu is..err..never mind that *
/slap the cloud on my head
a box of candles D:
oh .. that aromatic candle..
:c can't eat..
can you exchange with other people with food 8D? lol
joking :x

i got your SMS :o
i gave you the HP or you asked from someone >_>?

lol no..
i off the HP,so basically..
it doesn't sound anything
because the battery has damaged ,_,
it 'eats' the battery (if you know what i mean T_T,sorry for the crude translation from Chinese to English T_T)

i forgot what we have promised ...
can you tell me again ._.ll?
*tend to be forgetful T_T*

yeah..hope my cousin is alright :x
flooding D:?!
wow Dx
so many things happen in Melaka T_T

you fought with a snake,you mean Anaconda D:?!
that's BRAVE :O

you are into a job with uniform..which is o.o?

lol..what is TGV what is GSC ._.lll?

my favourite of all ._.
can't beat sleeping
my dreams are my movies lol

she interested in you ._. huh..
that sounds so *dong dong chiang*
or you just 'THOUGHT' she is interested with you
but the truth is,she doesnt ._.ll?
ego huh ._...
why don't you tell me HEHEHE...better :O
i wonder what Kireimu would say the rest of your story..
maybe he added some chillies,or some spice..then add some garlic and even onions to your story :O
(you know ..xDD)
it's better if you want to tell me personally xPPP

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-30 19:32:13 (edited 2009-07-30 19:37:00)
reply~ reply~

OMG..i almost been buried alive../zomg
is keiyoshi still a student?

as expected, kira is
btw..great job on opening new thread..
lol..more rules to abide now..thanks to someone..xD..

is kira a chat moderator in d chatroom..?
i think u should apply for it lol..

seriously? kira is a villager? rofl..i dont believe

eer..what am i going to ask u ad? crap..i can't recall it
hit me so i can remember back..

o_O..i guess i will be getting many ques from jo..
the consoles?
yup..i did play all of them..but just once in a blue moon..
psp goes to my younger bro..nds goes to my younger sis since they 'took advantage' when i not around..
the rest i usually play lol..
but now..i cant play my console often since i am in university..T.T


Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by on 2009-07-31 01:57:42
999 replies means 1000 posts. LOL

nope lol, i went alone...XD
LOLOLOLOL your dreams!!! xDDDDDD
i mean, who doesn't? *cough*

lol but at least they don't have to sell in discounted price...:O the cheap games are well...the prizes are top-up, i don't need top-up >.>

*say ah---wait what? >.<
lololol just a cup? gimme 5 cups! XDDD
i love horlicks XDDDDD

ah that's good...xD
lol who doesn't hate those needles? other than those who work with them *cough*

lol, go rest well...XD
make use of your holidays by resting XDDDDD

i see...XD

*cough not telling cough*

O_O i see...
11 is better then. lol

where? O-o

lol, lol
lololol i'm just luckily no one i know noticed me XDDDDDDDD

lol wat dun dun dun? xD

nice reminds me of those err banner i made...i lost the psd now, so i can't do it anymore D: and the place where i got that tut was...closed. so yeah. maybe that'll be awesome...but who's gonna do it? lol

lolol me is what?
lol food..if food my bro will take them from me D:
XD so better non-food stuffs i guess

Re: The Malaysians Thread V4
Link | by aratta on 2009-07-31 08:04:26
1..2..3,yup. 3 posts after meh.

Yay!! I can post now~XDD

Hmm..not anaconda exactly. But just a typical red-black coloured one.
And I woke up being strangled by my blanket.

You see,just like police~XD
I prefer that kind of job.

lol Adel..ahaha~XDD
TGV=Tanjung Golden Village, GSC=Golden Screen Cinema
That's a cinema's name. And popcorn~XDD

Whoa- sleeping!
I love to sleep~XDD
When there's a free time I would crawl back into my bed and sleep.
Nice dream eh,adel?

Myaa~how to put this..
She is interested in me for like,a year?
I know. But i pretend i dont know.

dong dong chiang..uhh?
Hmm,well I can tell you the story,but it's kinda ebill.
But if ya wanna know more about it,just say it then..okay?

I'm not into girls either~XD (but i'm a straight guy,okay?!)

Lol,i have to hit ya?
/smackandsmack serge more

Ya remember now? Okay,now let's start posting~XDD

Lol,okay. That's cool.

11 is also not good. I got into a fight every year ever since i was born.
Hmm,i feel like I have a fighting year curse now...

/look at some building

see? If no one notices meh i would ride that pony!!
But yeah,my entire family is there. And my previous classmates too.

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