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What do u think of "I My Me!! Strawberry Eggs?"
Link | by bunny on 2004-07-03 04:48:54
Well i think that it was sad. That show makes me sad everytime i watch it. I like the emotional action part. There so many of those ^_^ myu

Geez, there has to be a limit 4 lacking common sense! says:P

Re: What do u think of "I My Me!! Strawberry Eggs?"
Link | by Marbles on 2004-07-05 07:50:00
I love "I my me! strawberry eggs". It's actually a really touching anime, but the dub is quite terribly done.
It's also something that ticks over quite nicely in your head and I went to a girls scvhool with an ultra-feminist headmistress so I find it v.v. cool

"Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?"

Re: What do u think of "I My Me!! Strawberry Eggs?"
Link | by Barako on 2004-07-15 02:29:06
I really liked the series, it was really really good. ^_^ The dub didn't bother me when I saw it, but that was years back when most all I HAD seen were dubs, other than a few eppies of Trigun and most of Card Captor Sakura. Hibiki rocked my socks. How can someone be hot as a guy and sexy as a girl, and switch whenever they want to?! It's so evil. T_T

Re: What do u think of "I My Me!! Strawberry Eggs?"
Link | by panegryst on 2004-07-15 07:38:35
i can't stand the MAN PANTY SHOTS. just disturbing.

Re: What do u think of "I My Me!! Strawberry Eggs?"
Link | by l1l5n0wfa1ry on 2004-08-11 20:11:46
HAHAHA!!! i dnk itz pretty funny. I luved it!! I just thought da prt. where hibiki fall in luv w/ his student waz pretty gross b/c hez so... old. LOL!!!

Re: What do u think of "I My Me!! Strawberry Eggs?"
Link | by StupiDSeeD on 2004-09-09 18:29:41
A perverted teacher who's hitting on a student -_-;

Re: What do u think of "I My Me!! Strawberry Eggs?"
Link | by AyuTateishi on 2005-03-26 04:40:27
I like this series. Too bad it only had 13 episodes. I like Fuko-chan and Hibiki. I like Fukai too. (are the spellings correct?)

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