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PSone to PS3 Via PSP
Link | by on 2010-03-23 08:48:07
I was wondering if you could transfer PSone games to the PS3 via the PSP.You see I got the game Final Fantasy VIII(PSN version) on my PSP and I want to play it on the PS3.Is it possible?!

Re: PSone to PS3 Via PSP
Link | by on 2010-03-23 20:31:04 (edited 2010-03-23 20:35:16)
If you downloaded FFVIII via your Playstation Network account, then all you need to do is access that account on your PS3 and go to your downloads list to re-download it.

Otherwise there is a way to transfer files from a PSP to a PS3, but I don't know the exact steps at the moment, since I've never had to do it. I could hook it up and get you a list of steps though.


Re: PSone to PS3 Via PSP
Link | by on 2010-03-23 21:40:34
Oh cool Jon! That would help me a lot! :D

Re: PSone to PS3 Via PSP
Link | by on 2010-03-24 19:02:02 (edited 2010-03-24 19:02:09)
Unfortunately it doesn't work. You can copy videos and pictures by connecting the PSP to the PS3, but not games. You'll have to re-download the game on your PS3 by signing in to your PSN account from there. You could try putting the memory stick in to your computer and copying the game file on to a USB drive, then transferring that to the PS3, but I don't know if that works either since I haven't had to try it.


Re: PSone to PS3 Via PSP
Link | by on 2010-03-24 22:04:39
Hmmm..thanks anyway man.It's a bummer though

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