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Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-04 06:22:43 (edited 2013-08-31 15:57:05)
Welcome to the Gendou Poetry Club

Those of us over at the Writers Club decided that it might be a good idea to start a Poetry club. (Poetry is a part of writing, a few of us just wanted to keep it separate) So I’m now introducing you to the Poetry Club V2! Since the old one kinda died...

The Original Poetry Club

Happy Almost Summer!!!

Staff Members
Organizer: Anke
Co- Organizer: Toyumi
Poetry Contest Judge: (Must be a Reading Member)

Current Topic of Discussion
What will you do for summer break this year?

Poetry Contest

Poetry Contest Grading Sheet

How to Join

Just create a post saying that you want to join!!! Be sure to include the following:

Nickname (If you change it just PM me :])
Writer or Reader (Pick One)


1. Keep the Language Civil Please :)
2. No flames!
3. No Spamming (Conversations about poetry are allowed)
4. Only one Poem per Post
5. Have Fun!




Writing Members


Elle (or L)

=Rie Hirayuki




Reading Members

The Poems


My fault

The Tale of a Hardworking Student

Shattered on the Floor

Cloud Nine

My Liefde

Our Fairytale

Don't Trust Me


Not So Long Ago

Learning to Be Your Friend Again

The State of My Heart

Always There

A Little too Late

Dreams of Homecomings Future


The Space Between Twilight

Falling to Pieces



Welcome to the Fantasy World

Splash and Step

Gonna Rock the House! and Paths

Unreachable Dream

Watching the Stars


Soft Snow


Our Love is Blind


She is Like a Wave


Song of My Life

Escape from the Norm


The moment, the hour, the minute

If you are...


Autumn Feelings & Waiting

My 'Virus' Event & Thoughts: Come out wherever you are & My Best Friend

The Festival of Night

Light Goes Out As The Wind Blows The Candle

An Empty Man's Heart Scouting For Girls

Laughter, Saddness and Sorrow


Tomorrow I Will Change

What Am I?


Its Within You

The Time in My Life

Life Is Art



Soulmates at Heart?

Things About You

Untold Realities

Hika Chan




One Malaysia


The Joy


Resonance of souls

Poem Trio

Of Words and Meanings


Shadow, Fallen Angel and Guardian Angel

Deception, Slow Death, Numb to the Pain, and Lost Soul

Breathing Again




Of Words and Meanings


Flawed and Dreams of Happiness




The Day of Me

I Do Not Know

A Lucky People


Mr. Mouse's Adventure

Rusting Possibilities

For the Ladies


Prophecy Circle

My Pantoum

Missing You

A Mundane Girl

It's Inside Us

Welcome Back

Weight of Freedom

The Strongest Smile

Beyond the Winter Snow

A Fairy's Tale


Sleepless Night



The Vicious Cycle

She Is

Dearest Anke


Torturous Thoughts

To Johnny

Untold Realities

Crimson Colored Set

I Don't Know>


Peace on Earth, Those Final Words

Belief in Color


Thank You


I'm Freaking Tired

Ignorance that Kills


The Night Child

Slimy, Ungrateful Boy

Sing-Song For Heavy Hearts


You're Everything

The Reason Which I Live

Lost in Her Past




Boredom Kills



All My Love, My Love


Thinking Positively

As Time Stands Still

A Moment of Happiness

A Less Flowy Bunch of Words


Mine to Condem

It Won't Be Just A Dream

The Hands of Time

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-04 06:32:34
Anke: I'm gonna join the writer.. but if both would be possible then i'm gonna join two of them ^^

good luck with this thread ^^

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-04 11:36:47
@ Shae - Welcome! If you're a writer you're automatically a reader! So no worries!!

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-07 14:49:09
Didn't even notice you started the new thread already until I started looking through things around here ^^; (I've been really busy lately so I haven't had the chance to go through and really read things)

So I'll join as well.

Nickname: Toyumi
I'm more of a reader, but I write a few poems as well.
The Hosting Link: Go Here

And may I have the honor of posting the first poem? ^^


I have a question, but keep it between us two.
If you could disappear, would you?
Could you leave everyone behind
and leave each of them out of their minds?
Can you imagine, a life without you?
Do you know what everyone will do?
Your closest friends, where will they be?
Will their lives be better or worse, will you see?
No, because a world without your life
is like cutting fog with a knife,
Everything will be confused,
I know you won't be amused.
If you could disappear, would you?
No, you won't and that's good for me too.

As you probably know, I posted this in the Writer's Club first. But it is a poem so it might as well go here too.

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-08 06:47:15
@ Toyumi - Welcome!!! Yeah I recognize the poem, but it's a lovely one so I'm glad you posted it again!!!!

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by holkers on 2010-04-12 23:55:00
oooo~ I'm so joining.

Name: Holkers
As mention in your post to reply to Shae's question, then I shall be writer.
Avatar host:

Here's a few of mine which also inspired by my dad's poem. We made a little note book of our own poetry book xD
It's not much.. xD

The moment, the hour, the minute
The moment
that's so precious
is when
the hour
we are together
So close to on another
that the heart beats faster
And almost touch the other
and the minute
so divine
and fine
and definition no one can define

Never had the chance to post it in the writer's club xD

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-13 09:43:53 (edited 2010-04-13 17:54:52)
@ Hokers - I love your poem!!! It has a nice rhythm to it!
Edit: never mind, my computer was being stupid >.>''

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-13 11:50:27
@ Holkers- Thank you for coming to the dark side!!! (rofl, just had to say that.) I really like your poem. Like Anke said, it has a nice beat to it, and its really cute.

@ Anke- I just tried it, and the link worked fine for me.

Also I made another poem, I just have to find it. I'll post it later.

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-13 17:57:36 (edited 2010-04-13 17:57:44)
@ Toyumi- I can't wait to read your new poem!!!

My Fault

Oh I wish I could think,
that it was all your fault.
It would make my heart sleep easy,
just to know I never did wrong.

But I know I did my part,
and I know that my apology won't mean a thing,
but I won't close my eyes until you hear it from me.

I'm so sorry my friend
for blaming you for my every inner pain,
I'm sorry for complaining about every ache in my body,
I am sorry for everything you think I did wrong,
even if it's just a figment of your imagination.

If hating me makes it easier to forget,
then I guess I'll have to hate you too.
But you know that's not my nature,
and that's my fault.

yeah... I think that one's kind of depressing, no?

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-14 13:01:54
@ Anke: I like your poem alot. It is depressing, but it's very good. ^^

I spent a long time looking for the poem yesterday, and then remembered that I didn't type it. ^^; So after a little bit of a delay, here it is...

Welcome to the Fantasy World

Welcome to the fantasy world.
Where wild dreams com true
And there's fun all abound.
An amusement park here,
A chocolate factory there,
It is surely the place to be.

Welcome to the fantasy world.
Having fun isn't just an option
It's a way of life.
Fun in the sun
And you play all day,
just wait for the action at dusk.

Welcome to the fantasy world.
When the sun goes down
The monsters come out.
The Boogie Man and the monster in the closet,
They are all accounted for.
Even Big Foot is here.

Welcome to the fantasy world.
Where the monsters play at night,
Some eat people
Some eat dreams
The monsters are very awful and mean.

Welcome to the fantasy world.
As the sun comes up the monsters flee
The people wake up.
They notice some are missing,
But they don't care.
For they go and have fun all day.

Welcome to the fantasy world.

So what do you think? Kind of long, I know. I wrote this one recently (unlike Disappear), so if there's a difference in style than that's probably the reason.

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-15 16:14:25 (edited 2010-04-15 17:47:24)
@ Toyumi - I like it! It has great imagery! I almost feel like I'm in wonderland!

The Tale of a Hardworking Student

When you read this don't be down,
and try to erase that disappointed frown.
You've done your best,
so let them do the rest.
Because everyone had their foils, and you're just happens to be Pre-Calc.

I know what you are going to say;
that this subject has ruined your day.
Just remember that in the end,
you still have a very good head.
And years later these trivial grades will not mean anything.

So what if you're a big fish in a small pond,
you're making mistake as if you were a blond.
Don't worry about them calling you dumb,
because at them, you may bite your thumb.
The future is a mystery that you are holding in the palm of your hand.

This one had a lighter tone to it ^.^ I wrote it in Pre-calc today when I received a very unwanted grade on a test. Oh and just a side note, I don't have anything against blonds, it just rhymes with pond and gets my point across. So I apologize to all the fair haired people out there :3

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-15 16:38:58
Oh my, a Poetry club. Mind if I join in?

ag CarRoT

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-15 17:46:11
@ Carrot - sure thing you may join, please read the first post!!!

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by holkers on 2010-04-15 22:39:30
Anke: Thank you very much :DD
That was really sad poem. Even I can feel the pain. Lol. Been there done that xD

Toyumi: You know, it's like a mixture of the animation land.
Chocolate factory, Wonderland, Neverland, and so on.
Geez I wish I am an animated character kid!

Anke Poem #2: Wow, I like it. That would be a great advice.
If only some would open their eyes and realize xD

Carrot: You're welcome here :D

Okay this poem is really old of mine.
My beginner poem which I point it out x:

If you are...
If you are a bird,
Will you fly up in the sky?
And warned the people down below,
That a danger is coming from the sky?

If you are a tree,
Will you grow taller and bigger?
And protecting the people that are short and smaller,
That a bomb is aiming at their children?

If you are a building,
Will you stay strong?
And braving to save the people,
That a giant ant is killing all the innocent?

If I were them,
I will do the same.
Will you?

A little edit in that poem.
Enjoy :D

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by MATRYOSHKA 8D on 2010-04-16 00:55:53
Joining :3

Nickname: Chie
Reader :3

Yoroshkun ne? :3

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-16 02:58:44
Hi there, I haven't had a chance to check out the Writers Club yet, if I have the free time, I would really like to read all the stories written in the Writers Club.
As for now would I be able to join in the Poetry Club although I’m not a member or the Writers Club.
Anyway, I am also new at this section. Hopefully it won't be a problem.

Nickname: Jo
I’m actually more into reading; however I will also write something if I’m free. XD
Avatar’s link:

Here I had something to start off to describe my true self.

Tomorrow I Will Change

Tomorrow I will change
turn a new leaf
and start anew

I will exercise before breakfast
Not eat cookies between meals
Not fret over trivialities
Not to regret
after studying last minute
Not run about
being upset
over something small
and so

Tomorrow I will change
I say this every day
Nothing gets into mind

This is a piece of my introduction. Hope its okay.

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-16 12:03:41
@ All: Wow I guess we're getting a lot of people here! Let's share our interest in poetry! (Am I like the welcoming committee or what? rofl... Although it is a good job to have...)

@ Chie: Welcome!

@ Jo: Welcome! And I like your poem, the starting over sort of thing can really apply to alot of people. It's the kind of poem that someone can connect with.

@ Carrot: Welcome, but like what Anke said please put your joining post in the correct format! (see first post)

@ Anke: Thank you! And I love your poem too! And I can relate. The same thing happens to me in Geometry all the time...

@ Holkers: Yeah, that's the kind of feel I was going for (Like there can never be a utopia sort of place because something has to be wrong in order to achieve perfectness. That's where the monsters come in.) And I like your poem too. It's like there's sadness, and hope in all of the sadness.

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-16 16:12:30
Oh I see.. XD

Nick: Carrot
I have the same questions as Shae's guess I'll be a writer then!
Link: This

ag CarRoT

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-16 17:54:59
@ Holkers - Wow that poem is sooo neat! I love how it conveys a message and is kind of abstract in a way!

@ Chie - Welcome!!! Feel free to use the reader's avatar and enjoy! Oh and please comment on any poetry you want, most writers love comments and constructive criticism!

@Jo - Welcome!!! I love your poem man I can see myself in that one so I totally relate! Every day it's like "ok I'll start dieting now!" but then its always a three day thing and then I just HAVE to have that cookie XD!

@ Toyumi - Isn't it exciting to have so many members now!!! yey!!! We have an official welcoming committee!!!!

@ Carrot - Thanks!!! Welcome to the Poetry club!

Re: Poetry Club v2
Link | by on 2010-04-19 03:41:34
Thanks for all the complement. I will try to post a better poem the next time.
I haven't had a chance to read the all this beautifully written poem the other day.
So I will do it today. What a serene moment.

Both your poems are certainly wonderful. It’s like putting me in that imaginary fantasy world itself.
Whereas the other poem disappear shows a different type of emotions and feeling deep down.

Your poems are awesome too. I really need the poem like the tale of a hardworking student. It relates to me a lot, since I’m in my exam years and failing is part of life now. X.x

I will, if I’m able to do just as the nature calls me too.
It surely is a nice poem with a good tone in it.

This is my next poem. Sadly, it’s sounded so lonely, a bit of hatred and depressing too. O.o

What Am I?

Somewhere in between always giving to others
And always keeping it all to myself
I stand
Somehow in between only caring for others
And only caring for myself
I live
Somehow only for others
I ask
Who will be there for me?
When I am only for myself
Then what am I?

I’m not able to online all the time, maybe a poem a week or two. Hopefully it’s fine.
This club kinda slow >.< Hope to see more beautifully created poem here. Have a nice week everyone.

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