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Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-21 22:49:25
I didn't stumble upon a thread for this, and I know it will only relate to those
in north america, but I was wondering if anyone had checked out the mmorpg ` Cabal `?

It's a pretty fun game, like most other mmo's, but the leveling is made rather
enjoyable with the quests shelling out tons of XP, each attack + kill giving
experience points, and also the fact for however many hours you are not playing
you will get bonus XP for that amount of time next time you play!

If anyone does play, perhaps we can party up once in awhile.

Here's a link;

Re: Cabal ONLINE
Link | by on 2009-10-26 20:29:00
Used to play that one.Had a maxed out Blader with maxed out skills(ahh..the good old days I addicted the Training Dummy).But yeah I got tired of it after a few months.Other than that it was fun while it lasted.

Re: Cabal ONLINE
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-27 20:20:31
OHO, Someone else here played Cabal? I didn't tihnk I'd find anyone, haha!

I personally have gone with a Force Blader, but I havent played in like a week
cause I haven't found anyone to party with since some other friends haven't been
playing either. Gets a little blah when you have no one to play with u-u;

I can only hope some others drop by here and aid me as a party ;__; .. ~

Re: Cabal ONLINE
Link | by hachiro on 2009-10-29 18:50:36
I used to play Cabal, too. But after work kept piling up for me to do, I couldn't keep up playing so I decided to retire.
My character was a Force Shielder back then. Oh the memories, when I had lots of time I used to play more than 12 hours
in one day but I'd be all tired after that and just pass out on the bed. But now that I'm semi-free, I decided to
pick up another MMO. Less taxing than Cabal. I decided to pick up Luminary since it looked cute and focused on economics
and political stuff.

"The world can go on like I do not exist;
But I will craft my destiny."

Re: Cabal ONLINE
Link | by on 2009-10-31 17:52:40
Why don't you try Grinding your skill level? That always helps XD

Re: Cabal ONLINE
Link | by hachiro on 2009-11-04 08:56:15
Yeah, I tried that, too. I was pretty hooked on that game for a while and
so were my friends. But I think the fire just died so after one of us decided to call
it quits, we kinda just followed suit one after another.

"The world can go on like I do not exist;
But I will craft my destiny."

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