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PS3 Slim! XB360 price cuts! Console war on again!
Link | by on 2009-08-24 22:31:40 (edited 2009-08-24 22:33:24)
As many of you may already know, during last weeks Gamecon in Germany Sony officially announced a slimmer, cheaper 120GB PS3 (PS3 slim) that will be available this coming September 1st. All other versions of the PS3 will be getting price cuts affectedly emidiately. The slim will be $299 US as will the othr models of the PS3 (now known as FAT).

Soon after Sony's announcement rumblings of Microsoft cancelling their Pro model & focusing on a cheaper Elite model also 120GB. Rumors has it, it will also be $299 US.

Now with all the next gen consoles under $300 with the Wii still being the cheapest at $249. What i want to ask is, is the console race on again or has the Wii gone off to too big a lead to overcome for both Sony & Microsoft.

In terms of 'deals' the PS3 gives you more bang for your buck...with a BD player, wifi & whatnot, though the exclusives are lacking so far. The Xbox has an online mode that is unmatched & a big library of exclusives/games...although hardware problems still hamper the machine. While the Wii although not as advanced as the other 2 continue to win over people with its originality & overall fun-factor.

So after all is said & done which do you think will come out on top? Also i want to know is since the consoles are now more affordable has it changed your mind on what system to get....if you already have said system is it worth every penny.

Share your thoughts!

Re: PS3 Slim! XB360 price cuts! Console war on again!
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-08-26 15:41:26
I've lost track of Japan and the major titles which are made to release.
I still think it's only a matter of time before the PS3, overall, just... annihilates everyone when the high anticipated exclusives start releasing.

It sucks when these updates comes out though for people who bought the full priced consoles (e.g. 600$ PS3??) when first released.

Yeah the trio war is with the PS3, 360, and the Wii, but you can't really bring the Wii into discussion.
It's too different, and it's just overall fun/family oriented. It's not made to be a "serious" contender, such as it's cousin the PS3 for instance.

It'd be pointless if you have a PS3 and buy this new slim, so possibly criss crossing will become popular? XD


Re: PS3 Slim! XB360 price cuts! Console war on again!
Link | by on 2009-08-26 20:41:16
I also like the fact that all the systems are pretty much even now. The two HD systems are at the same price, same hard drive space and same value (only when we are talking about the base model of course, the 360 has a higher hidden cost to it). The Wii is also no longer the cheapest system (with that title belonging to the 360 Arcade, if you count that) and it will be interesting to see if the cheaper PS3 Slim/360 Elite has any affect on it's sales in the future or if it will push Nintendo to finally lower the price for once.

I expect the market will start to build up again, but I would say that the Wii will still remain in the lead mostly due to it's popularity with kids and moms. The Wii has just built itself an image of a kids/exercise system, so even with a cheaper and better value PS3 Slim/360 in the market I doubt that the market will shift that way. Moms who see the Wii as an exercise method and a way to make their kids happy will still buy the Wii, a cheaper PS3/360 which showcase themselves as more of a gamers platform won't really pull them away. Kids on the other hand may be drawn more towards them, that remains to be seen.

In terms of exclusives, that's a matter of opinion. 'Exclusive' means pretty much nothing in this generation of games unless the name attached to the game is Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo. If it's a third-party game that says it's exclusive to a system, it usually means that in 6 months to a year it will be released with added features or improvements on the other system. Just look at 360 'Exclusive' games like Tales of Vesperia, Ninja Gaiden 2 and Bioshock, or PS3 games like Tekken 6, Cross Edge and DMC4. Really at this point in time, unless you hold some kind of personal affection for series like Halo or Killzone then there isn't much of a point to compare the game libraries. The Wii is different from this again of course, with few 'hardcore' games and a metric tonne of exercise and/or shovelware.

Overall at the moment I see a better value in the PS3 compared to the 360.

-Same hard drive size at base $299 model. PS3's hard drive is much cheaper to upgrade however, where as the 360 is limited only to the HDD's that Microsoft puts out.
-PS3 include a Blu-Ray player for HD Movies. 360 uses Netflix. Neither is really far better than the other, that depends on whether you prefer digital downloads or owning physical copies, but the PS3's Blu-Ray capabilities can be used by anyone, where as the 360's HD movie service will require a high speed internet connection and subscription to Netflix, which if you really wanted, can be done on a computer for the same price as on the 360.
-360's controllers use batteries and are the same price as the PS3 controllers which has a built in rechargable battery. This means that you will have to invest in replacement batteries all the time, rechargable NiMH batteries (in which case you will need to take them out of the controller to charge), the 360 controller play and charge kit, or just settle for using a wired controller. Basically, you end up paying 80 for the kind of controller the PS3 offers for 60.
-Wireless adapter is optional, depending on whether or not you need it, but it costs $60 extra on the 360 and is built in on the PS3.
-XBox Live is a better online service, for a cost, $60 a year. PS3 doesn't have as good of a service, but it's free.

It all comes down to what you want out of your system. The great thing about the market the way it is now, is that price is not really much of a determining factor anymore.

Not sure if the market will swing in any direction or if it will just stay the same. After Christmas should be a good indicator.


Re: PS3 Slim! XB360 price cuts! Console war on again!
Link | by on 2009-09-01 10:04:33
Well officially the new PS3 slim goes on sale as of we'll see if that change by Sony will have any impact on what consumers will think about buying from now until the Xmas holidays where we'll really see the impact.

Still the only thing that hampers the PS3 is the lack of quality titles to it's library with many being released next year. Granted titles like Uncharted 2 will really help with sales that is still only a small handful of games to chose from for this holiday.

The Xbox360 officially did their price cut as well so the battle is truly on now. Still the greatest factor for the 360 is the games & their online mode which like i said is so far unmatched. With games like Halo:ODST coming out the Halo fanboys will surely have a say in system sales.

The darkhorse even though it is the leader in the race is the Wii...even without all the power it still manages to win over consumers.

Still i think the Wii has too big a lead for either the 360 or PS3 to overtake, if either of them do manage to do so than that is a feat!!! & the greatest comeback of all time!

Re: PS3 Slim! XB360 price cuts! Console war on again!
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-09-01 15:18:35
Yeah, you're right about the PS3's sales. It's basically the same as buying a regular PS3, the main thing is needed... the bait (the games).
The sales is what would be hooked in, but I predict that ones the games release, Sony will once again be on top!!

This "future", is kind of fearsome to think about because it's going to be so massive...


Re: PS3 Slim! XB360 price cuts! Console war on again!
Link | by on 2009-09-09 10:50:57
Reports have shown so far that the price cut for the PS3 have increased the sales of the system substancially. Over in Europe it's early sales figure show it to be almost as big as when the system first came out.

In Japan with the announcement of a possible FF13 bundle & the release of said game that will spike up sales considerbly. Haven't seen any numbers so far in North America but so far i'm hearing nothing but positives with the release. The same magazine that ripped into Sony for screwing up the release of the original 'FAT' PS3 is comending Sony this time for a lack of a better saying "getting it right" this time.

Still many experts believe that Sony needs to improve it's online component to really make a run at the XB360. Sony is improving little by little so we'll see if it gets better.

Re: PS3 Slim! XB360 price cuts! Console war on again!
Link | by on 2009-09-12 15:10:23
well here's my thoughts on it although it may change the looks i prefer the
other look just like they did with the PS2. the thing is...ps2 is still beating
the sales of the PS3 but gotta give them credit for doing this.

Tales of FC

Re: PS3 Slim! XB360 price cuts! Console war on again!
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-15 22:00:58
I don't have any next-gen systems, minus my clunker DS and PSP — mostly because
I just haven't had the extra money to spend on the expensive systems over the
past few years. However, with these pricecuts I can only expect the systems to
drop again sometime after christmas. If that does happen, I believe I'll take
my shot and go after the 360.

That'll leave it open for me to get a PS3 in the next year, since by then all
the big name titles like final fantasy and such will be out over here.

These pricecuts though really help the consumer, expecially in the economic crisis
here in the US. However, I still think gaming systems are WAAAAY too overpriced
these days. I mean go back to PS2 and Xbox, where we thought 200$ was alot.

Re: PS3 Slim! XB360 price cuts! Console war on again!
Link | by on 2009-10-18 07:13:48
The first indication on how well these price cuts are doing in North America will be revealed when the latest NPD stats are shown next monday, it was supposed to be released last thursday but i guess they needed more time to calculate the numbers.

So far in japan the PS3 have been outselling the Wii for the last few months now, still the DS is killing everyone with the PSP a distant second. It's funny that over in japan the XB360 is barely outselling the PS2 a system over 10 years old!

Re: PS3 Slim! XB360 price cuts! Console war on again!
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-10-18 07:31:36
I want to get a PS3 so I can play Naruto's Ninja Storm. So addicting. XD

A PS3 Slim is 300$, but a regular PS3 is the same price... so... what's up with that...

The new PSP Go or whatever is 50$ less than a PS3/Slim (which is rough).
Doesn't surprise me the DS's less talked about success compared to it's PSP cousin.

That stat with the sales of 360 in Japan are still the same from when I heard them like a year and a half ago!
There's really no need for 360 in Japan, maybe some people buy them to study them and do personal comparisons? Sony 360 anyone? XD

I agree about the online compared to 360, but the PS3 is going to grow into a virtual computer soon so who blames them.
I can only imagine how advanced the future PS4 will be and rumor-estimated beginning cost will surely be over a grand of green.

[@shuy] I think PS2 was cheaper than the XBox back then until they dropped prices, too.
I originally bought a brand new XBox for 300$, and looking on it now, it's kind of bull5H17 cause you can only sell it for like 1/6s of the price, if that even...

Games shouldn't cost more just because they're for the new consoles.


Re: PS3 Slim! XB360 price cuts! Console war on again!
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-19 17:12:18
All gaming systems and games are overpriced, but that's how they make money off
the consumers. It sucks for people like me who can't afford the systems let alone
the games to go with them. I can only hope we have more price cuts after christmas.

Oh, and the PSP GO is a horrible piece of .. well, yeah. It's only 50$ cheaper
then a PS3, but you can't play music on it, UMD discs, and you CAN'T DL the games
you already own onto it. The ONLY thing you can do is DL games from the PSP store,
which I do believe costs some money. The PSP GO is a rip-off; if you wanna buy it,
get a PS3 instead. Just not worth the money, AT ALL.

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