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Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-04 04:37:52
Anyways,I just got the game yesterday and I saw the stance "Dual Sword" and "Ninja Dual sword"(?).How do you unlock the stance/s?

Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-04 05:23:39 (edited 2010-02-04 05:26:48)
not too sure if this source is helpful or true but, while i was looking in the forums it says...

for Duel Welding & Ninja Dual sword
to unlock the ability you have to reach a certain number of samurai points
(around 800-1000 points from what i read)
and to learn Ninja skills you have to buy
the Ninja Scroll 800 Yen Vendor The Road Day 3 or 4

this is the best i can do.

Tales of FC

Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-04 05:32:33
Alright,Thanks JC.Now all I have to do is finish the games once or twice more to get those.I really wanted 'em :D

Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-04 10:08:53 (edited 2010-02-04 10:23:11)
Yeah, Duel Sword Stance is something you get when you earn enough Samurai Points. 800-1000 is not a lot, I got it on my second time through (where I got an ending after only 7 days. Just be very careful when fighting because hitting civilians will completely destroy any points you have (You lose like 50 points for every time you even hit them, not mention the number of points you can lose in other ways).

Duel Sword is a great stance for most enemies. It gives you a high defense durability (the durability of both swords is combined to make up your overall defense. So if both swords have a 4 bar durability, then your defense is 8 bars). It has high attack power (again, based on the swords you use). The only downsides to this style is the fact that it's relatively slow, I love to use this style personally, and I have difficulty hitting faster enemies (such as boss/special characters with quick stances). From what I've seen, this style also doesn't have much in the way of combo's.

I should get a picture of my current character. I'm using two custom longswords that I named [Holy]Pale Moon and Blue Moon. I don't have a title for the Blue Moon yet, and I got the title Holy for the Pale Moon by fighting in a non-lethal fashion. I'm bad in close quarters fighting with that particular stance though, because while the duel longswords give me a huge reach they are also slow, so unless I have the room to back up and use my reach advantage, it's a pretty bad fighting style.


Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-05 15:39:04
Hmm I see what you mean.I just unlocked it last night.I got it when I finished with a 3-day ending.That's kinda lame seeing as it only took me an hour and a half,only to find out that I was going to sacrifice myself.

Anyway,the style's combos are kinda slow in learning.I think I'll either stick to that stance or just use the Draw Stance again.

Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-05 15:59:06 (edited 2010-02-05 16:00:06)
The endings are definitely not as good as in previous titles. My biggest problem with the way that the endings are done is that you don't actually have control over the ending, and it usually kills off your character in a text scroll or cutscene.

I was hoping for more control over your Samurai's story. No, I don't want to just surrender to the Lord, I'm pretty sure I can kill him and every one of his men. No, I didn't just fight bravely to the death against what was left of the Lord's Army, I just wiped out half of it single-handed (including the Captain of said forces) in the previous battle. A lot of the endings are pure BS. If my character gets a death ending, it should be because I died fighting, not because the game decides that I die. At the very least they could have set it up so that I had to fight an endless wave of enemies until I got killed.

Anyway, this is my current character. I love the joke accessories in this game so much, my guy looks awesome with sunglasses. [Thumbnailed. Click to enlarge]


Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-06 05:41:56 (edited 2010-02-06 05:42:39)
Nice! Three swords! too bad you can't use the other sword XD.Anyways Have you completed the costumes and such? I still only have like 1500+ Samurai points so yeah.

Can you recommend me a sword(Preferably Draw Stance) or items to make a cool sword?

Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-06 06:43:45 (edited 2010-02-06 06:45:38)
@Ken - I've never really used Draw Stance since I don't like the look of it.

It's hard to recommend certain parts, because the parts have varying stats. All I can say is that I bought my parts from the shops that sell them. Parts that enemies drop are almost completely worthless half the time. I'm not sure if enemies drop better stuff in harder difficulties, but I've only come across 2 or 3 parts worth using from enemy drops.

I've already got most of the costumes, I think I'm only missing 1 (which is probably sitting at the 10,000 Samurai Points mark).

Have you beaten the Dojo Master yet? lol That took me a while to beat because those old men always stopped the fight if I didn't do exactly as they said.


Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-06 17:32:47 (edited 2010-02-07 04:53:48)
Yeah,I'm already at the third floor trying to kick Sensei's ass.It's kinda disappointing to get beaten up by a girl with a stick when your using two sharp swords. XD

Can you tell me a quicker way of getting new skills for Dual Stance? I'm kinda still at like 4 skills or something.

Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-07 14:31:19 (edited 2010-02-07 14:32:06)
The best ways to unlock new skills is to use the stance a lot. All I can really tell you besides that is:

1) Avoid instant kills.
2) Harder difficulties makes it easier for you to match opponent's skills.

Other than that, it's just about tracking down scrolls. I'm not entirely sure myself, because I haven't mastered a stance yet (even though I've been using the Dual Sword stance since I got it).


Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-07 15:30:35
Scrolls? You mean the "Scroll:Dual Stance" right? I found one when I killed Shuzen once.But I don't know where to find the others.

Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-07 15:46:43 (edited 2010-02-07 15:47:22)
Well there are Basic and Advanced scrolls as well. Chances are you already have all the basic skills though. Dual Stance scrolls are hard to find, you might want to try a harder difficulty whenever you are able to.


Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-07 17:14:05
Where can I find the scrolls? Random Enemy Drops?

Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-07 17:19:43 (edited 2010-02-07 17:20:26)
Pretty much. I don't think there's any efficient method to getting them besides just killing random enemies. I would assume that the good scrolls only come from stronger enemies, or you could go in to Hard Mode.

Have you found any of the partners yet? I really dislike the partners you can get in this game, the girl partners are so freaking slow because they always move at a walking pace. Partners sounded like such a great idea, but their movement speed ruins the concept.


Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-08 06:18:22
I commonly use the bodyguard girl,Momoji and the partner you call "Mom".Yeah I agree with you.They're super slow and they get slower once their Kimonos get cut(pretty funny,though XD).I wanna get Itsuse as a partner,she looks useful,but yeah it sucks.

Re: Way of the Samurai 3
Link | by on 2010-02-08 12:43:55
I like Momoji as well, mainly because she can carry extra weapons (she's not too bad of a fighter either).

I spent the first few playthroughs trying to get Itsuse either as a partner or in an ending, because so far she's the only character that I really want to fight beside. No matter how much I talk to her, or fight her, or what I say to her though it doesn't seem to affect her in any way. I'm not entirely sure that there is an ending with her, or even a story path, and her as a partner seems a little unlikely.

The partner idea could have been interesting, the partners all seem to have back stories and everything, like the widow who hires herself out as a bodyguard to pay the bills, a girl who believes you killed her father, the one who just wants to eat a. . . jumbo radish, okay so not all of them have interesting back stories. I just wish that you had the chance to spend more time with them and learn about them (and that they didn't move so freaking slow!), but the game basically forces you in to an ending around day 13 or so, which I was disappointed to find out.

I really love the Way of the Samurai games, but I just wish that they would fix a lot of these problems, namely the time limit.


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