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Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-08-17 22:30:22
I get my 'wisdoms' taken out this week (Wednesday precisely).
I have rare canines that I might get taken out next Summer (ouch),
but it's funny because my wisdoms aren't even really 'sprouted' (you can't see them but I gotta get 'em removed).

Had numerous friends who've dealt with it in the past and it doesn't seem all that bad.
I'm not sure how bad the pain is afterwords, but you obviously will get swelling.

My one friend said he drank Pineapple juice the day before and felt nothing afterwords.
I might stop by the grocery store tomorrow and pick some up (along with ice-cream :D).

Do you guys know anything that might help, or have you just experienced it before?

I'm not really worried, I just want to have some idea what to personally expect.


Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by on 2009-08-17 22:42:11
well my sister had her wisdom teeth pulled out b4 well she wasn't too happy
about it 1st but, from what i heard from my mom she said that they use something
like a gas to like make sure you don't feel the pain but, it's kinda like you are
on cloud 9 (you know like in a peaceful place).
then after getting out of the Dentist she was feeling the pain very badly.
after a few days or weeks she started to feel a bit better although there
are a few foods that you can only eat.

Tales of FC

Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-08-17 23:17:51
lol, you will have some "GUTS!" to go through that procedure awake.
They'll put you through laughing gas (and inject you with something, too, I think, I forget).
I'm more curious about the after rather than the before.

The dentist didn't give your sister any prescriptions for any anti-biotics or pain killers to help easy the pain?


Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by on 2009-08-17 23:37:48
no i don't think so, i think she just bear with it till the end o.o

Tales of FC

Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2009-08-18 00:52:40
Just got mine out last week and had a check up today to see how the healing process went. =D

The first day isn't too bad cause you should be all drugged up and barely feel anything at all.
Second day is when I started to feel the pain. It wasn't unbearable since I was on vicodin plus ibuprofen but more like inconvenient since I couldn't eat any hard foods and I really love me some good food. D:

Probably the most important thing to do even though it's inconvenient is to ice every 20 minutes for that amount for the first few days so that the swelling goes down quickly. (Actually, I didn't use ice, I used frozen peas because they're easy to shape around the face. XD)
Plus it's pretty good relief when your cheeks are kind of bulging in pain. Your oral surgeon will probably go over all that stuff, ice, salt water rinse and what not.

So yeah, that's basically it.
All I can say now is that I am a master at making some killer mashed potatoes. >:D

Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-08-18 08:18:05 (edited 2009-08-18 08:21:10)
DA: my experience with those theets was bad because mines were not out at all,
they just.... were ther pushing the other ones.
So I got cut and mistreated by trying to take them out D=
but if yours are at least a little out mayybe you won't have to suffer as i did T_T

But the recovering is fast anyway. a couple of days drinking your food (in my case)
another 2 or 3 days with light meals. and you are good to party again XD

good luck with that

PS: i was awake, i just got local anesthetic (with a needle)
so it was very unpleasant procedure

Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-08-20 10:39:31
A day after surgery, my cheeks have really gotten swolen. I can't even really eat,
cause if I bite down, the side of my mouth inside will get bitten then I'll have nasty rips in the end.
I should just drink and keep the fluids up, but I'm going to be super hungry when the swelling goes away completely.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to feel pain by the second day (after surgery) or what. Can someone explain when it comes?
Hmm, I'm starting to wonder if that pineapple thing actually worked,
but I think I'm starting to feel a bit of pain in the cheeks/gum inside, so I'll probably still drink the medicine.


Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-08-20 12:07:37
i really don't remeber how long i was on pain killers.
but as i said before, because of the position of my teeth
i got really mistreated u.u

btw DA, you should take a pic to see your funny face now XD

Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-08-26 15:04:50
Anyways, for now I'm back, though it's not like anyone noticed my appearance was gone anyways. XD

I had a hot dog this morning, and I went at it with caution, and everything seemed to have gone well.
My gums seem to be fine for now, but there's still swelling in the far back end of my cheeks.
Might do some icing tonight, just for maybe ten mins or so on and off, you never know.
My teeth sometimes hurt, but maybe it's cause of the gums around the area where the wisdoms were taken out.

And yeah, by the second post-surgery day, my cheeks were super swollen or so. I did not look good at all. :(
But yeah, I had to take a few days off from computer activities and became a couch slob and had to rest a lot.
Starved for nearly a week! It was just horrible, I'm somehow alive though, and I hope by tomorrow, I'm all cleared.

I have an appointment tomorrow to have the dentist check up and see how it went,
and I hope he says I can eat all I can eat again cause I'm grubbing the next few days!


Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-08-26 15:32:27
good luck in the appointment ^^

i suffer somehow like oyu
so i can say i understand your pain
*pats DA*

Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-08-26 16:15:03
Haha, yeah it's just a check up, but I'm going to ask if I can eat whatever I want again.
I have these two flabs of gum over where the wisdoms were, so they just like flab around back there.
I hope it never rips or something, but I'll ask about this, too.

I can still feel some stitches near the top left, so he might remove or clean it tomorrow, too.
I'm glad I can brush up again, cause wow I was pretty filthy having the wisdoms out since you couldn't brush a lot.

To be honest, I felt no pain at all, maybe some aching but nothing unbearable at all, if any.
The aching is kind of like muscle soreness, like after you work out or something.
The worst pain of this entire experience is not being able to eat. Eating like a rabbit sucks, and I pretty much starved myself.

I had a bunch of side effects like stomach pains/aches, headaches, and light headedness when I stood up on my feet.


Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-08-27 05:39:42
well, i guess aafter you can eat anythiing you want your going to give yourself quite a banquet =P
I hope the points removal is painless like it was mine
and no painful as it was for my brothers ^^'

Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-08-27 08:18:44
It's best this is taken care of when you're in the teens, cause I heard it's a lot rougher when you get older.

The appointment went well, I forgot to ask him if I could eat like anything and everything again,
but I still have some issue over the part where the wisdoms were (bottom).
I forgot what he called it, but he said with rinsing with the salt water, it'll shribble back up.
I have to see him next week, so he can check on that, but yeah I'm pretty much better. It was a pretty rough experience though.

I still have to drink medicine, maybe for another two days or so he said, but advil is fine.


Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-08-27 09:40:25
ok, i would say you are back to normality
maybe you have to wait a while before eating something like... extra hard... or something that
might hurt you :S

but if you are careful i'm sure you can eat anything ^.^v

PS: I checked this like 9 am and DA ahs an AVy, then now at 11.30am you have a different one >_>''

Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-08-27 10:36:43
Yeah, caution is always the case before I eat anything from fruit to other soft textured foods.
I plan to grub out at this pizza place with a friend soon, and I want to really chow down,
but I might just skip the crust (though usually people do anyways ^_^;;), but I plan to eat like 30-40,
and with me eating cautiously, it's kind of like pacing myself, plus I hope there's good conversation in between. ;P

Haha, does that annoy you? Sorry man. I've been once again.


Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-08-27 12:18:00
I doesn't annoy me, is was just an observation XD

Well, pizza is most of it soft...
and i guess if you are careful you can eat the crust too.
but be careful ^^

now back to normal life :D

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Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by on 2009-08-27 13:11:53
How did it go DA? Hope everything went fine. My sister got them pulled not too long ago. Although all i heard from it was that it hurt...a lot. And yea, there arent many foods you can eat. The probably injected an anesthetic into your gums like they did to me when i got my root canal...NOT FUN! Though the shot didnt hurt much, just a little pinch. Once again, hope everythinwent well!

Tales of FC

Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-08-27 15:52:31
Yeah, but the crust at the restaurant I'm going to isn't like hard at all, but crunchy.
Either way I'm going to avoid the crust cause of the cautious thing (people hate seeing crust left over sometimes lol).

And yeah, to be honest I felt no pain at all. Either from the prescription medicine I took or just no pain.
A bit of aching though for sure, but yeah like now I'm all fine. The gums are messed up in the back,
but the dentist said I gotta rinse with salt water (which I only did like twice during recovery), so I gotta do it every night or so.


Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by on 2009-08-27 16:08:21
I'm glad to see there wasn't much pain and you got through just fine. Yea, it's best to avoid the crust. My mom told me a story that when my brother got his wisdom teeth removed, he didnt wait to eat, and he was still numb, so he had a bown of cereal and pit the tip and about 6 centimeters of tonge off.

Tales of FC

Re: Dealing with Wisdom Teeth Tips
Link | by giantorangepushpin on 2009-10-01 05:20:44
I haven't had mine removed because I'll have enough room but my best friend got hers removed before the even showed so she had to get them cut out and she's never been through that much pain in her life (and she pierces herself and gives herself tattoos), she had holes in her gums for like a month and was on meds for a while.... hers was an extreme case though

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