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God of War 3
Link | by on 2010-03-30 16:37:14
im suprised theres no thread on this yet. so has anyone played it yet? i bought it not to long ago and OMG the opening scene itself is so epic and the first boss is one of the 3 brothers. if you know greek mythology then you know of the three. i wont spoil it to who. im at where the demo is now. this game is so epic though. any opinions?


Re: God of War 3
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-03-30 16:57:55
Was going to get it, but I'm getting another, cheaper game for now.
I actually heard mixed reactions about it, this and that, here and there.
Some fans on the PSN forums said Dante's Inferno's story was even better.

One thing I didn't like was how one of the creators or whatever of the game talked about the big bosses and whatnot,
and how it was never done before. Umm, hello, he's never heard of SOTC? That game is the epitome of big bosses, but yeah.


Re: God of War 3
Link | by on 2010-03-30 17:06:11
yea its probably arrogance from the creator but hell it deserves lots of credit. the only complaints ive heard about it was that it is more of the same. it kinda is because they keep the same combos and some of the finishing moves for minotaurs/gorgons are the same but they add new things to gameplay to make it fun nad kratos is hell of a bad*** in this one.


Re: God of War 3
Link | by on 2010-04-01 03:56:57 (edited 2010-04-01 04:57:10)
yeah i bought this game 3 days after the release.

spoilers beware

well just one thing i'm bothered, i haven't played in a while and i can't seems to glide well lol
i like the new moves, where you can grab enemies and do a ramp through all the other enemies, also you can grab enemies using the axe too

well i'm not sure if i played half way or not, i have stopped playing since i'm not at my hometown this time around

Re: God of War 3
Link | by on 2010-04-01 05:47:42
I have the game.It's just like the other GoW games.Only with better graphics and such.Love the way Kratos makes everybody an enemy though,oh and the scene with Hephaestus was funny XD

Re: God of War 3
Link | by youplease on 2010-04-23 06:57:46
yea but the final suck u_u ~

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