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Final Fantasy XIV
Link | by angel_of_stone on 2009-11-15 12:58:41
I just recently found out about this game and I'm not sure if I'm disappointed yet.

It is going to be an MMO, like FF XI. I've never played FF XI, so I'm wondering if anyone can tell me whether Enix knows how to make a good MMO.

One high point of the game is that it is supposed to be in full HD (yes, I am a bit of a graphics whore). Other than that though, all I could gather from the videos and trailers is that it is going to be like the standard MMO: Kill the monsters, get better weapons, make money selling your trade, etc...

It will be pay to play on a 30 day basis, but no price has been set for the 30 day fee yet. It will be released on PC too, though, so one might be able to pirate it and use the money otherwise spent on the discs for a few months of play....

What are the opinions of all you other Final Fantasy fans?

"But as Deepak Chopra taught us, quantum physics means that anything can happen at anytime and for no reason." -Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth

"I don't have any opinions anymore. All I know is that no one is better than anyone else, and everyone is the best at everything." -Seymour Skinner

"...if I got trapped by an evil wizard then I did enough cool s**t in my life to be content with it ending. " -Wolf

Re: Final Fantasy XIV
Link | by Maiku on 2009-11-15 13:19:32
I'm looking forward to it, and it'll be the first (and only) game I'll pay a monthly subscription for (unless the asking price it too high). I never played XI though :'(

Re: Final Fantasy XIV
Link | by stash on 2009-11-15 14:27:56
Well I've never played a MMO before. So I guess I'll give FFXIV a try

Re: Final Fantasy XIV
Link | by Haoie on 2009-11-16 23:52:54
Another MMO? Give me a break.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Re: Final Fantasy XIV
Link | by on 2009-11-17 15:39:18
CRAP.How to the hell am I suppose to play that?! I was expecting it to be like Demon's Soul where you can play Offline.

Re: Final Fantasy XIV
Link | by on 2009-11-26 04:06:54
Mostly I am a fan of FF.. So I'm looking forward to it..

Almost had all the FFs games that was released.. especially that of the PSPs..

But will never play it if it will costs mo too much money..

Re: Final Fantasy XIV
Link | by doomedness on 2009-11-29 01:08:28
am not looking forward for the FFXIV, i tried FFXI and i didn't like it

Re: Final Fantasy XIV
Link | by angel_of_stone on 2010-03-24 09:57:15
They have Beta Test application on their main site now. I put in for it.

"But as Deepak Chopra taught us, quantum physics means that anything can happen at anytime and for no reason." -Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth

"I don't have any opinions anymore. All I know is that no one is better than anyone else, and everyone is the best at everything." -Seymour Skinner

"...if I got trapped by an evil wizard then I did enough cool s**t in my life to be content with it ending. " -Wolf

Re: Final Fantasy XIV
Link | by on 2010-03-26 14:03:48
i honestly don't know about this one... after seeing FFXI, i'm not gonna try this one

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