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The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by on 2009-11-02 07:55:16 (edited 2009-12-28 19:42:49)
Welcome to The Singles Club!

Like the name suggest, this is a gathering place for those who are single (be it in Gendou or in real-life) to post nonsense and through it bond as 1 (single)~

Nothing too strict here... so anything goes~ Singles can also come here to look for their other (better??) half should it ever happen!
And of course non singles are also welcome to here perhaps to find a new love?!

Nope, this is not a Matchmaking club, but a place for singles to check out other singles, for singles to share their joys & woes, for singles to vent their frustrations on being single for too long (violence & vulgarities not allowed) and etc!

All in all, is a place where singles are gathered! Because we are singles, we know how other singles feel (probably...) and thus, this club is formed!

Those who wanna be listed in the "Members List", please PM me/leave a post with (1) your nickname to be posted here and (2) the quote you want behind your name.

~List of members~
~ Engeliz (founder and eternally single till I god knows when)
~ vie (pets r better than lovers )
~ syrel (Once a single, always a single)
~ Terror (:P Good luck)
~ h4x0r dud3
~ Faellie (Single IS single and always BE single)
~ Single Dragon (Nice Dragons finish last)
~ GMeis (Only one SINGLE gundam stands at the top!)
~ Ash (A true-blue single! :D)
~ Eria (The lonely night's knight)
~ Matt C (Not sweatin the small stuff)
~ H (serious relationships? nah... fooling around with girls? yes)
~ Blupper (Singles Rock!)
~ Jow (endlessly searching for the other half)
~ Kei-kun (because we were born single)
~ Daryl (I'm teh Dark knight)
~ rinzhen (Single by choice)
~ Lunaria (a DULL girl who likes drawing characters)
~ adeline (Lonely Survivor)
~ Shuyin (You Don't Need A Reason To Help People)
~ Trax (Is this destiny?)
~ Wani (Lover? What's that? Is it edible? :O)
~ Ember (single 'cause that's the way life is sometimes)
~ primera (a wandering fairy)
~ kirakira (always be the lone warrior...till the end)
~ Ruukasu Oyeri (Relationships take to much effort -.-)
~ Tsujai (When we meet again tomorrow, I'll kick/punch you while I smile!)
~ Stel (♫ what is love? baby don't hurt me~♪)
~ Kiyoshi (Silent Love...)
~ kiralight4life (Has stayed single for too long)
~eri-chan (being single is fun! XD)
~ samsonov (Single till next Carnival)
~ Karasu (Always the best friend, never the boyfriend)
~ Sammeh (I'm single, demmit!)
~ tomomi (no strings attached :D)
~ Tummy (Nice guys finish last)
~ Imppy (Alone but not lonely)
~ Stolen (Single and happy, so STFU!)
~ Weezze (I walk alone)
~ settsuo (Sett-foundlove, lostlove, now loveless...)
~ Jc (We all need someone to be at our side that's why friends exist)
~ Eddie (Loves Hurts!!)
~ AL (Dont be afraid to be SINGLE!! lol)
~ C.Knight (Love...Is wasted on the weak)
~ IntelligentAlchemist (aka I.A.) (All are intimidated by me... )
~ kakUU.) (fly over heaven?)
~ Renma (Love is a disease while friends are the cure)
~ Naru (The moe one~)
~ Rastya (they don't really care about us)
~ hime (...of indescribable sweetness--chocolate ice cream ^_^)
~ Haseo/Ryou (All your base are belong to us...SINGLES)
~ Sieghard/chemical_o3 (Until the day my arranged marriage chained me, I shall keep myself loveless)
~ shizue (one is an identity)
~ Sacora (Why do Anime Guys have to be the Hot ones)!currently account banned!
~ anime19 (I'm happy being single.)

Results of Club Theme Song votes
- Yuri the only one for me (leetstreet boys) 4
- Alones (Aqua Timez) 2
- Nice guys finish last (Green Day) 4
- Flower (L'arc~en~Ciel) 1
- Colors of the Heart (UVERworld) 3
- Dango Daikazoku (Chata) 3
- Hara Hare Yukai (Aya Hirano) 11
- Spilt (Suneohair) 2
- Vivid Colors (L'arc~en~Ciel) 8
- I Wish (L'arc~en~Ciel) 0
- Koigokoro (B'z) 1
- Love Me, I Love You (B'z) 0

Hare Hare Yukai is now the official Single's Club Theme Song!!
Different Hare Hare Yukai ver vids
Kyon ver lyrics
Hare Hare Yukai off vocal vers

So as of now, our singers are... *drum rolls*
- Rinzhen/Meep
- GMeis
- Engel
- H
- Blupper
- Vie
- Eria
- Z
- Adeline

Demos for Hare Hare Yukai!

Singles Club Demos

Check out Single's Club Blog for details and updates & Single's Club Radio just for fun!

The Single's Club~

The Single's Club~ ver II

The Single's Club~ ver III

The Single's Club~ ver IV

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2009-11-02 08:41:09
horray for V5! hahaha
congrats guys XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-11-02 09:49:04
Nice ver. 5 now. *claps*

lol What you do is set up your trap.
The trap itself, and a Base.
At the beginning you only have that regular first Base.
Then you buy Cheese. At least 50-100 pieces. Since you are at the beginning, buy Cheddar.
The more you play, the more Gold you will eventually have, then you should hold more cheese.
Then, well... you basically just play(hit the horn) every 15 min.
And the game has an auto trap check system every hour for the next 24 hours after you were logged on.
Oh, and you will buy cheese in the Town you are at.

lol Fine, I'll switch and attempt to put it up later. xD

Well.. its warehouse work, and it's cheap labor.
Kinda how it is in certain areas. The paycheck is breaking a bit over $300 each week.
And it is tiring me out and losing some sleep for me, but I can make it work.
I usually try to adjust to everything. Mind over matter, I guess.

lol In ten years or so, I doubt I would still be working there though.
I heard the temp service that I work through, is very good.
If the place I work is not in need of me anymore, the temp service will try to find a new job for me ASAP.
But oddly enough I see more and more new people working there everyday. @_@
4th quarter is very busy, but after that... some people might get let go. :c

Well... he told me he didn't feel like working and wanted to go home.
I told I didn't really care, if he didn't feel like working, I can't really get him to work.
So he talked to the supervisor, and the just left 30 min. after.
So I finished his work, my work, and then random work that the kept sending me that had to be finished before 8 PM. @_@
And yeah, I was practically left alone the entire day.

If you go to Lagoon... you might not make much money there.
I wouldn't head to Lagoon either before getting the Drillbot or you bought the Kraken, unless you believe you ARE REALLY LUCKY.
Right now there are no good areas for Gold too well. You could hit the Mousoleum.
Otherwise, I would suggest, GGT or Lab for potions. Or, Dojo, and continue to farm for tokens, then shards, and so on.
Cause one Master of the Dojo = about 20,000+ Gold. :3

Where have you been?
You disappear too much. :o

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-11-02 10:29:41
yay for V5 *thows Danmaku confetti.
@Zparticus long time no see.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-11-02 11:53:27
Sweet, new thread already.

[@Ki-run] Ew freaking medicine is gross. What did you get it from btw?

[@GM] I guess, but yeah that paycheck, monthly total is pretty nifty.
Save up over the years if you stick with it, maybe eventually work less hours, etc.

Just stick to your guns, work hard, stay healthy, eat like Goku, and take care of yourself.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by on 2009-11-02 15:43:15
all righty the w00t Ver 5 *highfives everyones*

I now have a new laptop and i'm lovin it better than that broken down hand-me-down
lol that rhymes XD... ._.; err.. anyways Yataa!

Tales of FC

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by on 2009-11-02 18:15:14
your luck has come back
17 is a record to me ..
i think i caught only about 1-2 Hollowhead Mice..

you can try the radio first
finding the online radio or listening to gendou radio might help~
they shuffle for you , and if you like the song,you can always try to find them

yay Single Club version V~~
/throws confetti around~

anyway,i was mentioning this
whenever i enter this site,it said 'blog not found'

me → ←Z
;_; where have you been...~

oh wow~
welcome back~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by on 2009-11-02 18:19:55
YAY! Ver.5! Congrats!

So how's everybody doing? Sorry I havent been active in this club a lot lately ^^;

I'll get some pics of Halloween up for you guys soon, it was a crazy night for me, I felt like I had a nonalchoholic-hangover when i got home. NOT FUN. I'm also still sore from the activities stalking me and 3 other friends did. We got four giant boxers, and sat on the ground till people came by. Then when they passed we'd creep up behind them. Once they looked back we'd drop to the ground and pretend like nothing happened. Then we'd repeat the process. it was pretty epic lol. One guy chased us two blocks away from the party we were at XD And we boxed in(no pun inteneted) a 7th grader into the corner and antagonized him XD but yea ill get some pics for you guys later ;P

Tales of FC

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-11-02 18:39:26
@Adel hai thar. :3~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by koy+ on 2009-11-02 22:12:19
o ye ty adel

VER 5 YAY!! :D
soo how long hav i been here?..
2 versions? :D

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by on 2009-11-03 03:16:38
Adel: did we have a blogspot? who was maintaining it? I only know of this~~

Minna san!! Lets all work towards ver VI!!

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-11-03 04:39:50
ver 5!!
thank you engel *hugs*

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by HK on 2009-11-03 04:47:43


just walking in on V5..
and I just noticed one thing...
my name is still not on the list.. :D
It's fine.. no one else noticed it anyways... >XP

so yeah... I'm pretty much on my limit, but here I am posting and all...
guess I'm kinda over-reacting on the 'on my limit' thing... >.>
It's November... and it's a very special month for me.. :D
besides September... XD

Gmeis: wooo.. go teach him.. lolol... all hail gmeis... :D
so, how was the hollowhead hunt? XD

and for gold farming.. nothing beats ACRONYM in the Catacombs...
(is on my way there.. :D)

DA: from where I live, grades and the name of your school will
take you to a job you actually want and like... XD so yeah... >.>

lol DA, think anything about 'special occasions' but THAT... XD
I can't speak for them.. but I could speak for myself, there are times when
I sleep someplace else other than the shared house..

kaKUU: woo.. playing Mousehunt too now are you? XD
welcome to the club... hmm.. well, I'm more passive now than before, so yeah.

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by on 2009-11-03 06:14:13
Erm... Keiri... did you send me a PM to be on the member's list?

Cause Engel don't drop by very often and may not read her PMs often neither...
Perhaps could you PM me again?

Sorry if I missed your PM~

And Oh yesh... ^5 JC~

And adel... I love your penguine!!!

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by on 2009-11-03 08:28:43 (edited 2009-11-03 08:29:42)
hi Naru~
Happy Belated Halloween day :x
how was your Halloween,was it good?
or do you not celebrate Halloween?

it was in your first page,when you are copying from the previous
i thought you are the one that is maintaining the blog

have you even go through the first page when you copy from the previous version ._.ll?

Mina made the penguin
i beg her to make one for me :x
i really like it,so i put it beside my avatar
thank you so much :x

perhaps,you can PM Mina and see if she is available to make you one?

have you ever give your name and your motto to Engelz?
if you don't,then you might not be in the list
PM Engelz again to confirm your status ~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-11-03 09:15:16
Monthly wise the paycheck looks nice, yes.
But I can't really do any saving.
$200 per month goes to my mom, $301 goes to the bank for car payments.
And then I still owe my mom $6000. I am suppose to try to pay that off while sacrficing $500 right off.

lol Eat like Goku is something I can't do.
That would cost so much money. @_@

lol It ended up being 18. I caught 1 more after that post. xD
I think it's a record. I think I might have caught the most Hollowheads.
Very happy though, since they all dropped SB.
Though as long as you caught 1 you should be good. :D

lol I caught a total of 18 Hollowheads, with all of them dropping SB. xD
I had a good run with them. I stayed at the Bazaar for like 3-4 days for them.

I need to go to back to gold farming again.
I had the Gold but then I lent someone some Gold.
Gotta make it up again to get my Rhinobot. :3

Did you buy anything from Ronza?

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-11-03 09:30:00 (edited 2009-11-03 09:55:26)
[@Keiri] Yeah that's true, but if you're a teacher you should take time to actually know your students.

I mean yeah, a person with a 4.0 GPA isn't going to be some idiot,
but that doesn't mean someone who doesn't get it, isn't just as smart.

Yeah I took a sick day today though I'm not really that sick and just passed out on the couch last night.
I've been doing some all-nighters for some reason lately, and on Sunday night was like my third already. :/

[@GM] Oh, 6000 for the car, right? Or is it something else?

Once you get those payments out of the way first I guess, they'll be fine, you'll be saving fine in over a year or so.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-11-03 11:15:59
@Keiri welcome to the club btw
@Meii wow that sucks, no money for yourself?
@Adel my halloween was on Gendou chat, so it was entertaining.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by on 2009-11-03 11:46:37
i am so happy that you catch so many Hollowhead mice
/celebrates along
your luck has come back~
just like what we have told you before
your luck will eventually come back to you

good to hear that

Re: The Single's Club~ ver V (there will be no end~~)
Link | by on 2009-11-03 15:57:06
yay for v5!! keep it going fellas! :D

you lurker, come back here youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

you should do something like...revenge >D
lol jk, that'll be bad...

after this i'mma go for furoma again, gonna finish getting an onyx then i'll go to catacombs lol XD
so my priority isn't ambush atm...since i seem to be lucky enough using MVMT/magma combo :P
just waiting for my gnarled to finish while hoping i could get a shadow mice...
trolls and harpys keep coming to me ROFL
goblin did too like..twice. lol

very gross, i never fail to get the "i'mma puke" feeling...
wait, what means? the poisoning?

congrats again! :D
you should come often nao >D

lol i thought that blog is maintained by erika (eria)...
she's completely MIA now. lol.

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