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A song I uploaded a month ago still isnt up?
Link | by flarefox92 on 2009-08-18 18:25:12
I read what the FAQ thingy said but I uploaded the second Basquash Opening and Metal Fight Beyblade's opening awhile ago and even though the sight has been updated plenty of times already they still havent appeared. So I wanted to ask is there any kinda system you guys use to choose which songs that have been uploaded upon requests go up or not

Re: A song I uploaded a month ago still isnt up?
Link | by gendou on 2009-08-18 23:32:51
I add songs to the database based on a game of chance.
First, I gather chicken bones together and throw them into a circle made of green stones taken from the river Nile.
Then I count the number of bones pointing north.
I remove those bones and grind them into a fine powder, which I inhale through one nostril.
During the ensuing bout of nausea, hallucination, and vomiting, my computer's speech recognition records the words it thinks it hears me say as I writhe in agony.
I then compare words from the resulting text file with names of songs on the request list.
Any matches I will check for uploaded songs and, if found, add them to the database.

Re: A song I uploaded a month ago still isnt up?
Link | by Southrop on 2009-08-18 23:35:57 (edited 2009-08-18 23:40:27)
Haha. Wouldn't it be easier just to see which ones have the most votes? I've had so many pending uploads that I went and canceled my old ones.

flarefox92: How can you have uploaded Basquash! OP2 for a month? It was only just released today! Or did you mean TV Size?

Re: A song I uploaded a month ago still isnt up?
Link | by red_13 on 2009-08-19 03:07:39
well if they don't get uploaded, it's really not your fault. Like the admin said, it's based on chance.

Re: A song I uploaded a month ago still isnt up?
Link | by flarefox92 on 2009-08-19 17:51:02
Yeah I uploaded the TV Size but that wont be uploaded now that the full is out =/

and yes, the wicked ruling of chance @_@

Re: A song I uploaded a month ago still isnt up?
Link | by Southrop on 2009-08-19 19:14:41
Haha, I also uploaded the TV Size; a rip that I released onto the intarwebz. I canceled it yesterday and uploaded the full instead.

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