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Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by Elyon on 2010-03-28 14:01:33 (edited 2010-03-28 14:01:45)
I know kind of a stupid question, but is Japan like how animes potray it ( such as Cardcaptor Sakura). Is it really that beautiful and is everyday life really like that?

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by gendou on 2010-03-28 14:06:07
Yes. During spring, the Sakura trees are every bit as beautiful as depicted in anime.

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by on 2010-03-28 15:54:25
I would agree with Gendou-sama..

But always remember, animes are exaggerated art of the real things.. So it isn't like that exactly..

ag CarRoT

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by Elyon on 2010-03-28 16:30:26
Cool! But is the lifestyle similar? Is it really aslaid back a s animes make it seem where the kids go around their town by themselves?

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-03-29 12:38:22
Are you talking about students being more independent at a younger age or just exploring their city a lot on their own?

I'd say both. Public transportation seems pretty active over there, from what I've read and seen.


Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by shesshomaru-sama on 2010-04-05 16:39:43
I agree as well with gendou-sama but some of the places are like that but not exactly like the animes. i've heard of a street where people get dressed up in lolita outfits and gothic lolita outfits too and some anime con ones too. poeple take pictures of them or they just talk and sit on the edge of the street,its really cool from what i saw. forgot the name of the street though. 'sighs' wish i could remember,i'd visit it first thing if i was in japan.

i've heard that the high school students are allowed to go home for their lunch hour and that its not just one hour either that they get like hour and a half or something. other schools let the students go home for a few hours miday because their younger siblings are getting out and they take care of them and then go back to school like two or so hours later. but that takes some diciplin which i'm sad to say is lacking here in the usa,most kids here would just stay home or go out somewhere but some might go back to school. other then that i'm hoping that the life is laid back like in the anime because where i live is a bit too hectic for me.

hope to have a great time here. i love anime!Photobucket

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by ... on 2010-04-26 00:41:55
Me too i also agree to Gendou-sama, but not everything you see in anime is always the exact the same as in the real world, but anime can be a door way for those who want to see Japan but has no time to go there..Right Gendou-sama?? ^^


Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by mewarmo990 on 2010-05-09 22:52:27
Is America like the Family Guys?

Maka here is an wonderful example of why it's a bad idea to home school your children. Maybe also a good example of why inbreeding is a bad idea, although the paternity test has not been done to say for sure. -Gendou

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by seraphna on 2010-05-13 06:59:22
Sadly Mew, yes, yes it is.

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by az-if on 2010-05-13 07:54:52
So,it's the same.???

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Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by Darkumbra on 2010-05-14 06:55:11
Yes, and all Black people smoke weed, Mexicans in the USA are illegal, and all White people are rich. No, it's not exactly the same! It's insulting. I hate it when I speak to a Japanese person and tell them bluntly " I am from the STATE of New York" and they automatically ask me if it's just like Sex in the City. Of course! Because the other 500,000+ square miles of New York does not exist. Not even the capital, Albany....

Don't believe everything about a country just because of popular media (thats selling). Read a book.

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by Jomunga on 2010-05-15 13:35:08
Anime doesn't really do Japan's beauty justice. Even if you see real good pictures of some of Japan. It really doesn't match the experience of the constant and panoramic view your eyes would give.

If you want to compare, try finding a live action Japanese Drama. Then the equivalent anime.

After seeing Japan I realized how much of a shithole LA looks.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by hano on 2011-03-23 14:35:09
Well just for curiosity,,, Does Detective Conan describe Japan well???

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by Guitar! on 2011-03-26 03:15:11
Well, what's drawn in Anime usually is real life examples, just that
They are a lil' bit 'OVER', if you get what I mean.

Mio is Awesome!

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by pokkoro on 2011-03-26 03:31:46
Environment definitely -dreamy sigh-
We had a couple of transfer students from Japan a couple of weeks ago. I noticed their skirts were past the knees =p
Something pretty different from the stereotypical portrayal of skirt lengths in most school life anime.
But they all had the 'sailor' -type shirts, dark blue and very matching.
All were very cute, fair and VERY polite.

Meeting them was a pleasure and a wonderful experience.

Photobucket Photobucket

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by damd666 on 2011-04-19 03:36:34
I hate my country i wana move ther :/

How much for a flight ???

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By beastyd at 2011-03-25

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by srt01 on 2011-04-19 10:19:44
I lived in Shibuya(5 min train ride from Tokyo) during my late (3-6th grade)elementary years.

I personally treasure nature and I loved the huge park they had, but except for that living there was just a pain for me because the culture gap and all I would see is buildings made of concreat (Wich I hated) the community I was a made a little foriegner friendly except for the fact the children were very attacktive to Americans bombing Japan in WW2. This was a horrible thing for me who was a Japanese born in the US being called a "traitor" like I had any thing to do with WW2...

I have grand parents living in the mountains of Sendai. It is like a 3 hour drive from Tokyo and 1 hour with a bullet train. I loved this place, even though it was quite modernized I couldn't change the landscape and walking for 5 minuets from my grandparents house there was a huge forest. I used to go on the forest and catch some beetles and other insects.

So I should say Japan is really like what a manga/anime shows. Including all the bad things too.

 photo SRTsigver3_zps80ee60d1.png

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by on 2011-04-19 22:00:12
In short, real life cannot be depicted by anime.

However, I see some anime try to portray the landscape and the city relatively close to Japan's setting, which is rather commendable. It shows how animators are also trying to preserve their culture.

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by roxas678 on 2011-06-21 21:53:27 (edited 2011-06-21 21:54:51)
My half Jap and my mom's side of the family resides in Kyoto. A lot of anime can do it justice but sometimes, you have too see the beauty for yourself. During the Sakura season in Kyoto, Summer in Osaka, Autumn in Nara and finally Winter in Tokyo. There is absolutely nothing like it.

The main thing that annoys me is the strict rules on piracy. Also, there are a few unnatural things around such as a bestiality restaurant in Roppongi. Other then that, I would not trade the country for anything in the world.

@poko - yeah, that is one thing that surprises a lot of people. In reality the skirts are below knee length and if they extend to cover your feet, normally those are Yankees.

Re: Is Japan Like the Animes?
Link | by clannadkanon on 2011-06-21 22:09:44
Now, I really feel like I should move to Japan after graduating from college...

I'll learn Japanese there and find a job there...

It'd be nice if Japan is really peaceful like that...

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