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Link | by syed_shinoda on 2009-12-01 09:28:48
PSPgo ownership so far?
a)Have it!!!
b)Gotta have it!!!
c)Kinda expensive...
d)Maybe later...

feel free to comment on PSPgo
like me for example...
i think the joystick for the PSP go is too small and i also personally think that they made the PSPgo really hard to mod... besides..its games are way to expensive for teens today .

Re: PSP Go
Link | by on 2009-12-01 10:26:59
I was planning to get one last one, but I think again that maybe I don't really need it.
Since a lot of people complain about how it doesn't feel comfortable at all.
And then I plan to get a PSP 3000 but nevermind again so I'm sticking with the 1000 lol.

They'll just keep releasing new stuff of this, so I don't see the point of getting it now.
There might be a PSP2 and PSP 4000 soon.

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: PSP Go
Link | by hello on 2009-12-01 20:19:44
Hell no. A crack for it isn't even out. How is a cheap china man like me supposed to play bootleg games? Besides. Psp #1 has been modded to a point where its a pimped music device, shows its limitless possiblilties of mods. Besides, where I live, i'd just use that money for the pspgo to buy a wii and some blank cd's to burn some games for it.


Re: PSP Go
Link | by Haoie on 2009-12-03 01:03:11
Downloads only? No thanks.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Re: PSP Go
Link | by stash on 2009-12-03 14:30:56
I was planning on getting it. But now I don't think it's worth it

Re: PSP Go
Link | by on 2009-12-03 14:47:11
naah, i don't really like PSP Go design...i rather use my money to buy other consoles that i don't have yet since i have PSP 2000.

Re: PSP Go
Link | by noonewilluse on 2009-12-03 15:28:12
-no any difference from PSP 3000
-R1 and L1 button bit a little hard to reach coz the slide model
+small and handy model

if you'd like to play extreme game, it was a bad choice
better to save your money or buy PS3 slim~ =D

Seeing is BelievingPhotobucket

Re: PSP Go
Link | by on 2009-12-07 20:10:55
yep, for me i think the PSP Go is a bit... uncomfortable? lol
and maybe there are still more improvement on the creation of the current PSP

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